Meta Bank + Dubai Assassination = Yes, Meta Bank is responsible

Meta Bank did it – What “James Bond” and his counter parts really looks like is a lot like Meta Bank

Storm Lake Citizens are in complete disbelief that anyone in their community would be a part of an international espionage ring. What did they think? Did they expect an international terrorist and assassin’s accomplice would look like James Bond? Get real! For any international terrorist to pass in American Society, they are going to have to pass as more American and more wholesome than anybody just to throw the scent off from them. They might even start to suggest that other people might be terrorists at times in an effort to distract us from looking at their All-American appearance, but what would be the best location to hide out in America where nobody, but nobody is going to look for terrorists. You’ve got it! Storm Lake, Iowa. Right in Middle America on their computers reaching out to the world with the intent to destroy the others, meaning us in this case, much like on a computer game only in this case we are real people with families and lives.

Are they driven by greed or are they driven by a vision for a new world of some kind? We may never know. Meta Bank may just be greedy and incompetent. Meta Bank has crossed the lines of common decency to their fellow humankind time and time again while creating another image of themselves on line and perhaps in their own neighborhood. If Meta Bank can lie to their customers without flinching, what will stop Meta Bank? Where is Meta Bank’s conscience? I have yet to see one.

And you might ask, why us? We are Americans too. But they are simply out for money and the thrill of winning at all costs. Who you are doesn’t matter since you are no more significant than a game piece on any computer game. There will be more games to play with more characters; there always are. Well at least from Meta Banks  perspective. Being one of the others just isn’t any fun. Our first temptation is to fight back, but what we really want is for Meta Bank to not be able to do this to another person ever again. That is out goal.

Meta Bank has not understood what it means to be a human being, a caring human being. Meta Bank knows how to do publicity and how to market so they may say the right things to get you to buy, but what is real? Nothing other than the bottom line for Meta Bank.

Dubai Assassins use Meta Bank Prepaid Bank Cards to pay for their mission:

Meta Bank is more responsible than they are ever willing to admit in the assassination that happened in Dubai last week. Last summer, it was that 4 million dollar lawsuit over embezzlement for which the CEO’s of Meta Bank made one woman take all the blame. What were her supervisor’s doing for the 15 years while she was embezzling the money?

Is this a company with which anyone wants to do business? Is the bank incompetent or are they just crooks just out to get money, I have often wondered?

Meta Bank began by charging outrageous fees and interest rates to the underbanked, customers they actively seek out and of which they brag about taking advantage. They are predator bankers feeding off of America’s most vulnerable. Google search for Meta Bank +Boesen. Then weep for that family!!

Meta Bank gets partner companies to promote their prepaid card while they provide all of the processors. Meta Bank brags that they have over 550 different brand name cards. This means that Meta Bank can take advantage of any American anywhere; no one is safe. Do not be foolish to think that you are safe from Meta Bank.

In 2009, Meta Bank and their non-profit Prepaid Bank Card Association paid Rupli & Associates hundreds of thousands of dollars to lobby in the US Senate and House of Representatives for their Prepaid Bank Cards.Their prepaid gift cards are everywhere now, and being used by many well known companies.  Meta Bank gets the interest from the customer’s money. The customer gets the pain in the neck of having to deal with Meta Bank and nothing more.

Meta Bank now has a Swiss Bank Account for “people who have worked hard for their money.”  It looks like Meta Bank is seeking a criminal element to then steal from in the future; who will those bank customers be able to ask for help once Meta Bank turns on them?

I bought Meta Bank’s AAA VISA TRAVEL CARD, but Meta Bank just kept my money and never re-loaded my card. I had to live like a homeless person in a foreign country. Meta Bank lied to me about how and why this happened. Meta Bank needs to be stopped. How do you think they will respond regarding this recent assassination? I don’t want to be brought into war because of Meta Bank. Most people get a trial,(one would hope a fair trial) but that guy in Dubai didn’t no matter who he was, and Meta Bank’s practices allowed that to happen. Meta Bank is responsible for this and many more injustices to the American people. Stop Meta Bank!!! Meta Bank did it.

We are not being asked to take sides in a basket ball game here. This is a violent act of war. I am a pacifist; I do not want to go to war because of Meta Bank’s incompetence, greed or their internal policies that allowed this international act of violence to happen. Violence only begets more violence.

Meta Bank and the CIA

It has also been suggested to me today that the CIA in the USA knows about Meta Bank. Then the CIA and the FBI are doing a terrible job of protecting the American people from Meta Bank. I would never have given Meta Bank an interest free loan for 4 weeks in exchange for the opportunity to live like a homeless person while knowing all the time that I had held my own cash money in my own hands just the week before, but due to Meta Bank’s greed or ineptitude I had to suffer.

Meta Bank lied to me by way of explaining how all this came about. In that lie they pushed all of the blame onto me, but Meta Bank had not followed any of their own rules per our original contract nor any Federal Banking Laws. Meta Bank simply got ahold of my money and was able to use it interest  free for four weeks; that was Meta Bank’s goal in that exchange. All the lies were just nothing talk; Meta Bank was not about to do anything so they could just talk drivel.

Meta Bank lied to me. Why? That raises a big red flag, one of many

Meta Bank simply lied to me. Why? That is a big question. Meta Bank should have corrected the situation. By not correcting this situation, Meta Bank only drew attention to themselves for me. I need to warn the rest of the world about Meta Bank. If they needed to lie to me, what will they tell the Dubai police about the murder last week? I am no longer a customer of Meta Bank. Online, I began to see a pattern in the ways they had abused their customers. I was one of many, but Meta Bank simply uses different names by which to abuse us or the abuse is under reported in official places like Attorney General’s Offices.

Meta Bank told me that they would investigate why both of my cards were not re-loaded together per our contract, and promised to phone back by a given time. Meta Bank did not phone back. I phoned them and then they began to lie. I was also put on hold a lot. Online, I read that this is a pattern for Meta Bank.

I do not want the United States to be forced into any kind of military action due to the bank practices of banks like Meta Bank. Meta Bank needs to be closely monitored and regulated. I have never had a worse experience with a bank than I did with Meta Bank. Meta Bank is either inept or corrupt. Or worse!!!

Mob Mentality in Far Too many Responses in America: Right to a Fair Trial for all !!! This man was denied his right to a fair trial he was basically “lynched by a mob.”  On many News Sites, Americans are responding in rather ignorant ways.

Please, my fellow Americans and citizens of this global community, this is not like a basket ball game where we pick sides to cheer for.  I have no idea who this man had really been nor any real information about the actual assassins; how can I judge either side. I would ask both sides to meet to talk out their problems; this opportunity was never given. Both sides need to be heard.

The person who was assassinated if he was believed to be guilty of anything should have been given a fair trial. In the USA, all people are believed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. What happened in Dubai is like a mob lynching. I fear the reactions that will happen to this assassination. Meta Bank acted like big jerks with me. In what should have been a simple matter, Meta Bank could not and would not accept responsibility for their actions that caused  the situation to happen. Instead Meta Bank chose to push all of the blame onto the customer.

Meta Bank chose to lie to me. Their lies were so ridiculous. What will Meta Bank tell the world happened here? Will Meta Bank bring the US further into war? I refuse to send more troops to fight for the greed of Meta Bank. Stop Meta Bank!!!!!! America, please stop sending our young people out to fight these ridiculous wars and for what reasons?

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