Permissiveness of US Laws on Lobbying and Campaign Financing and the Major Problems that go Hand in Hand With That

The Spread of Oligarchy; The Distribution of Assets;

Who Controls Your Money

The ultra-rich are world’s new dictators

Democracy at risk as oligarchy spreads

Oct. 26, 2013 9:26 PM  / ASSOCIATED PRESS

Written by  Christian Caryl

Foreign Policy

Caryl, the editor of Democracy Lab, is a senior fellow at the Legatum Institute and a contributing editor at Foreign Policy. He is also the author of “Strange Rebels: 1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century.”

WASHINGTON — Earlier this month, the investment bank Credit Suisse published its annual survey of global wealth. The bank’s report is filled with illuminating findings, but one in particular caught my eye. It has to do with the distribution of assets in Russia, where, as the report notes, a mere 110 people own a mind-boggling 35 percent of the country’s entire wealth. At the same time, 93.7 percent of Russians are worth $10,000 or less.

As the report notes, this makes Russia the country with the greatest wealth disparities in the world. Americans, who are now increasingly concerned about deepening inequality in their own country, might seek some consolation from this dismal conclusion.

Even under present circumstances, wealth in the United States is still spread a lot more evenly than that.

Things could be worse, right?

Well, maybe. But I see little cause for jubilation. Russia is merely the most extreme case of a worldwide trend that potentially represents one of the greatest threats that democracy faces today: the spread of oligarchy.

The problem isn’t just that some people in today’s world are fabulously rich. It’s that disproportionate wealth increasingly goes along with disproportionate power.

Russia, again, offers a textbook example of the dangers. Back in the 1990s, a handful of politically well-connected business tycoons managed to profit from their close relations with Boris Yeltsin’s Kremlin by taking advantage of the privatization of the country’s industrial jewels — above all its vast oil wealth. Those magnates weren’t shy about exploiting their economic power to political ends. They bankrolled Yeltsin’s re-election as president in 1996, controlled ministerial appointments, and dictated government policy. No wonder these businessmen-cum-politicians were soon dubbed the “oligarchs.”

(”Oligarchy” is Greek for “government of the few.”)

One of them, the recently deceased, arch-Machiavellian Boris Berezovsky, engineered the rise of an ex-KGB officer to the prime ministership. Vladimir Putin ultimately proved less than grateful, though. Once Putin became president in his own stead, he was quick to cut his erstwhile patron down to size, forcing Berezvosky into exile.

Putin curtailed the power of other Yeltsin-era tycoons, too (most notably Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who now marks his 10th year of imprisonment in a labor camp), but in their place he raised up a new group of businessmen — many with ties to the old Soviet security services — who owed their fortunes to him. One of them, another KGB alumnus named Igor Sechin, who heads the country’s largest oil company, is regarded by some as the second-most powerful man after Putin himself.

But this isn’t only Russia’s problem.

As has now become apparent, globalization and the powerful economic forces it has unleashed have awarded unparalleled wealth and power to a tiny new elite. 

Call them what you will: the superclass, the plutocrats, the “global meritocracy.”

What they exemplify is the nexus of wealth and political power. And that’s a problem that is increasingly vexing voters in places from London to Kuala Lumpur.

It’s a challenge that takes different forms.

In China, membership in the ruling Communist Party is often the easy road to wealth. Many of today’s political scandals center on the antics of well-connected “princelings,” the descendants of senior party officials who embody the country’s peculiarly potent blend of Marxist-Leninist crony capitalism. Thanks to some remarkable digging by enterprising journalists in recent years, we’ve learned some astonishing things about the scale of privilege enjoyed by the extended families of notables such as President Xi Jinping and ex-Prime Minister Wen Jiabao.

But this hardly comes as a surprise.

When you consider that the People’s Republic is governed by the seven members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party, you’re talking about a tiny number of families who exercise unchecked control over one of the world’s largest economies. In such a setting, it’s only natural that political and economic power are mutually reinforcing.

The situation in China is, of course, the outcome of an economic liberalization program steered by an autocratic elite.

In the countries of the developed West the situation is rather different. The number of players is larger; wealth and political influence are more widely distributed.

But that is presumably small comfort to, say, the Americans who have emerged as losers from the country’s latest Gilded Age. ( Oh and Americans don’t like losing, in case you hadn’t noticed.)

Economic equality in the United States grew steadily during the first three decades of the period following World War II, but ground to a halt amid the stagflation and increasing international competition of the 1970s.

As economist Joseph Stiglitz notes in a recent editorial:

“Last year, the top 1 percent of Americans took home 22 percent of the nation’s income; the top 0.1 percent, 11 percent. 

Ninety-five percent of all income gains since 2009 have gone to the top 1 percent. 

Recently released census figures show that median income in America hasn’t budged in almost a quarter-century.”

At the same time, the extraordinary permissiveness of U.S. laws on lobbying and campaign financing has allowed wealthy elites to gain immense sway over the political process.

By now, anyone who follows American politics has heard the stories about the vast sums of cash spent by conservative business magnates like the Koch Brothers; less often discussed, perhaps, are the rich Democrats, such as George Soros or Tom Steyer, who are happy to leverage their wealth to shape policy.

But even less visible are the big corporations and industrial associations who can purchase lawmakers and fix legislation to boost their own bottom lines.

One recent academic study calculates that 40 percent of political campaign contributions in 2012 came from one-hundredth of 1 percent of U.S. households. That figure probably reflects the new economic elite’s growing awareness of its own political power — not to mention the apathy among other segments of the population who feel increasingly divorced from meaningful participation.

The erosion of alternative power centers, such as labor unions, undoubtedly contributes to a sense of rising cynicism and disengagement. It all serves to undermine the promise of America’s democratic system. (Given this context, it’s no wonder that the U.S. Supreme Court is once again weighing the question of limits on individual contributions to political campaigns.)

As a result, the United States is now experiencing a remarkable discussion of the causes of the new inequality and its political consequences. Authors from George Packer to Tyler Cowen are stirring impassioned debate about the perceived breakdown of the American social compact. The new book from economist Angus Deaton, “The Great Escape,” includes a memorable quote from the lawyer Louis Brandeis: “If democracy becomes plutocracy, those who are not rich are effectively disenfranchised.”

Can we stop the trend?

  •  Some — like Cowen, who believes that current inequality is largely a function of technological change — are skeptical.
  • Others insist that we can counter the drift towards government by the few with smart policies designed to level the playing field — above all in education, infrastructure and health care.
  • Measures to limit the role of money in politics probably wouldn’t be a bad idea either (presuming we can find some that actually work). For those who still believe in the primacy of the market, the package might also include measures designed to promote genuine competition in the place of today’s corporate welfare for politically plugged-in superfirms.

This certainly doesn’t mean giving up on capitalism.

As development economists point out, globalization has brought relative prosperity to many around the world who couldn’t even dream of it before. (Think, for a start, of all those Chinese peasants who can now afford three meals a day — unthinkable in times past.) Overall health and development indicators have improved dramatically over the past 50 years.

None of this, however, obviates the need to ensure that the extraordinary benefits accruing to the superstars at the top don’t end up disenfranchising the rest of us. Otherwise the future looks dark.


Balance of power, being able to control our own money, having access to clear and accurate information about banking practices so that what we do as individuals allows us to make informed and educated decisions, genuine decisions, about our own assets and lives are reasonable requests. Otherwise the future looks dark.

Our experience using METABANK crossed over into the dark zone. We were lied to. Our own cash money was kept from us. METABANK took our cash money first and then made up some far fetched story that was so easy to see through that it was disgusting. Seeing immoral and criminal acts, being lied to and being taken advantage by a power banker which is how METABANK has been acting, not only in the USA, but on a global scale is so extreme that we must speak up and out against how METABANK operates.

Consumers must align, join forces and work collectively for solutions to the problems created by METABANK and any other entity that wants to use consumer’s money as an interest free loan for themselves. METABANK operates as a usurer, a loan shark, in the greediest and most self-centered sense of that has ever existed.

METABANK began as a “THRIFT BANK” which catered to the poorest and most economically fragile citizens from whom they charged exorbitant interest rates and then moved into “COLLECTIONS” which is really what METABANK is all about, the enforcement of collections. METABANK sets up all the rules by which they operate and also retains the right to change the rules without notices. METABANK operates as a scam of consumers. No safe guards are in place to protect consumers from predators like METABANK. Only you as a consumer can protect yourselves.

If we hadn’t been so badly scammed by METABANK as their former customer, we wouldn’t feel so compelled to write this blog…. The reality is that METABANK abused us as their customer so we feel that all we can do is to alert others to prevent from happening to them what we had foisted upon us as a customer of METABANK. We are trying to put into action the “Golden Rule.” If only METABANK had treated us the way we would have liked to have been treated as customers

#1 We would have been pleased with the service we received from METABANK

#2 We would still be doing business with METABANK

#3 We would be endorsing the kind of product offered by METABANK       ………… BUT WE ARE NOT  !!!!!


CONSUMERS, BE WARNED!!! Don’t become a customer of MetaBank. Unfortunately, Meta Bank operates using many different names and they use a partner company to market their prepaid network branded bank cards.

Because METABANK is the largest processor of the Network Branded Prepaid Bank Cards, it will be difficult for you to know if you are a customer of METABANK or one operating in the same manner as METABANK. METABANK has offered classes to other banking entities in their methods so as to normalize their practices.

We are curious about the placement of METABANK advertisements.

When your boss asks you to do work that you perceive to be immoral…..

Exploring the Self-Esteem Related to “Having a Job” any job…. an immoral job may backfire

We have wondered how the METABANK employees who answer the phones as customer service representatives actually feel about what they do.


Certainly they must know they are lying to people, ordinary people who are just like them.


Statistics show that bank tellers in Storm Lake Iowa earn salaries that place them below poverty level.  How desperate can these phone representatives be? Have they been so mislead that they believe in what they are doing?

If they are ignorant of what they are doing, what will it take for them to realize that they are the ones who are making METABANK’s CEOS super rich while they still live below the poverty level?

Could they understand that by lying to the customers that this is dishonest? For how long can these customer representatives going on perpetuating this lie that makes their CEOs so rich? Certainly there must be something in it for these people to lie to other people who are so much like them at the other end of the phone? What kind of “UNTRUTHS” have these METABANK phone representatives been fed so that they carry out the dirtiest job on behalf of the METABANK CEOs?

At Work: Job, self-esteem tied tightly together

Andrea Kay, Gannett12:57 p.m. EDT August 31, 2013

Feedback on the job can be a buffer against depression.

Work means so much to us Americans that without it some people don’t want to get out of bed in the morning.

That is likely one reason unemployed adults and those not working as much as they would like are twice as likely to be depressed as Americans employed full time. [Feeling stuck in a dead-end job such as being a phone representative for METABANK…. This has got to be a pathetic and hopeless situation for those who are being required to do the dirty work that makes the METABANK CEOs rich and then richer yet.]

STORY: Who’s feeling stressed? Young adults
COLUMN: Workers’ happiness rubs off on profits [ Think about this!!!!!!]

That’s the conclusion of a Jan. 1-July 25 survey of more than 100,000 Americans conducted by the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. It says 16.6% of unemployed Americans are depressed compared to 5.6% of those who work full time.

“Self-esteem and self-worth are closely aligned with working,” says psychotherapist Charles Allen, who estimates about 10% of his clients are out of work or worried about losing their job.

When you have a job, you have a continuous source of feedback that you are a contributing member of society, he says. That’s not to say you go to work thinking, “Hey, I’m a valued member of society.” The idea is largely subconscious.

[But what if you are asked to harm innocent people who are just like you whom you only encounter at the other end of the phone??? That can’t feel hopeful in anyway.]

“You feel it in the depths of your brain,” he says.

Being employed helps you feel wanted and that you’re contributing to your finances, says psychotherapist Elizabeth Lombardo. It also gives you social support — “a buffer against depression.”

In his practice, psychotherapist Jonathan Alpert sees a lot of unemployed people who are depressed.

He describes them as usually feeling hopeless and helpless, their sense of identity greatly diminished.

“Employment provides a sense of purpose, … of belongingness,” he says. “Those who are unemployed lack that purpose.”

Some unemployed workers also lack structure, which leads to unhealthy habits like staying up until 3 a.m. then getting up late the next day. That “makes them feel even more different than the employed,” Alpert says.

Being depressed also can affect your ability to seek and keep a job.

Allen’s depressed clients who are unemployed “typically have tremendous difficulty in finding work because they lack energy and drive to engage in a job hunt,” he says. Their pessimism and feelings of worthlessness also contribute to the idea that they won’t find work.

When motivation plummets, you withdraw and “why bother?” prevails, Lombardo says.

A depressed person may not do well in interviews.

“Who wants to hire ‘Debbie Downer?’ ” she asks.

Some people who are depressed can have a tough time keeping a job: They take too much time off, have a lack of drive, don’t concentrate well and sometimes simply don’t care, Alpert says.

[ The term “SIMPLY DON’T CARE” highlights that some people may take a job as a phone representative at METABANK just to have a job. They may understand that what they are doing is immoral, but perceive that there aren’t many other options. This has got to be a sad state of affairs for these employees. If they could see a positive way forward, internally they may be able to ask for the right to treat others fairly…. This situation is predatory on so many levels…. Shame on METABANK CEOs who created this abhorent and offensive scenario.]

They also “often have a poor self-image and lack confidence, two factors that strongly impact job retention and performance,” he says.

Alpert says he also sees a lot of another type of depression — in people who are employed.

It “usually stems from high stress and feeling disenchanted with their job or simply unhappy with the direction their career has taken them,” he says.

Feeling stuck in a position “can bring about a sense you have no control over your situation,” Lombardo says. “Feeling powerless can cause depression. And depression can lead to getting demoted.”

Depression among those with jobs costs U.S. employers $23 billion annually in lost productivity, according to Gallup.

The survey found that depression decreases as income rises. It showed that Americans who earn less than $36,000 annually are nearly three times more likely to be depressed than those who earn more than $90,000 annually.

Depression takes a toll on a person — employed or jobless — as well as the economy.

[We find it impossible to believe that the METABANK Phone representatives who lie to customers can do this in the long term without having some feelings of remorse. We have, of course, made the assumption that they are human beings. How desperate are they that they can continue to lie to people who are a lot like them at the other end of the phone?]

It may be depressing to talk about depression. But the more we know about it and discuss it, the more likely the stigma associated with it will be reduced.  [We believe that America is a sick society at this time. It is imperative that as ordinary people that we insist on humane treatment of each other… this treatment goes both ways, you know… It is the “Golden Rule.”]

And perhaps the people who need help the most will get it.

Career consultant Andrea Kay is the author of This Is How To Get Your Next Job: An Inside Look at What Employers Really Want.


Note:  Please notice carefully where METABANK and any other Prepaid Bank Card offered places their advertisements 

Solving Customer’s Problems Should Be of the Foremost Importance…. METABANK abused us while we were their customer

Customer Service Solves Problems To Create Loyal Clients


Make it easy for frustrated customers to contact you, get problems solved. You’ll create loyal clients.

In the past 30 days, I canceled service with three companies I’ve used for years.

Customer service was the reason. It was that bad.


But I kept my business with another company even though its actual service keeps messing up. That business’ customer service is that good.

Customer-service representatives are everywhere. Anyone with a phone, TV, computer, coffee maker, credit card or insurance; or who buys subscription services or makeup from shady companies advertising on TV has dealings with them.

And let’s not forget about business-to-business customer-service reps. [This is part of how METABANK performs their scam.]

Their numbers are growing by the minute. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the profession will expand 15.5% through 2020.

Call centers alone had almost 23,000 vacant jobs, more than a third listed in the past week, according to CallCenterCrossing, which calls itself the largest collection of call-center jobs. The company cites the health care law, holiday season and general economic expansion as the chief reasons for a rise in call-center hiring.

As long as companies offer things to buy and services to use, folks will need help.

[Customers have over a period of many years now indicated that METABANK and its affiliates, including the Network Branded Bank Card Association, fail when it comes to customer service. We, as former METABANK customers/clients believe, based on our own personal experience using METABANK et al., that METABANK by design treats their customers in an abusive manner. We have been scammed and lied to. We have been treated in an inhumane manner.

METABANK does not offer any kind of model that should be used as a guideline by any other entity…. METABANK relies on numbers and the population is growing rapidly.

METABANK relies on getting partner corporate entities to market their prepaid bank card  a relationship which is in fact one that will increase the rate of decline of that partner company. At first the partner company will experience an initial  spurt that may appear to be great and fabulous; this is the honeymoon, but it is a marriage that is doomed by design. METABANK only wants their partner companies’ list of customers whom METABANK will use for their own financial gain.

In establishing this partnership, METABANK promises to take care of all the collections for their partner. Collections is the dirtiest of dirty work so the partner company is happy to hand over this part of the operation to METABANK. METABANK, as we former customers have found, has an abusive customer service system by design.

When METABANK’s customer serivice representatives basically went through a list of standard lies they had been handed to use for all situation; the lies serve to blame the customer for the problems the customer had encountered using METABANK. However, by design, METABANK created a prepaid bank card which customers load with cash money, and then METABANK limits and controls when and even if a customer will be able to have access to their own money…. This scheme is predatory. It is based upon false and misleading promises.

METABANK is by design immoral. Only consumers can speak up to warn others so that METABANK can be stopped from doing this great scam on the people.]

Companies claim to know how important these front-line jobs are. They say they strive for a “customer-first mindset,” “transparency and accountability,” “positive customer relationships” and “consistent and efficient delivery of superior customer service.”

So why don’t more customer-service reps deliver? Is it the company or the employees?

Likely both.

Workers tell me they want these jobs because they like people. Yet too many companies do everything they can to not let their people talk to us.

Finding contact information can be like a game of hide-and-seek.

Some refuse to talk to you. Take Twitter: [This isn’t a model anyone should follow!!!!!]

My account has had a problem for four months. I’ve obediently followed Twitter’s directions and sent in a dozen requests for help.

I’m still waiting for an answer.

On the other hand, companies such as crowdSPRING help businesses and creative talent find each other and make it easy for customers to communicate with them.

[This concept is an old one that worked. It worked very well. This is what we as consumers expect, but this is not at all what METABANK provides. METABANK uses this concept to catch consumers and their partner companies off guard so that METABANK can get their foot in the door. What META BANK does is an IMMORAL ACT.]

This company posts its phone number on every page of its site. No doubt this springs from the philosophy of co-founder Mike Samson who tells his reps that the spoken word is better than the written word, to say “please” and “thank you” and always end with “much obliged.”


People who get into customer service tell me they love to solve problems.

Yet “I can’t help you with that” are the last words that a lot of people hear from a customer-service rep.

  • Those workers either don’t know how to think like a problem solver or don’t think they have the authority to help.
  • Some customer-service reps are plain mean. The other day I asked a one that I could barely hear if she might speak a little louder.   She snapped, “No, I can’t scream.”
  • When you keep getting bad customer service, you wonder why companies keep sending surveys asking how your customer-service experience went.
  • I also often wonder why companies insist that customer-service reps speak canned faux caring phrases like “Have a nice day” after they’ve been mean and obstructive.

Chief Operating Officer Zach Cusimano of Bizness Apps, which makes mobile apps for companies, says his business doesn’t coach reps to use particular phrases.

Company officials do encourage them to “throw in some love” and foster more interactions by saying, “I’m happy to help,” “Please let me know if you have any other questions,” and “Looking forward to hearing from you again.”

[However, if these statements are nothing but empty words with no real response and no action behind them then they are useless. It is our strong impression as former METABANK customers that the CEOs of METABANK have created all of the guidelines, which include a list of rote excuses for why it is always the customers’ fault for any problems they may have encountered. METABANK creates the problems by which they get rich and then richer; METABANK breaks with every expectation that any person would normally expect.

METABANK creates all the rules and retains the right to change all of the rules without notice. This is bad, but on top of that METABANK takes customer’s money and keeps us/them from having access to their own money while using the NETWORK BRANDED PREPAID BANK CARD.

The NETWORK BRANDED PREPAID BANK CARD amounts to being an interest free loan from customers to a very rich bank. The whole concept has been reversed. Potential customers are mislead into taking on such a card by the partner company who is in effect being used as a “PATSY” in this dynamic triangle of abuse of the consumer.]

I contend that more people would like their customer-service jobs and customers would be happier if they did what Jesse Richardson does.

“We love our customers,” Richardson says. She is conscious community officer for Conscious Box, a subscription service for eco-friendly products.


If you want a satisfying career helping solve problems for people who are frustrated, confused and sometimes angry, care for them no matter what.

Find a great company that values them and you.

In the 25 years I’ve counseled people with their careers, most tell me one thing: I want to be of service to others. Here’s your chance.

[As former customers of METABANK we had expected this kind of treatment, but METABANK and the NETWORK BRANDED PREPAID CARD ASSOCIATION act in a predatory manner so that they abuse their customers, only to move onto the next  person so they can dupe that person. The huge size of our population is how METABANK has been able to get away with this kind of scam for as long as they have. Only you can stop this kind of a scam.]

Career consultant Andrea Kay is the author of This Is How To Get Your Next Job: An Inside Look at What Employers Really Want.

We Urge You Not To Invest in NASDAQ:CASH…..bankmeta

Meta Bank

MetaBank is one of the largest prepaid debit card issuers in the United States (more than 50% of the debit cards reviewed on are issued by MetaBank). Through their premier Meta Payment Systems division, MetaBank services more than 500 prepaid card programs.

[Take Note of what you just read above:MetaBank services more than 500 prepaid card programs.

This is not an endorsement of METABANK or any of their affiliates.

We are consumers who were scammed while using MetaBank’s Prepaid Cards.

Above, please note that  METABANK is bragging about being the largest prepaid debit card issuer in the United States.

Bigger isn’t always better we have all learned in recent years!!!!]

MetaBank also serves as a traditional financial and lending institution providing a diverse product offering across several product lines including personal finance, commercial finance, mortgage services and agricultural services. MetaBank has 12 brick and mortar offices located in 4 distinct market areas. Offices include: Central and NW Iowa; Sioux Empire, South Dakota; and Brookings, South Dakota.

Meta’s subsidiary Meta Payment Systems (MPS) manages four business segments including: ATM Sponsorship, ACH Origination, Prepaid Debit Cards and other various Credit Products. The unique “Super Community” philosophy on banking has enabled MetaBank to realize continued growth, while in the same breath, keep its community banking roots. Inherent benefits to this mentality are streamlined efforts and rapid decision making at the local level and a more enhanced service package to the customer.

[Online banking has been problematic for many consumers. Customers feel abused and taken advantage of by Meta Bank/Meta Payment Systems. The prepaid card may say it was issued by Meta Bank, but Meta Payment System may then respond to your letters of inquiry so which are you actually dealing with?

Customers feel like they aren’t being heard, and METABANK isn’t listening to them nor is MetaBank actually addressing customers’ concerns and problems in any real way.   Customers complain that they have been passed from one customer service personnel to another and nothing ever gets satisfactorily resolved. The real issue is that MetaBank wishes to scam those others, the people they never see face to face.]

MetaBank’s “Money On The Move” platform is one of the many innovations [innovation or scam? For MetaBank former customers have found them to be one in the same]  created to enhance the customer experience.

[Why are customers still complaining then?]

There are four payment systems platforms:

Gift Card Platform

[Gift cards are often left with a certain amount of cash still on them…. Just give cash!!!! Avoid the middleman which is more often than not, META BANK. Why are you giving an interest free loan to Meta Bank???? Because that is really what you are doing along with most likely a small cash gift to METABANK too.  Think about this. Why give money to an unknown entity????]

  • Discover gift card purchase at bank
  • Electronic funds sent to Meta from bank [Direct access to your source of income.]
  • Gift card given to friend or family
  • Recipient spends at merchant [Not all merchants accept the prepaid card or consumers find that holds have been placed on the cards.]
  • Discover pays merchant and electronically moves money from Meta [How much control do you as a consumer have then over your own money assets?]

[This may actually be how Meta Bank categorizes what they do, but for consumers, many complain that they are shifted from phone MetaBank clerk to another one and their problem is discounted. Also customer service  clerks have lied to customers. It appears that the phone answerers have been given a list of reasons and ways to push the blame back off onto the consumer for a product that was never designed to actually meet the needs of the consumer.]

Rebate Card Platform

  • Product bought at merchant/rebate form filled out
  • Rebate processor electronically sends funds to MetaBank to hold
  • Meta sends Rebate MasterCard to customer in mail
  • Customer spends funds on card
  • MasterCard takes money from Meta to pay merchant

[MetaBank markets heavily to cultivate partner companies who market their product for MetaBank. To get money off of the rebate card, a consumer has to send their personal information to an unknown entity. In this time period, this kind of requirement is upsetting and of great concern. ]

Travel Card Platform

  • Visa travel card purchased at bank

[What bank? Oh Meta Bank controls all of the transaction from start to finish… that was our experience.]

  • MetaBank holds funds until needed [We couldn’t access any of our money]

[Meta Bank simply held all of my money, and I had put a lot of money on that card. Their clerk had asked when I would be leaving and for how long  I would be gone before I re-loaded it. However, Meta Bank never re-loaded the card. Meta Bank simply held my cash money for one full month as an interest free loan to them. Something is backwards in the thinking and practices within Meta Bank.      

Travel cards are issued in twos. One is the re-loadable card and the other has immediate access to the money. Meta Bank said they had loaded the wrong card because my spouse gave them the wrong number. The other card was in a drawer at home; it had never been issued to my spouse but to a child. The only number that my spouse had was the one that  I had emailed to my spouse from an internet cafe. It was the right number; why was Meta Bank trying to push blame off onto others rather than fix the problem?

The card was supposed to have been re-loaded, but it wasn’t. Meta Bank complained that I had never phoned them back to say that the card didn’t work. 

 Meta Bank accepted my cash money for the card and never loaded the card. I had no cash money to spend while I was on what was supposed to have been the trip of a lifetime in Europe. I was basically living as a homeless person in Paris. How could I have phoned Meta Bank or even emailed them.

That same year another traveler also couldn’t get the Meta Bank Card to work; no place would accept the card although it had been sold as a travel card. Meta Bank told this well-educated person that he hadn’t used the card properly.

Meta Bank always gets another entity to sell their product for them. This fact removes Meta Bank from having direct contact with the customer.

The other fact is that customers may be buying prepaid cards from an entity where they have been doing business for years so the customer has a sense of security in using the product presented by a place they have known and been known for years. 

Meta Bank courts the partner entity’s CEOs so that the CEO of the known company actually believes that what Meta Bank is selling may be a reliable product. On the second or third page, consumers may read that Meta Bank reserves the right to change all of the rules at any time without notice to their customers.  

Meta Bank told me that they had no contact information on file for me, but  this is a complete and outright lie.

Why did Meta Bank feel the need to lie? 

It was this need to lie to me as their former customer rather than to try to resolve the problem that Meta Bank had created that drew my attention. Then after that on-line, I saw that many, many other customers had complained about almost the same identical problem.] 

  • Customer uses card for travel expenses

[If only we could!!! We couldn’t get the travel cards to work. We were left with out access to our own cash money when we needed it the most.  This made us vulnerable. 

METABANK’s internal practices and policies have caused their customers great pain repeatedly; Meta Bank lies. It didn’t just happen to one person; the same thing happened to many customers over and over again.  

The way that Meta Bank handled the problem once it was brought to their attention was OUTRAGEOUS, abusive and offensive.]

  • Merchants paid by Visa as funds taken from Meta

[We suspect that the European places where our acquaintance couldn’t get anyone to accept his card in payment have been scammed by Meta Bank on the other end of the transaction.]

[The four highlighted items for  Meta Bank prepaid cards fail to assure consumers that they will be treated properly, fairly and with dignity by Meta Bank as their customers. In reality, Meta Bank’s travel cards, speaking from our real lived experience using it indicates that the card is designed to fail customers. This problem is compounded by the fact that Meta Bank has lied to consumers for why they can’t get the META BANK product to work. Therefore, from our experience even the four points above are lies along with being false and misleading empty promises.]

Reloadable Card Platform

  • Consumer buys card at retail merchant store
  • Consumer direct deposits employer paycheck on MetaBank card
  • Consumer buys groceries, clothing, gasoline and other goods and services on card
  • Visa pays merchants/service providers and transfers money to cover from MetaBank

[I couldn’t get Meta Bank to re-load our cards. Oh, Meta Bank took my cash money and kept it from me when I needed it the most, but I had no access to my own cash money.]

 [Therefore, we strongly urge any potential investors to seriously re-consider whether it is appropriate for them to invest in or NASDAQ:CASH]

About MetaBank
Stock Symbol: NASDAQ:CASH
Corporate Headquarters: Storm Lake, Iowa
Address: 121 East 5th Street, Storm Lake, IA, 50588-2339

On one of the links of the Meta Bank Website, we found the following which further highlights the fact that Meta Bank fails to address customers clearly expressed concerns with the METABANK PREPAID CARD. 

METABANK once again is talking down to customers as if we are an inconvenience but necessary source of income.

Prepaid Debit Card > Debit Card News > Prepaid Exaggerations

Prepaid Exaggerations

Dec 20, 2011 — As a larger and larger percentage of the population enters the prepaid debit card market, there are exaggerations and untruths perpetuated nationwide.

[Why would people speak out against a card that has failed to meet their needs!!!!? Oh yeah, the answer is obvious.]

When using any financial tool, there are methods that can financially benefit cardholders, while others that can be quite detrimental to the pocketbook.

[ None of us have found any merits to using a prepaid bank card now that we have given it a try. METABANK has created a prepaid bank card that they can manipulate internally so that they make even more than what the ordinary interest free loan would have given to them. Many, many former customers have complained about METABANK’s customer service over a period of many years.]

Below are a few prepaid card fallacies that we have outlined for you:

[fallacy is defined as 

fal·la·cy  noun.    plural. fal·la·cies

1. A false notion.

(Meta Bank is about to present statements which are fallacies because MetaBank uses their prepaid bank card to scam their customers so that METABANK can get access to even more money for themselves.)

2. A statement or an argument based on a false or invalid inference.

(Meta Bank is the master of inference that they use to hook in customers; this is how Meta Bank is able to hook in customers and what makes Meta Bank’s practices predatory.)
3. Incorrectness of reasoning or belief; erroneousness.

(We have wondered about the WHY that drives METABANK’s actions and practices. The need to win seems to factor in to the equation, but the practices of MetaBank are indicative of a very sick thought process. The need to lie to their own customer base is symptomatic of a very sick way of thinking.)
4. The quality of being deceptive.

(Meta Bank created the concept of Prepaid Bank Cards and then proceeded to push the very limits of the concept so that they abuse their own customers. This is very sick.]

Prepaid cards can solve all of your budgeting problems

– It’s true that cards like the KLS Prepaid Visa RushCard can be used as a tool to HELP you manage your money and most cards will just be declined if you try to spend past the amount loaded on the card. Still, financial responsibility comes with each person’s ability to plan, budget, save and control spending accordingly. There is no financial instrument that can solve all of your financial challenges for you. [KLS? Rush Card? … all METABANK products?]

 [Quite to the contrary, elsewhere on METABANK’s own pages, METABANK does say that by using their prepaid debit card and having it attached to the customer’s salary or government payments… then if they use the card often, they may be able to improve their credit history…. This has actually over a period of years been one of METABANK’s biggest selling points for their product…. I have seen it in print and complained about this marketing ploy frequently on this blog. METABANK may believe that they are glossing over this potential when they mention it in their publicity made to look like a page of bank information. However, the fact that it is clearly posted on METABANK’s websites and that it hasn’t been removed is a problem.] 

Prepaid cards have outrageous fees – While there are some prepaid cards that can accrue rather high fees, there are those like the Western Union MoneyWise MasterCard that have extremely competitive fees, not only with other prepaid cards, but traditional banks and check cashing services as well. Fee structures vary from card to card, so cardholders need to read the terms and conditions to determine most advantageous usage.

[In reading the terms listed above, we can see contradictions in what METABANK says. The word “outrageous” for example. Outrageous means: 



: very bad or wrong in a way that causes anger : too bad to be accepted or allowed

: very strange or unusual : surprising or shocking

Full Definition of OUTRAGEOUS

1  a :  exceeding the limits of what is usual   b  :  not conventional or matter-of-fact :  fantastic
2  :  violent, unrestrained
3  a :  going beyond all standards of what is right or decent<an outrageous disregard of human rights>
b :  deficient in propriety or good taste <outrageouslanguage> <outrageous manners>

Meta Bank takes their customer’s CASH MONEY UPFRONT so it is unthinkable that while METABANK gets what is basically an interest free loan from the customer and while Meta Bank limits what the customer can spend that they would also charge their customer any fee at all or even consider charging their customers a fee for using the META BANK PREPAID CARD. Because Meta Bank gets an interest free loan from their customers, charging a fee from that same customer for giving META BANK an interest free loan. META BANK has all of their customer’s  cash money upfront. According to the dictionary definition of what outrageous means then METABANK’s charging of any fee so that METABANK can get an interest free loan for their own benefit and use is in fact outrageous.

Check cashing fees????   People who struggle financially and who therefore have no bank account are often charged check cashing fees by banks.

METABANK takes an interest free loan when a customer puts money on a prepaid card. The mere thought that MetaBank would charge people who give them full control of their own cash money is more than outrageous; it is immoral. Rather than handing over their cash money to Meta Bank and giving up control of their own cash money, customers would be better served by paying in cash directly.

Prepaid cards will help you improve your credit score – This has been one of the biggest exaggerations of prepaid cards out there. The READYdebit Visa does provide a free “ScoreTracker” that allows you to track your credit score, credit attributes and debt over time. While that is a great feature, the three main credit bureaus do not recognize ANY prepaid card usage and user’s FICO scores will not be affected one way or the other.

Prepaid cards will help you improve your credit score” is what META BANK has actually posted on their own webpages over a period of years. It is therefore an exaggeration that METABANK makes regarding their own product. It would therefore appear that METABANK is far more dedicated to obfuscating their practices and policies than to providing a genuine service to customers…. Many METABANK customers have indicated that METABANK customer representatives have lied to them. This is the report of more than one former METABANK customer. In the statement above we see an example of the twisted thought patterns behind the actions we, as Meta Bank customers, have encountered. It wasn’t just one person, but many people who encountered the same problem with METABANK’s customer service.

Prepaid cards are ONLY for people with bad credit – A great many people with challenged credit do take advantage of prepaid cards so as not to live beyond their means. There is a significant amount of the population that use prepaid cards to save money on fees (bank, check cashing, overdraft, etc.), protect their identity or even enroll in programs like the BillMyParents Spend Smart MasterCard to assist their children in the art of financial management.

[The parents of college students, the college students themselves and others who appear to come from many socio-economic income brackets have equally complained about the poor and improper customer service that they have encountered at METABANK.]

Prepaid cards can only be loaded at retail stores – Green Dot MoneyPaks found at many retail stores are a very popular method for loading money on prepaid cards like the Mango MasterCard. Now, a large variety of prepaid debit cards can be purchased online and shipped directly to your home address in a matter of days. Mango actually delivers you a “Virtual” card the instant you are approved online for immediate purchasing transactions.

[Meta Bank gets retail stores to sell their prepaid cards. Some banks also sell the MetaBank Prepaid Cards. Other commercial enterprises have also sold the METABANK PREPAID CARD. It has become obvious that METABANK courts partner companies’ CEOs to get them to sell the MetaBank Prepaid Card card for them. It appears that METABANK is constantly looking for partner companies to market their product. METABANK needs partner companies and those companies’ customer list. This makes the above statement seem to be trivial and irrelevant.]

[Does the card work or will you be asked to give cash money up-front and then find you can’t access your own cash money? This is major customer complaint by former Meta Bank customer, including us. It is the abuse of the contract for the monetary gain by Meta Bank at the expense of the customer that irks us. The fact that Meta Bank retains the right to change the rules at any time without giving any notice to their customers is also immoral.]

[The anonymous on-line sale of the prepaid bank cards seems to be part of METABANK’s strategy. Meta Bank sells their product to a faceless public whom they treat as if they were completely devoid of humanity. Such treatment and abuse of customers by METABANK is immoral.]

These are few of the larger myths surrounding prepaid products that might have a little basis in truth, but not much. There are online information sources available to assist you in choosing the best prepaid card for you. Just take some time to investigate.

[As former MetaBank customers who were scammed, lied to and then abused by METABANK all that we can do is try to warn other consumers so that what happened to us never happens to another person…… This is a moral issue for the benefit of humanity because MetaBank failed us in the way that they treated not just one person, but many people in the past. Once the problem was brought to the attention of MetaBank, their customer service personnel consistently tried to push the blame for the problem back off onto the customer. This would indicate that the problems found within METABANK are by design and planned to fail the customers because no effort has ever been made to correct any of the reported problems for their customers on the part of Meta Bank.]

[Myths? This is a very curious take on the years and years of scams that METABANK has pushed off onto an unsuspecting public……  Is this just another form of publicity at which Meta Bank has shown itself to be masterful over and over again, just before their highly developed skill of being a collections agency via the Prepaid Bank Cards over which they manage 500.]

[If MetaBank hadn’t scammed us, lied to us and abused us, there wouldn’t have been any need to even create this blog site.

Bank reforms and far better banking regulations that are independently enforced are needed.

Meta Bank hasn’t acted as a friend to even their own customers. Metabank’s practices are counterintuitive so they have made a lot of money very fast almost as if no one was paying attention.

Those people who have been taken advantage of, lied to and abused by METABANK remember how they were treated. We want to protect other consumers.

Please do not  invest or encourage METABANK to continue to abuse consumers.]

Making a budget, Paying using only cash… Easier and safest approach at this time

Budgeting simplified to allow us to save and to spend using cash only!!!

10 Ways to Simplify Your Budget

Every Tuesday is Finance & Family Day at Zen Habits.

I’m always looking for ways to simplify my finances (I’m weird like that, I know), and recently I’ve been scrutinizing my already-simple budget to make it even simpler.

I thought it would be helpful to share some of the ways to make your budget as simple as possible.

The goal is to

  • reduce headaches,
  • eliminate the need for complicated tracking schemes,
  • and reduce the time you spend on your budget and finances to about 15-20 minutes per week.

I can’t claim these ideas are original, or that I haven’t discussed them in various places before, but in my experience, they work. They’re simple and powerful.

Let’s first look at setting up a budget.

If you haven’t done it yet, it’s probably because budgets seem intimidating to you, or they are too much hassle to set up and maintain.

Those are both valid points — which is why you should follow this simplified plan if these things apply to you. Now, there’s plenty of fancy software out there for setting up budgets, but I don’t think they’re necessary. A simple spreadsheet will do — and if you can create a SUM formula to add up the total of a column of numbers, you have all the spreadsheet knowledge necessary.

1. Create a simple spreadsheet for your budget, if you haven’t already, and start by listing your income and your monthly expenses. Estimate, in round numbers, how much you spend on each expense every month. You can adjust later, but it’s better to err on the side of too high a number, rather than putting a low number and breaking your budget.

Now let’s look at ways to create a simple budget:

2.  60 Percent Solution. There are many ways to structure your budget, but the simplest I’ve found is the 60% solution. Basically, this budget asks you to fit your regular monthly expenses within 60% of your gross income, so that you have room for savings (long-term and short-term), retirement and spending money (“fun money”). These are the things that most often break a budget, because most people don’t budget for them.

Now, your percentage will vary, but the percentages given here are just rough guidelines:Fewer categories.

A lot of budget software asks you to fill in a million categories and subcategories. Those can be useful if you want to track all that stuff, but I don’t. I recommend simplifying: just use broad categories like food and gas and spending and utilities. Use what works.

  • 60 percent: Monthly expenses — such as housing, food, utilities, insurance, Internet, transportation. This is the part most commonly thought of as a budget.
  • 10 percent: Retirement — and if you’re doing it right, this is being automatically deducted from your paycheck for a 401(k) investment.
  • 10 percent: Long-term savings or debt reduction. It’s best to invest this in something such as stocks or an index fund, and this can serve as your emergency fund. But if you are in debt (not including a home mortgage), I would advise that you use this portion of the budget to pay off your debts, and even draw some from the other categories such as retirement to increase this to about 20 percent for now. Once your debts are paid off, you can switch this to long-term savings. You still need to have an emergency fund, but while you’re in debt-reduction mode you can either create a small, temporary emergency fund out of the money from this category or the next.
  • 10 percent: Short-term savings — this is for periodic expenses, such as auto maintenance or repairs, medical expenses (not including insurance premiums), appliances, home maintenance, birthday and Christmas gifts. For this savings account, be sure to spend the money when you need it — that’s what it’s for. When these expenses come up, you will have the money for them, instead of trying to pull them from other budget categories.
  • 10 percent: Fun money — you can spend this on eating out, movies, comic books — whatever you want. Guilt free.

3. Pay bills online. As much as possible, pay your bills online. These would be most of the bills in the first category above — utilities, rent or mortgage, cell phone, Internet, etc. If you can’t pay electronically, have your bank send out a check to the vendor. Make these payments automatic, so you don’t need to worry about them.

4. Automatic savings. Make your savings automatic as well. Every time your paycheck is deducted, have a scheduled transaction transfer a set amount from checking to savings. Use a high-yield online savings account such as Emigrant Direct, HBSD, or ING Direct.        [I am not familiar with any of these companies so I cannot endorse them…. They were in the original article… Please note though that you are not being sent to bank at METABANK. There is a very good reason for that.]
5. Cash. For everything else, use cash. If you’re doing automatic bill payments and savings deductions, the only things you’ll likely need cash for are gas, groceries and fun money. Withdraw these amounts in cash twice a month, rather than using checks or credit cards. The reason is that it’s simpler — with cash, you don’t need to worry about overspending, or tracking how much is left in that category. You can see how much is left. Leave the credit cards for when you absolutely need them — traveling, for example.
6. Envelopes. If you use cash for three categories, for example, use three envelopes. This is an old-fashioned system, but I use it because it works. I have an envelope for groceries, gas and fun money. If I’m going grocery shopping, I bring the groceries envelope. I know how much is left in the envelope before I go grocery shopping. I spend the cash for groceries, and then can easily see how much is left now. Simple, and no tracking necessary. When the money is gone, you’ve spent your budgeted amount. If necessary, you could transfer cash from one envelope to another, and there’s no need to adjust your budget.
7. 15-20 minutes a week. Now, the budget and spending plan I’ve outlined above is fairly simple and headache-free — but you shouldn’t assume that it doesn’t need any maintenance.
You should devote 15-20 minutes a week to ensuring that your finances are in order. Just this little amount of time each week will greatly simplify your financial life, reduce headaches, and prevent any messes from occurring later. Set a day and time when you take a look at your finances each week.
Set aside 30 minutes, just to be safe. Now take 5-10 minutes to enter your transactions into your financial software (I use MS Money, because it came with my computer, but a spreadsheet or other financial software will do fine).
If you’re following the plan above, all you’ll need to do is go online, look at your bank account, and enter your deposits, bills paid, ATM withdrawals (only do this twice a month!), and any other fees. It shouldn’t take long.
Now spend another 5-10 minutes to review your budget and make sure that all bills have been paid that should be paid. If not, pay them.
It’s that simple. You’re done. Now go back to reading your blogs.
8. Fewer accounts. Some people have complicated systems set up with lots of different accounts. I say simplify. You don’t want to be checking a million different accounts. You should have one checking account and one or two savings accounts (one for emergency fund and one for periodic expenses). You could have a bunch of investment accounts if you want, but I’ve found it simpler to just have one. I lose diversity, but my fund is already pretty diversified.
9. Dump credit cards.
[Dump all  bank cards period…. Get rid of all those plastic nooses!!!!] Multiple credit cards are also a headache. Simplify by just having one. Or do what I do — have none.
This will draw the usual outraged or preachy reaction from those who really love their credit cards, but I don’t care.


I don’t like credit cards. Call me old fashioned.


They charge high interest and they’re potentially dangerous (if you run up a high bill and an expense comes up that you need to pay for which means you can’t pay your credit card bill on time, you now are stuck with high-interest credit card debt).


Use a debit card if you need to.

[NO, NO, NO!!!!!  

……We cannot advise using a debit card  either because this amounts to being an interest free loan to a bank and often the consumer is charged activation fees for these cards on top of giving out an inbterest free loan…

…This is the biggest gimmick to come about in centuries… Clever marketing makes the debit card sound like a way to keep yourself from over spending, but the way that METABANK operates internally means that customers are kept from being able to access their own money when they really need it. Some have complained that they had to get a loan to even be able to pay routine monthly bills. METABANK is operating  a fraud on their customers. They lied to me about why they felt they should keep me from accessing my own cash money…. METABANK made themselves into the “PREPAID CARD POLICING SYSTEM.” However, it is METABANK who is doing a major scam…..

…All that we can do is to warn others not to use any kind of METABANK PRODUCT]

10. Pay all bills at the same time. It often just takes a simple call to get a vendor or creditor to change the due date on your bills. If you can get all your bills to be due on, let’s say, the 10th of the month, you can do all your bill paying at once. For some people, this will mean they will need to do a bit of scrimping to get ahead enough so that they can afford to make all their month’s payments at the beginning of the month, but it’s worth it. You can pay all your bills and be done with it.
[Because the product that METABANK, a PREPAID CARD, didn’t work at all from a consumer’s perspective for us and many others who complain regularly about how they have been kept from being able to access their own money once they gave METABANK cash money to place on a prepaid card, we feel compelled to alert other consumers that the METABANK PREPAID CARD isn’t good for customers/consumers.] is abusing a disabled American Veteran


  • Submitted: Friday, January 18, 2013
  • Posted: Friday, January 18, 2013
  • Reported By: iwantmymoney — Washington United States of America

5918 Stoneridge Mall Road

Pleasanton California
United States of America
  • Phone: 1 (888) 633-9432
  • Web:
  • Category: Credit & Debt Services

paypower black hawk,

pay power visa,

metabank Holding and profitting off a disabled veteran’s benefits!!!!!

Pleasanton, California

i ordered a pay power visa card to get my government benefits on, i am a disabled veteran and i receive va comp and pen.

METABANK bilking disabled American Veteran out of his VA benefits…. This needs to be stopped completely and totally forever. GIVE THAT DISABLED AMERICAN VETERAN FULL ACCESS TO HIS OWN MONEY, ALL OF IT, RIGHT NOW!!!

METABANK cannot keep doing this same old scam over and over again.

ONLY CONSUMERS CAN WORK TO GET METABANK STOPPED ONCE AND FOR ALL…. contact every elected official at every level of government and get this stopped now, right now



I set up and got my first direct deposit i needed to get a sizable amount of cash off my card but the ATM and bank limit were only 500 per day each i called customer service and asked how i could get more cash and the only way was to get cash back after making purchases, well i made multiple purchases and this apparently flagged risk department and they blocked my card because they felt i was using my card to much… [ This is the gimmick that makes METABANK CEO’s rich and then richer]
i called and got someone who couldn’t help me they had no contact info for someone who could

i had to wait for someone to call me back 24 to 48 hours, i also emailed multiple other company email addresses and never to this day got a response via email but i finallyi got a call back days later(more than two) and i was grilled rudely about how i was using my card and why, and i was told to send in a bunch of info to verify my identity and they’d be able to decide if they would take the hold off the account, on top of the verification of my identity they wanted documents about my deposit where it came from and why i was getting it… [ This is part of the METABANK scam technique. Pay careful attention! The guy, a disabled Veteran can’t access his own money and then METABANK works a scam that pushes the blame off of them, and nothing is done to help the customer access their own money.]i am a disabled veteran they knew the deposit came from the treasury and from the VA but okay i sent in everything they asked for and some. [ This will be a steady source of income for METABANK and why they do this scam. Yes, it is narcissistic and really sick, but METABANK’s perception of reality is skewed and a bit paranoid… In the end all that matters to METABANK is that they make more money for their CEOs. METABANK doesn’t care about humanity and apparently feels no form of empathy with the people they scam continually.]
Including letters from the VA stating why i get my compensation, how much it is, where it was sent to when i began receiving it and why information that i would only have access to including my military service info but they would not take the block off my card nor send me my money.
I sent my id and my ssc on top of utility bill and all this other info that also included my address and ssn… but they state that ALL OF THIS did not verify the info they want to verify and until they get that my account will stay blocked. [ We experienced a similar form of treatment by METABANK, but how this guy is being treated may be worse… METABANK has gotten worse, not better customer service!!!!]i asked what else i could possibly send them and they said nothing. so what the hell does that mean?
[METABANK must be stopped! This is gross and abusive treatment of a disabled American Veteran!!!!!]
they can keep my money forever??
how can they get away with this crap?  [I wonder that too????]
they refuse to send me my money which is over 4000.00!!! [ METABANK is getting an interest free loan. This was their plan from the start..]
and they say they will do nothing about it… so my money just gets to sit there until there stupid monthly fee eats it all up?? [ That is the idea and why we believe that METABANK’s practices are unscrupulous…. Please complain to the Veteran’s Administration in writing.]
BS. I tried to go through the VA to get it but since i spent some of the money they cannot get the deposit back.[METABANK creates and administers all of the rules…. This truly is a scam!!!!]
i swear what they are doing is completely illegal. [ It is unscrupulous and immoral what METABANK does over and over again.]not to mention its BS that you have to call one number and talk to people that don’t know what they are talking about and then have to wait over 2 days for a phone call back from someone else that doesn’t really care about your issue.[ This is why we hate METABANK. It is a set up to defraud honest people out of their own hard earned cash money.]
i provided everything they asked for and some this is bull sh… and i want my money back. [ You really should get all of your money and then some for the grief and pain you have had to go through with METABANK.]
There will be a class action against them… and i cant wait. i want my 4200.00 plus suffering, losing my house and everything else because of their practices. i understand security but this company is definitely a scam!
Yes, METABANK is a scam and we want them stopped everywhere and in every capacity. This is a gross miscarriage of justice. Reading this story which is unfortunately a lot like mine and that of others leaves me feeling sick that we have not yet been able to get these kinds of practices, bold miscarriages of justice and blatant abuse of customers.

God, help this disabled veteran

God, seek justice for all those people that METABANK has abused in such horrendous ways.

God, please help us and spare us from such adversity as we, so many of us now, have experienced already at the hands of METABANK.

God, in your mercy, put an end to this kind of abuse of good people.

METABANK CEOs make huge overly abundant annual incomes; The average METABANK employee doesn’t even make a living wage; they earn below the poverty level

“If we truly cared about the poor, we would have a federal living wage.” METABANK’s average employees earn wages that put them at poverty level or below while METABANK CEOs earn excessively large amounts of income annually

Are we ready for change?

By , Published: January 22

I listen to presidential speeches with an ear to the parts about personal finance. In President Obama’s second inaugural address, he made a few interesting points.

The first reference came when he said, “For we, the people, understand that our country cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it.” [ This is the design plan for how METABANK believes they can find success by taking advantage of the underbanked/unbanked. METABANK often brags about “serving” the unbanked/underbanked, but what METABANK does is unscrupulous. METABANK creates a lot of fine print in which METABANK retains all control in many and varying ways…. Many former customers have complained for years. The complaints are always the same. METABANK has no intention of meeting customers real and very articulately expressed needs… METABANK, as far as American consumers are concerned is so consumed by their own profits that they fail to serve humanity or even their own customer base.]

I immediately wondered: Do we as a nation really understand this?

I don’t think so. If we did, I wouldn’t receive numerous e-mails from people criticizing programs that help those who fell into the housing sinkhole. Their complaint? Why should those people get help when I did all the right things financially and I don’t qualify for anything? The e-mail writers see irresponsible people who don’t deserve help. They don’t acknowledge the predatory practices that pushed some borrowers into mortgages they couldn’t afford.

Obama went on to say: “We believe that America’s prosperity must rest upon the broad shoulders of a rising middle class. We know that America thrives when every person can find independence and pride in their work, when the wages of honest labor liberate families from the brink of hardship.”

On his first point, I agree. The middle class is the focus of much of the country’s attention, but often at the expense of the poor. [ Think carefully about this because if the poor are suffering, the effects will spill over into all of society. Ignoring the working poor and then compounded by the fact that METABANK wants people to have their salary or government checks directly deposited into a checking account that is connected to a debit card with the promise that by using the debit card often that their customer base will be able to improve their credit history, but which only gives METABANK, a proven abuser of their customer base, full control of their depositors money. The fact that banks knowingly gave loans to people who had not real way to be able to pay for them is the real crime… yet those people aren’t in jail. METABANK’s track record and the shear number of customer complaints about how they have been lied to and abused by METABANK speaks for itself!!!!!]

If we truly cared about the poor, we would have a federal living wage.

The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. How can families get decent housing, pay for the necessities (food, utilities, transportation) and save for retirement or their kid’s college education, as we constantly admonish them to do, on about $15,000 a year on one paycheck?

Many two-income households can’t make it on low-wage and even mid-wage salaries.

On, a project of the National Employment Law Project, the advocates say the federal standard would be $10.58 an hour if pegged to inflation over the past 40 years. Even at that amount it would still be tough to make ends meet.

The law project released a report last year discussing twin trends during the recession —

      • the loss of mid-wage jobs (occupations with median hourly wages from $13.84 to $21.13)

      • and the growth of lower-wage jobs (median hourly wages from $7.69 to $13.83).

  • Lower-wage occupations were 21 percent of recession job losses but 58 percent of recovery growth, according to the report.
  • Mid-wage occupations were 60 percent of recession losses but only 22 percent of recovery growth.

“In short, America’s good jobs deficit continues,” the report said.

I’m about to send my oldest child off to college. Even if she goes to school in-state, it will cost more than $20,000 a year in tuition, fees, room and board.

How in the world could even a two-income family making minimum wage be able to save more than $80,000 to send a child to college? Yes, they could shave a lot off that cost by having their student attend a community college or pick a commuter-campus school. But it’s still a big financial hurdle to jump, assuming no other life issues come into play such as an illness or job loss.

Obama also talked about equal pay for women, arguing that “our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts.” As the mother of two daughters, I’d like specifics on what more the president hopes to do to eliminate the gender pay gap.

I don’t believe enough people, as Obama claimed, “recognize that no matter how responsibly we live our lives, any one of us at any time may face a job loss or a sudden illness or a home swept away in a terrible storm.”

[It seems to us as consumers that METABANK is waiting to pounce on consumers at every and at any chance they can rationalize in their own minds. It will be for us as consumers to demand living wages for all jobs.]

Income inequality is increasingly dividing our country.

They arrogantly believe they have achieved success on their own.

And many have-nots often don’t help their case when they act financially irresponsibly.

[Worse yet when those same people made those poor choices based on false and misleading information…. We expect U.S. Banks to protect all of our assets and especially those of those most economically fragile, but that is where METABANK makes their biggest income… off of the poor.]

And yet even when they do make mistakes, we should have compassion and fight to maintain the social safety nets — Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security — that, as Obama said, “do not sap our initiative. They strengthen us.”

Obama still has hope.

“We are true to our creed when a little girl born into the bleakest poverty knows that she has the same chance to succeed as anybody else,” he said.

I’ve known hunger.

I nearly ended up in foster care.

But I believed that I could succeed.

And I did it. But not alone. I had help. I had my grandmother.

And she had help through the state medical assistance program that she relied on so I could get treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.

Rising tides do lift all boats. Maybe soon, we the people will agree.

Readers may write to Michelle Singletary at The Washington Post, 1150 15th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071. Personal responses may not be possible, and comments or questions may be used in a future column, with the writer’s name, unless otherwise requested. To read previous Color of Money columns, go to

Well spoken, Michelle Singletary!!!


Much of this comes down to how we describe success, and the word “Success” is at this time a buzz word.

Success carries a different meaning for different people.

The first meaning or definition of Success that is given in the dictionary is “The accomplishment of an aim or purpose”

The second definition given for Success is “The attainment of popularity or profit.
What if an entity or even an individual was solely created so that they set out to do something that was detrimental to others?

Prosperity based on the sacrifice of or at the expense of the general welfare and well-being of others is immoral.

 When success is defined, for example, in any of the following ways:

  • “We’re looking for something where we can make something happen: an industry where the competition is asleep, hasn’t taken advantage.” ~ unknown entrepreneur **
  • “Banks and other providers of credit to households have been competing vigorously to expand or protect their market share. In the process, lending standards have been progressively eroded so that lenders are now engaging in practices that would have been regarded as out of the question five or ten years ago.” I. M.- Banks – Competition – Risk – Growth **
  • “Marx was right when he said capitalism would destroy itself as capitalist would eat capitalist until they became so big they could not compete.” D. S. – Capitalism – Growth – Competition vvvv
  • “An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.” J. W. – Action – Learning – Competition
  • “We worry about staying competitive as well as continue to come up with new things” J.Y. – Competitive     xyz
  • “Many businesses with unpopular products or inefficient production find it much easier to curry the favor of a few influential politicians or a government agency than to compete in the open market.”                                                                     C. K    Business – Products – Politicians – Competition **
  • “You’ve got to look for a gap, where competitors in a market have grown lazy and lost contact with the customer base”                  R.M.  Growth – Competition – Lazy – Customers **
  • “I have always loved the competitive forces in this business. You know I certainly have meetings where I spur people on by saying, “Hey, we can do better than this. How come we are not out ahead on that?”                                                                        B.G.  Innovative – Improvement – Competition – Encouragement **
  • “I believe that competition in the future will not be only an advertising competition between individual products or between big associations, but that it will in addition be a competition of propaganda.” E.B. – Competition – Propaganda – Advertising – Products – Big Business      xxxx
  • “If you’re attacking your market from multiple positions and your competition isn’t, you have all the advantage and it will show up in your increased success and income.” J. A. – Marketing – Competition – Success >>>

Then success is at the expense of humanity, of peace, of healing the wounds in society

** If a business, a corporation, or a bank like METABANK/BANKMETA, seeks to distract their own employees from what the CEOs are really asking of them as employees so that even the employee doesn’t understand that what they are doing is immoral, this is  a failure to exercise the care that a reasonable person would exercise in the same or similar situation. This is illegal.

METABANK/BANKMETA requires their customer representatives to lie on the phone…. What inspires these employees to lie? It appears that they are lying using a script/ a list of lies or standardized reasons for why that customer can’t access even their own money.

**     “I have always loved the competitive forces in this business. You know I certainly have meetings where I spur people on by saying, “Hey, we can do better than this. How come we are not out ahead on that?”      B.G.  Innovative – Improvement – Competition – Encouragement    

METABANK requires their underpaid employees to do the dirty work of lying to other people who most likely are more like them than Haahr, Leedom or Moore. Why would such underpaid employees lie for METABANK?

Please think about all of the implications in this… We are being mislead by corporate powers to believe and do things that if we had considered them, we never would have done them. METABANK tellers are required to have a GED or a high school diploma.

>>> If a business indicates that they are attacking the market from multiple positions and their competition isn’t, this “successful” entrepreneur indicates that the company, the business, the corporate entity, or a bank like METABANK, will have all the market advantage.

NO mention is made of serving the needs, those real needs of their customer base. The expressed desire is a competitive advantage that will increase the profits for the CEOs….. Please note that only the CEOs, those at the top make $700,000.00 a year in income. METABANK is an Iowa based bank; here is a list of the average salaries for bank employees in Iowa:

Average Salary of Jobs with Related Titles

In USD as of Jan 27, 2013


METABANK/BANKMETA’s home base is located in Storm Lake, Iowa.

Here are the average annual incomes for bank employees in Storm Lake, Iowa:

Average Salary of Jobs with Related Titles


Storm Lake, Iowa hires bilingual Financial Service Representatives, but in what ways is METABANK planning to provide a service to non-native English speakers?

Also of note, is that the salaries of bank employees in Storm Lake, Iowa are lower than their own state’s average.


Let’s look closer at how METABANK/BANKMETA operates:

2012 Poverty Guidelines for the
48 Contiguous States and the District of Columbia
Persons in
Poverty guideline
1 $11,170
2 15,130
3 19,090
4 23,050
5 27,010
6 30,970
7 34,930
8 38,890
For families/households with more than 8 persons,
add $3,960 for each additional person.

Tellers in Storm Lake, Iowa  make  an annual salary of $8,000.00

While “Sales Base Allowance in Storm Lake, IA”  (Although we aren’t really sure what this position is all about, it appears that sales, publicity and marketing bank products for Storm Lake, Iowa banks such as METABANK/BANKMETA)  make   $57,000.00 per year. We have often noted that METABANK/BANKMETA creates impressive publicity, but the product which is the same product but offered using a different name, simply doesn’t measure up to the promises in their own publicity….. False advertising amounts to predatory banking practices.

“Sales Base Allowance in Storm Lake, IA” as bank employee makes  a whopping $57,000.00 as compared to the $8,000.00 that “Service Representative Teller in Storm Lake, IA” make, and the $7,000.00 that is annual salary for the “Bank Teller National in Storm Lake, IA”, and the $  11,000.00 ”Service Representative Bank Teller in Storm Lake, IA” (note the addition of the word ‘bank’ to create a different pay level from a ”Service Representative Teller in Storm Lake, IA”) makes in the same city.

All of these pay scales creates the working poor, the same targeted customer base to which METABANK caters. A one person household must earn at least  $11,170 to remove themselves from being considered as living in poverty according to the 2012 Poverty Guidelines for the 48 Contiguous States and Washington, D.C

$13,214.29 is the overall average of the employees of banks in Storm Lake, Iowa.

Because METABANK/BANKMETA is home-based in Storm Lake, Iowa it follows that the METABANK/BANKMETA pay scale for their employees  would closely parallel these averages.

The unusually high salary of $57,000.00  given to ”Sales Base Allowance in Storm Lake, IA” was not included in this average because it was so greatly different from all of the salaries earned by other bank employees.

A two person household must have at least $ 15,130.00 annual income just to be able to get by.

However, the average salary of bank employees in Storm Lake, Iowa is only $13,214.29.

We can all then assume that METABANK/BANKMETA employees for the most part live at or close to poverty levels. METABANK hires and keeps their employees in a fragile economic state.

The average employee of METABANK/BANKMETA lives in poverty. They are the working poor who live from paycheck to paycheck just to survive.

METABANK’s CEO’s annual incomes

J. Tyler Haahr has been appointed as Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer of Meta Financial Group, Inc., and MetaBank, a subsidiary of Meta Financial Group, Inc. The Board of Directors elected Mr. Haahr to serve as its Chairman effective October 1, 2011. He follows his father in that same position.  Haahr has been employed by Meta Financial and its affiliates since March 1997, and his “BASIC COMPENSATION” is:

Total Annual Compensation, USD          396,550 

Long-Term Incentive Plans, USD                –

 All Other,                                                             280,768

USD Fiscal Year Total, USD                    1,001,860

(This amount alone is far more than what the average employee makes at METABANK…. yes, that customer service representative who lies to you over the phone isn’t doing it because they themselves are making a great income by doing this to people who are more like them than Haahr is…. We find this to be rather bizarre.)

J.Tyler Haahr also receives: OPTIONS COMPENSATION

                                   Quantity                Market Value

Excercisable                 96,164                553,935.00

Unexercisable                9,375 –

Excercised                      30,600                370,581.00

This amount is far more than the average employee at METABANK

Haahr makes an additional amount in options income of $924,516.00  and that alone is way more money than the average salary than most of the employees of METABANK.

$924,516.00 +    $1,001,860.00 = $1,926,376.00 

Haahr makes at least $1,926,376.00 from his affiliation with METABANK. It can be assumed that he is also invested in other corporate entities. Banks don’t pay great interest on savings accounts at this time so it is highly probable that J. Tyler Haahr is well  invested in various entities.

vvvv ”Marx was right when he said capitalism would destroy itself as capitalist would eat capitalist until they became so big they could not compete.” D. S. – Capitalism – Growth – Competition

In the USA, we have prided ourselves on having a strong middle class. A strong middle class has been associated with stability. We had south America and their state of chaos paraded before us in Social Studies Classes for a number of years. The political upheavals were attributed to  the disproportionate distribution of wealth. We watched as South America appeared to be in war and war with coup after coup…. (Then we may perchance meet someone from Central or South America who tells us that the U.S.A. was involved in what was happening in their countries all along… It was our corporate power houses who were funding upheavals in Central and South America to gain access to raw materials in a way that would allow US Corporate entities to flourish.)…

…Still, U.S. text books continued to indicate that the presence of a strong middle class is what brought citizens of the USA stability and prosperity. This makes the assumption that the middle class actually exists and that their vote actually counts for something. The role of lobbyists may have been glossed over for the power they are able to be able to push policy through in the US Senate and the US House that may not actually serve the general public in any kind of positive way.

Small businesses are just about impossible to start up at this time in the U.S.A. Now we find in the USA that great divide between the rich and the working poor, just like what we had been told existed and which had caused chaos and internal military coups one after the other.

Some Americans complain that “Those people are coming up here to take our jobs.” I over heard this at a mall, and I knew that those two old men had never stooped walking through fields to harvest crops nor had they worked as custodians or hotel housekeepers. Once the owners broke the meat packing industry’s union, those meat packing companies can’t find native born U.S. citizens to work in their meat packing company in the U.S.A. In recent news, we have read that union busting continues and that it is expanding. Caution is advised here.

The middle class may no longer exist in the USA, but it also isn’t fair to expect people to work and to exist in a state of poverty that amounts to being a form of economic servitude.

“America’s good jobs deficit continues”

Good jobs means those that pay a wage that will keep hard working people out of being in a state of poverty and from having to live in a state of economic instability.

METABANK’s practices basically seek to create a form of economic servitude so that the CEOs of METABANK can get richer and richer. The values and the definition for success found in the way that METABANK does business is destructive for what we have longed prized as being our fundamental American values.


METABANK’s CEO’s annual incomes

David W. Leedom serves as Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary of Meta Financial Group, Inc. He is Executive Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chief Financial Officer of the Company after being appointed to the position on January 28, 2008. Additionally, Mr. Leedom is a member of the Executive Committees for both the Company and the Bank.

He previously served as a Senior and as an Executive Vice President for BankFirst for 11 years prior to joining Meta in January 2007; his experience at BankFirst included his positions as EVP of Accounting and Finance and Credit Portfolio Management. Mr. Leedom’s experience also includes 11 years at Citibank.


Total Annual Compensation, USD  229,056

Long-Term Incentive Plans, USD –

All Other,                                         USD  194,963

Fiscal Year Total,                      USD 586,209


David Leedom takes in at least $586,209.00 each year from METABANK.  No options compensation is listed.  That is rather odd. The average METABANK  employee earns at a level close to or below what is considered to be the poverty level.

$586, 209.00 is far above the poverty level so that Leedom’s family can live very comfortably. Given this amount of income, it can also be assumed that Leedom is investing elsewhere too. Bank interest just doesn’t make much money for bank customers.

Unless different rules apply to Haahr and Leedom, we must assume that they have a very diversified portfolio. What interests do they hold in other countries that may influence how they operate elsewhere?

“We worry about staying competitive as well as continue to come up with new things” J.Y. – Competitive     xyz          METABANK offers the same same product but changes the name of the product. METABANK only can appear to be competitive, but through that illusion they work their scam and make money. Nothing is morally sound nor does it serve to build up our society.

The thought process within and driving METABANK’s actual practices is aberrantly conceived so they are predatory and abusive.


METABANK’s CEO’s annual incomes

Troy Moore III, is Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President, Director of Meta Financial Group, Inc.  Moore is Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Meta Financial Group, Inc. The Board of Directors appointed Troy Moore III to fill the vacancy on the Board of Directors created by James S. Haahr’s retirement, effective October 1, 2011. Previously, Mr. Moore was the president of the Central Iowa Market of MetaBank, a position he from 1998 to 2005. He joined MetaBank in 1997 as a Vice President in the Central Iowa Market.

The reported “BASIC COMPENSATION” for Troy Moore III is:

Total Annual Compensation, USD 189,999

Long-Term Incentive Plans,   USD –

All Other,                                     USD 269,689

Fiscal Year Total,                      USD 459,688

No “Options Compensations” are listed for Moore. However, $459,688.00 is such a significant amount of income that he could be investing quite well. What Moore, Haahr and Leedom make each year exceeds what its absolutely necessary to be able to survive. Given their annual incomes and assuming that these amounts are accurate, what Haahr, Leedom and Moore make far more each year than the average employee at METABANK, the ones hired to lie to their own customers…

…Troy Moore III’s annual income far exceeds the income of the average employee at METABANK. It is those low paid METABANK who doing the lying, as instructed by their CEOs, to the customers of METABANK. They are the ones who must do the dirty work of lying, but why lie????

….As a former customer, I had to ask “Why lie?” I had never seen such awful customer service before.

The lies were bold and blatant lies, but METABANK had all control of my money and kept it from me when I needed it the most. The publicity that stated their prepaid cards were safer and more secure than using cash; that is true for METABANK, but not true fort customers. METABANK’s prepaid cards are a real money maker for them, and even if applied according to the myths they promote in their own publicity, METABANK would be making huge amounts of money.

The need to make more each year than the year before amounts to a form of greed and reflects a perverted image of what constitutes success.

xxxx  “I believe that competition in the future will not be only an advertising competition between individual products or between big associations, but that it will in addition be a competition of propaganda.” E.B. – Competition – Propaganda – Advertising – Products – Big Business             

It appears that although METABANK excels in doing publicity that their publicity promotes a product that in reality doesn’t serve customers in the way they say it will. It also appears that METABANK needs their competition to imitate their product so that their practices “can become normalized” and made to be perceived as common practice when it is a great fraud and abuse of the American people in the way that they do business and the way that they treat their customer base, humanity, ordinary people like you and me. We are all being scammed together… It is just that some haven’t realized it yet.


Bradley C. Hanson serves as Executive Vice President, Director of Meta Financial Group, Inc., and Executive Vice President of MetaBank, a subsidiary of Meta Financial Group, Inc.

He serves on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee for the Network Branded Prepaid Card Association. Hanson has been employed by MetaBank since May 2004. From 1991 until joining MetaBank in May 2004, Mr. Hanson was employed by Bankfirst in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where he served in a variety of capacities,including Senior Vice President of Payment Systems from March 2001 to April 2004. Hanson received his B.A. degree in Economics from the University of South Dakota in 1988. He attended the ABA School of Bankcard Management at the University of Delaware in 1996 and the ABA Graduate School of Bankcard Management at the University of Oklahoma in 1997.

Hanson has been a director of the Company since 2005.


Total Annual Compensation, USD          360,500

Long-Term Incentive Plans, USD               –

All Other, USD                                                    252,753

Fiscal Year Total, USD                                  998,867


                           Quantity               Market Value

Excercisable       15,621                      32,454.00

Unexercisable     55,000                    105,350.00

Excercised              —                                 –

Bradley C. Hanson’s annual total income is then:

$998,867.00 + $32,454.00 + $104,350.00 = $1,135,671.00

$1,135,671.00 is so much more income than the average employee at METABANK.

In fact, METABANK’s average employee  make so little that they would for the most part be classified as the working poor, who live from pay check to pay check, in a state of financial instability and financial insecurity.

How does Hanson serve the well-being of humanity? It appears that the driving factor behind the way that METABANK operates is abusive of their customer base.

These are the people who are expected to manage the daily ordinary operations involving customer’s deposits.

Is this a wise decision by the CEOs of METABANK to underpay the majority of their employees?

**    “Many businesses with unpopular products or inefficient production find it much easier to curry the favor of a few influential politicians or a government agency than to compete in the open market.”

C. K    Business – Products – Politicians – Competition **

METABANK helped to create NBPCA. Together they paid far more than any other entity in 2009 to Rupli and Associates, Lobbyists in Washington D.C to advocate for legislation that would help them to market their prepaid cards so the METABANK CEOs could make more and more money each year.

Money seems to beget yet more money, but this shouldn’t happen at the expense and through the abuse of the majority of the American people.

So many customers over a period of years and years have complained about the unacceptable customer service they have received by using METABANK. METABANK makes all the rules and enforces them to their own benefit…. well, the benefit of their own CEOs while getting their low paid employees so little that they find themselves in a state of being among the working poor and then something is said to those employees to entice them to lie to people who are far more like them than the METABANK CEOs.

**   “I have always loved the competitive forces in this business.

You know I certainly have meetings where I spur people on by saying, “Hey, we can do better than this.

How come we are not out ahead on that?”   

B.G.  Innovative – Improvement – Competition – Encouragement **

It appears that METABANK uses this technique to get their low paid employees to lie for them.

Something is very wrong within the way that METABANK perceives they should treat humanity. For METABANK, making a profit is how they define success, but to such a perverted degree that they have given themselves permission to abuse their customers and the predatory ptractices found in the way they do publicity.

METABANK is not a proper role model for any other financial institution anywhere.

Similar Companies to Meta Bank:

Camden National Bank 
Situated in the Camden, ME area, Camden National Bank is a member of the Banks industry. Their Lead411 profile provides quality data containing valuable information like cfo info, social data, linkedin urls, other contacts, and data points on Camden National Bank’s CEO Gregory Dufour. If you need to send messages to Camden National Bank email addresses, you can find those addresses here attached to their domain of So far, Camden National Bank has greater than 250 employees and annually registers more than fifty million in income. At this time, there are 16 jobs up on their site, but those who are employed with them at this time have salaries within the range of $51452.

Guaranty Federal Bancshares, Inc 
Guaranty Federal Bancshares, Inc, a company that works within the Banks, industry, has greater than 100 employees, with the company netting more than ten million in yearly revenues. This Springfield, MO-based business has 4 job openings at this time with their staff earning wages of about $72713. Their profile on Lead411 presents significant data such as cfo contacts, linkedin data, and Guaranty Federal Bancshares, Inc email addresses with the domain as well as quality contact info regarding Guaranty Federal Bancshares, Inc’s CEO Shaun Burke. They have their head office in Springfield, MO.

Bank Mutual Corporation 
Bank Mutual Corporation, a Banks company, is based in Milwaukee, WI. It has greater than 500 employees and marks an annual income of more than twenty million. They can be reached through Bank Mutual Corporation email addresses indicated on their Lead411 profile with a domain of Aside from email information, their Lead411 collection of data also includes details about Bank Mutual Corporation’s CEO Michael Crowley, chief financial officer contacts, facebook and linkedin profiles, etc. Salaries in Bank Mutual Corporation are somewhere in the amount of $80440, and currently there are 4 jobs available in the company.

BCSB Bankcorp, Inc 
Have you been searching for BCSB Bankcorp, Inc’s contact information for hours? Have you been trying to find BCSB Bankcorp, Inc’s CEO Joseph Bouffard’s domain email address? We have other BCSB Bankcorp, Inc email addresses as well. Check out their pertinent company details on their Lead411 profile and find that they already have greater than 100 employee and a yearly income of more than ten million. As for salary, their employees earn within the range of $73381 and as of the moment there are 1 jobs available based on their site. BCSB Bankcorp, Inc is a Banks business and is based in Baltimore, MD and more information like linkedin facts, cfo executives and facebook profiles can be found within the Lead411 profile.

F.N.B. Corporation 
Situated in the Hermitage, PA area, F.N.B. Corporation is a member of the Banks industry. Their Lead411 profile provides quality data containing valuable information like cfo info, social data, linkedin urls, other contacts, and data points on F.N.B. Corporation’s CEO Stephen Gurgovits. If you need to send messages to F.N.B. Corporation email addresses, you can find those addresses here attached to their domain of So far, F.N.B. Corporation has greater than 1000 employees and annually registers more than one hundred million in income. At this time, there are 2 jobs up on their site, but those who are employed with them at this time have salaries within the range of $44352.


What is needed at this time?

  •  Bank Regulations need to be enforced

  • Proper Bank Regulations are needed