Meta Bank, Brad Hansen, Paybefore Industry and the Freedom of Speech

Brad Hanson wins Paybefore Industry Achievement Award

[This is a joke!!!!  Brad Hansen most likely created the award that he was given.

Brad Hansen helped to create and to promote this scam, the program that is the prepaid card system that so many consumers have complained about over and over again. He has been teaching it to other enterprises including some state governments as if this was really something to be promoted. It is nothing but a scam. Brad Hansen and the Network Branded Prepaid Card Association that he helped to create as a so-called “non-profit organization” that would lobby in DC for the bank regulations that benefit banks. There is nothing noble about the prepay system that he has promoted. Look at what consumers really have to say. By the way, on a METABANK website, you won’t find genuine input from real customers. What is being presented as customers input is nothing but publicity.]

Brad Hanson, President of Meta Payment Systems, was awarded the Paybefore Industry Achievement Award at the 2009 Prepaid Card Expo in Orlando, Fla. The Paybefore Awards are the oldest and most prestigious awards that recognize excellence in the worldwide prepaid and stored value card industry. The Industry Achievement Award is presented to the individual who has demonstrated leadership and contributed most to the success and progress of the industry during the past year or many years. [ How old is this award system if it is the oldest???? The paybefore  concept is rather new in card form and it has already been abused.  Brad Hansen thought up this scheme that is harming consumers in ways that are truly an abomination!!!]

“This Paybefore Award spotlights the brilliant individuals using prepaid to provide innovative payment solutions. Brad Hanson continues to deliver innovative vision and leadership not only to the organizations he has led, but also to the prepaid industry as a whole,” said Marilyn Bochicchio, CEO of Paybefore. “He is a trailblazer in the world of prepaid, seeing the value and opportunity in the industry to the millions of people it serves.” [It appears that “Paybefore” is yet another form of banking scam. This one creates awards to make itself look good. Don’t bank with META BANK nor with any organization that Brad Hansen has his hands into the money pot.]

Under Hanson’s leadership, Meta Payment Systems has become the top prepaid card issuer, rebate card issuer and agent bank gift card issuer in less than four years. [ ok so this system had only been around for 4 years in 2009. That was the year that META BANK scammed me. In 2009, META BANK was being sued for fraud. They sold CD’s that really had no value; they simply shifted money around. The CD’s were worthless. In 2009, Boesen’s suicide in response to the banking practices was first published in the Des Moines Register. META BANK is still trying to get money from the widow. Why META BANK ever loaned any money to Boesen is really due to META BANK’s own greed, and lack of scruples. META BANK didn’t do their homework in a way that most of us would have anticipated; basically META BANK put/pushed Boesen over the edge in the way that they did their business. Brad Hansen is right in their working this deal. There is nothing noble about him.]

In addition to his leadership at Meta Payment Systems, Hanson remains one of the industry’s top visionaries and innovators as he served as a founding board member for the influential, inter-industry Network Branded Prepaid Card Association (NBPCA). [ Yes, Brad Hansen created this scam and then an award for himself. He has the kind of personality that must win at all costs. People like Brad Hansen are dragging down all of the economy in the USA. He is on a power trip. Please stop META BANK and Brad Hansen.] He continues to provide vision and leadership in compliance [ Compliance???? META BANK begins their propositions to partner companies by indicating that they have all of the collection agencies in place…. meaning that the system is by design intended to be more of a collection agency rather than a bank. Customer service is not a priority in any way.]  and brings new tools and players to the market to serve consumers of all types.[ META PAYMENT Systems wasn’t designed to serve consumers or customers. This is just a form of publicity.] Prepaid payments have evolved to a strategic product category not only for financial service providers, but also for any organization that wants to extend and improve its customer relationships—much to Hanson’s credit.[ Improve customer relationships?????? This is just publicity!!!!! Haven’t you scanned the internet and seen all of the many, many complaints from previous customers of any and every product that META BANK has been involved in. META BANK simply renames a product and sells it, the same old same old scam, but using a new name.]

Meta Payment Systems® based in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, is the world’s leading issuer of prepaid, credit and debit payment solutions as well as the largest sponsor of ATMs in the United States. Meta Payment Systems, a division of MetaBank™, delivers innovative financial products that are changing the way people use, borrow and manage money.[Consumers are all afraid of banks now because it was the banks that put us into an economic decline. Had I not been so horribly scammed by META PAYMENT Systems, I would never have created this blog to protest how META BANK operates.] Meta Payment Systems brings money to LIFE. [ That is a publicity statement and it has no fruitfulness for consumers and customers. No one in their right mind should invest in META BANK/META PAYMENT SYSTEMS because it is and has been nothing but a scam.]Meta Financial Group, Inc.® (NASDAQ Global Market:® CASH) is the holding company for federally-chartered savings bank MetaBank

[The nature of freedom of speech allows Brad Hansen and META BANK to put out such trash about a product that is very flawed; it is their only product. The nature of freedom of speech also requires that I should forewarn any other potential future customers of META BANK to be extremely cautious and better yet to avoid dealing with META BANK and PREPAID CARDS in any form or manner so that they will not be scammed again as I was. The citizens of the USA simply do not have in place enough regulations or the way o enforce those regulations to make it a wise choice to bank with META BANK, to get a PREPAID BANK CARD, to bank with or work in conjunction with Brad Hansen and his self-proclaimed wonder cards. As a customer and consumer, I have personally found the prepaid bank cards are only a way for banks to hold consumer’s money and to keep it from them. It is an interest free loan for META BANK. There is nothing in place that regulates these PREPAID BANK CARDS. Many customers complain about this product and how META BANK has abused their customer’s good will.]

[Meta Bank recently went through all of the complaints about their service and told those people who had complained that they should read the agreement better and then it would work. I don’t know how they put someone up to this within their company. No consumer would talk to another consumer like that and say that if the consumer had only done what they were supposed to have done that there wouldn’t be any problems. The problem is that META BANK controls all of the rules, retains the right to chance the rules without notice, charges customers to phone them trying to get their problem straightened out, lies to the consumers over and over again and then pushes all of the blame off onto the consumer. Pushing the blame off onto the consumer is at the heart of the scam that META BANK repeats over and over again on unsuspecting consumers who only buy their product because they are “sold” through a third party with whom the consumer feels more comfortable. The third party loses long standing customers, and META BANK comes out financially ahead.]

[Because of the way that I was treated by METABANK/ META PAYMENT SYSTEMS using a prepaid card, and I was scammed, I became opposed to these prepaid cards. I can find nothing reputable with META BANK’s policies as they are practiced in reality to advocate for the continuance of these kinds of cards. The cards are being used to make US Citizens into economic slaves of META BANK. Please be warned that this prepaid card is nothing but a way for META BANK to make money quick; I have never worked with a worse system.]


More about Brad Hansen’s award from META PAYMENT SYSTEMS itself:




Meta continues support of Gallup HOPE Index

In support of our mission to promote financial inclusion for everyone, Meta has made another donation to the Gallup-Operation HOPE Financial Literacy Index. Meta is a founding member of the organization and has already committed over $250,000 to launch this powerful resource for financial education.

The survey will poll more than 30 million American students to identify wellbeing, engagement, hope and economic energy. The results will help educators factor in the voices of students when tailoring education curriculum and determining schooling interventions.

“Operation HOPE has always worked to empower the underserved,” said John Hope Bryant, HOPE Founder, Chairman and CEO. “The creation of the Gallup-HOPE Index demonstrates HOPE’s commitment towards cutting edge solutions, the Index will help America to stay ahead of the curve and overcome challenges.”

For more information about the Gallup-Operation HOPE Financial Literacy Index, visit


Meta’s President, Brad Hanson featured in Paybefore article

The fall 2011 issue of Paybefore magazine published an exclusive interview with Meta’s president, Brad Hanson, titled “Meta Bouncing Back: Drawing on Past Challenges to Forge a Robust Future.” Marilyn Bochicchio, CEO of Paybefore, interviewed Brad about recent regulatory events that have influenced the way Meta, and the prepaid industry as a whole, do business. [Brad Hansen no doubt helped to create this magazine “Paybefore” just as he helped to create the Network Branded Prepaid Card Association. This is nothing more than a form of publicity created by Brad Hansen and for Brad Hansen, one in the same. Not the trinity, just Brad Hansen up to what he does because that is what he does.]

The article gave a candid, in-depth view into Meta’s evolved business practices and relationships in response to increased regulatory oversight. [ META BANK got hit hard because they had scammed so many innocent people through their Iadvance card. Consumers feel that much more should have been done to META BANK]Brad stated, “If anyone asked in October 2010, when all of this occurred, if we would have grown the business as we have and continued to be profitable in the way we have – to thrive in the face of all of this – very few would have believed it.” [Why would any partner, potential partner company fall for this publicity? This is all bogus, feel good stuff, but not real at all.]

As a result of this new perspective, Meta has made a point of choosing our business relationships carefully. Brad said, “Our goal, you could say, is to work with fewer but more qualified partners and to go deep with them – rather than broad with many.”  [This is publicity!!!! What company in their right mind would want to do business with META BANK since it would bring about the loss of their own customer base???? Some entity  so they are still at it at META BANK.]

Brad also addressed Meta’s philosophy as a payment solutions company. He explained, “If it’s done right, these products provide an invaluable opportunity for the vulnerable, overlooked consumers to benefit from the kinds of mainstream financial services the rest of us take for granted. That’s what our mission to promote financial inclusion for everyone is all about.” [ No, no , no…… Meta Bank has sought out their customer’s vulnerabilities so that they can prey on these same vulnerabilities…. And overlooked means a customer base that META BANK assumes will not have the time nor energy to be able to complain adequately to be able to stop their malicious treatment of their customer base… This is where we as customers, former customers of META BANK must align with each other to protect the innocent people among us, which is the majority of us…. META BANK simply has a very bad track record in the way they treat consumers/customers. Don’t bank with this bank in any capacity is the best advice that I can give. META BANK was designed to prey on the most vulnerable among us; they planned for their customer base to fail. META BANK has all of the collection agencies in place and ready to go for their partner companies; this is how they promote themselves to potential partner companies…. I don’t want to put myself or my grandmother in that position to be hounded by collectors…. Some other institution would be a far better resource because META BANK is not customer friendly. “Financial inclusion for everyone” is merely empty words to sound good or even to make themselves feel good about taking advantage of the most vulnerable…. What META BANK offers the most vulnerable is not a genuine “help up.”  It will end up being just another form of “Put down.”]

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