Tendency To Blame the Victim is a form of arrogance – METABANK; META PAYMENT SYSTEMS; Pay Power

The tendency to blame the victim is what allows each of us to feel safe rather than allowing ourselves to be alert.

Bobi wrote:

I have been using PayPower for over 2 years. I have checks from both of my jobs direct deposited onto my card and I use ATM’s regularly. I have never had any problems with them holding my money.

I find it hard to believe that they “stole” your money.

Oh and by the way, when you try to pay for gas at a pump, the store authorizes your card for a certain amount. Typically anywhere between 75.00 and 125.00.

You should have read the small print before attempting to pump $3 and some change.

Two Years of using Pay Power is an inadequate amount of time to be able to say whether this product is good for everyone.

You indicate that you work more than one job and have all of your money directly deposited onto your card and that you use ATM’s regularly…..Because you haven’t had any problems with them holding your money, you find it difficult to believe that METABANK  “stole” anyone else’s money.

First of all, we are so happy for you, but your experience fails to negate all of the problems that others have encountered with the METABANK PREPAID BANK CARD.

Bobi  wrote, “Oh and by the way, when you try to pay for gas at a pump, the store authorizes your card for a certain amount. Typically anywhere between 75.00 and 125.00. You should have read the small print before attempting to pump $3 and some change.”

One of the major problems that we have encountered with METABANK PAYMENT SYSTEMS was that they immediately tried to push off all the blame for any problem that consumers have found using their product onto the customer rather than to correct the problem. Bobi seems to be doing the same to other METABANK customers or is Bobi really from METABANK/METAPAYMENT SYSTEMS?

Bobi  wrote:“You should have read the small print before attempting to pump $3 and some change.” Wow, that is an arrogant comment and the same attitude that we have encountered in dealing with METABANK/META PAYMENT SYSTEMS. META BANK/META PAYMENT SYSTEMs indicates in the small print that they retain the right to change all of the rules at any time and without giving warning.

Have you read the small print??????

It doesn’t appear that you have, Bobi.

Try to fill up a gas tank these days with $3.00 and you wouldn’t even get one full gallon. No where has any consumer indicated that they tried to only buy less than a gallon of gasoline in this blog….. that is your spin on whatever personal stories others have shared. It is the same spin that METABANK also uses… Curious!!!!

METABANK and their corporate partners give gift cards to the people they expect to help them to promote the card for them. Perhaps you are one of those recipients. Our experience has been that there are different numbers on the cards issued by METABANK so that some are actually by design far more vulnerable because METABANK has targeted them for whatever reason.

May you never be the victim of a scam. May the people with whom you share the implication, and your impression that the METABANK PREPAID CARD is the best thing going so that they buy one only to discover they have been scammed find that they are able to forgive you.

The majority of the statements in your comment above begin with “I” as in you are the only person who matters, and for you that may be true, but the reality is that we live in a community where if one person suffers all end up suffering in some way right along with them. You can continue to blame others for their problems. However, when you have a problem, and we feel certain that at some point in your life that you will, who will be left to help you when everyone else has nothing, no money and no energy to lift a finger to help you? You may think that you are immune, but you are just like the rest of us and no doubt a part of humanity ( although your message indicates a complete lack of compassion or any form of empathy.)

It doesn’t sit well these days to be an arrogant, know it all, who seeks to put down others when they are suffering simply because you aren’t.

There is no reason why METABANK has so much small print. Much of the publicity that METABANK puts out is layered and designed to look like factual information; it is by design created to confuse and to entice potential customers. METABANK relies on being able to hook in the next victim and not on retaining customers. We cannot with a good conscience even begin to encourage others to use the METABANK PREPAID CARD. META BANK sells these cards using many different names so we can’t endorse using PREPAID CARDS of any kind.

The arrogance that we have found in your comment mirrors the arrogance that we have found within METABANK itself. METABANK seeks out potential victims through a partner company, corporate entity whom METABANK CEOs basically wine and dine to get that corporate entity to take on their collections agency services. The attitude that the customer is basically stupid is one of arrogance, and I see that same arrogance and rather narcissistic  characteristic in your response. METABANK sets up all the rules and retains the right to change the rules at any time and without notice; that is in their fine print!

Bobi wrote,” Oh and by the way, when you try to pay for gas at a pump, the store authorizes your card for a certain amount. Typically anywhere between 75.00 and 125.00.” METABANK indicates that the prepaid card is better than paying with cash. We have also observed that some places simply will not accept the METABANK PREPAID CARD; we assumed that those places had been burned by METABANK’s practices on the other end of the transaction previously.

Pushing the blame away from METABANK and off onto another person seems to be part of the list of excuses that have been given to all of METABANK’s phone representatives. The METABANK phone representatives have no authority other than to read from the list of excuses to the customers who phone in with complaints; they are not authorized to address problems nor to find genuine solutions. This thinking goes counter to the way America has traditionally done business.

$75.00 to $125.00 can be authorized but not say $45 to $50 which may be more in keeping with what it may take to fill up a tank of gasoline at this moment in time. This means that METABANK/METAPAYMENT SYSTEMS has been using false advertising…… Small Print!!!! That is laughable!!! The small print is designed to obfuscate the whole process.  METABANK mostly seeks out online customers so they can do this kind of scam more easily. Link opens up to another link.

There isn’t a gas station that would be happy to issue the remainder of a $45.00 expense to fill a car’s gas tank with a cash hand out to that customer….. This statement makes no sense; the logic is missing.

Does a consumer really have all of the necessary details from which they can make an informed decision? We have discovered over and over again that METABANK Partners and their customers are basically being misled; this is what makes METABANK/METAPAYMENT SYSTEMS such a scam and why consumers should avoid all services provided by METABANK/METAPAYMENT SYSTEMS  which is in reality a collections agency and although they may be registered as a bank, METABANK/METAPAYMENT SYSTEMS  acts more in the capacity of collections agency.

Using a METABANK/METAPAYMENT SYSTEMS isn’t easier nor safer than using cash. METABANK/METAPAYMENT SYSTEMS  is an unnecessary  middle man who is making huge profits off of the most financially vulnerable citizens.

Trust us that it is a very bad beginning point to assume that anyone who has problems with METABANK is just stupid. This kind of an assumption is an effort to negate the humanity of all other people. METABANK’s phone representatives always blame the consumer for any problems they may find in using their product, and this is what your message is doing as well. WHY??????????

Every person has something going for them. You haven’t apparently experienced enough in life to be able to recognize the truth when it is staring you in the face. However, I am also open to the possibility that some people simply choose to find a sense of security for themselves that they are superior and therefore immune from all harm…. This is an illusion, of course.

Once METABANK has a customer’s cash money, then METABANK has full control of that customer’s cash money. Read between the lines in all that small print and it will become quite clear to you Bobi, or it should be. Perhaps, Bobi has no real reasoning power of their own… It is so difficult to know why Bobi would feel compelled to criticism others, and their have been many, very many, who have been scammed by METABANK unless Bobi has Bobi’s own personal interests at stake in the METABANK scheme.  Poor, Bobi.

Thanks for sharing your experience. We think that many people will find it to be entertaining.

Here is another consumer’s complaint about their experience of having used Pay Power by META BANK:

Paypower held my $4000 for no reason and refuse to give me my money!!
When I asked them to close my account and give me back my money, they refused!
You don’t even have to put in your card number or identify yourself when you call them, they know you by your voice! (perhaps also by caller id)

They refuse to give their last names and the Nevada detectives are investigating them!
Don’t use them!!!
They have at least 72 complaints on ripoffreport.com and at least 90 on pissedconsumer.com!!!!

They claim that all the reviews online are not true and that they are reputable but they steal your identity and your money!
I sent them all the documents they requested and then they are asking for a copy of my paycheck to release the hold that they placed on my $4000 for NO REASON AT ALL!

PayPower stole $4000 from me!!!!

Certainly it isn’t in Pay Power or METABANK’s best interest to fail to address that consumer’s complaint adequately so why does METABANK go against all of the norms… ah ha, this too is part of their formula for how to scam the public and get rich.

The tellers at the Storm Lake Iowa banks receive wages that put them below the poverty level and yet it is at this level where the METABANK CEOs ask for them to carry out the dirtiest aspects of their ploy, and they can barely make a living doing it.



Bobi arrogantly wrote: “I have checks from both of my jobs direct deposited onto my card and I use ATM’s regularly. I have never had any problems with them holding my money. I find it hard to believe that they “stole” your money.”

We no longer use METABANK or any partner company when possible. METABANK has also tapped into the prepaid card rebate system to try to tap into getting more business on their prepaid bank cards.

Bobi, the consumer who complains just above explains that it costs them money to get their pay or their salary off of the Prepaid Card. That person has worked really hard just to get paid, but their employee has worked out some money making scheme with the bank to pay their employees using prepaid bank cards….. The fact that they have to pay surcharges and fees just to be able to access their own salary, we find to be reprehensible.

This is a scam of the working people who work for wages for their mere survival. This is a form of economic servitude that we find to be deplorable….. Bobi, you seem to be living in a bubble and immune to the real world that is all around us. Or are you someone who enjoys the suffering of others? That would be really sick, and yet your message seems to be completely oblivious to the suffering in the world, the world near you.

Are you not aware that 1 in 4 American children live in poverty in the United States. Their parents care about them, but they struggle to make ends meet in a system that has been designed to take advantage of the most financially vulnerable among us.















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METABANK Promotes Concept to Other Banks “Because Everyone Else is Doing It”

A Question For METABANK and Banks Operating Like It:

Do you say “creative” when you mean dishonest?

Are you proud of getting away with things?

creative accounting…creative test-taking…creative legal solutions…
creative communication…creative financing…creative relationships…

When you are dishonest, do you admit it to yourself?

“We like the protection of the law until it stands in our way. Then, people sometimes push it conveniently out of mind.
People often use “creative” methods to reach their goals.
“I probably won’t get caught,” they think, “and if I do I’ll worry about it then.” If they get away with something once, they might feel proud of their “skill.”
If they get away with it twice, they may feel they have a “right” to keep doing it with impunity. When they finally get punished, they’re mad, as if they are the injured party.
Any injury they’ve done to others is not on their radar.”
said Loretta Graziano Breuning, Ph.D. in “Your Neurochemical Self”

What Dr. Breuning stated above struck a chord with us. These are our observations of how METABANK treats their customer base:

How METABANK Operates:

The experience that many, very many customers complain about after using METABANK
indicate that
METABANK has created all of the rules governing their product while retaining the right and privilege to change the rules without notice at any time… The rules when changed only benefit METABANK or whatever name they may be using at any given time to market their same product to customers.
It is just METABANK doing what it has always done but portraying it as a new service through their misleading publicity. METABANK is masterful at doing publicity for themselves. Important details get left out though and customers are lulled into a false sense of security. METABANK has absolutely no intention of treating their customers fairly; METABANK has created a situation where they must gain huge amounts of money, but at the pain and expense of their customers.
METABANK seems oblivious to the real needs of their customer base. METABANK simply intends to move onto the next person to do the same scam and the world is filled with the largest population in history.
METABANK began by serving ( we would all call this by abusing) the underbanked or un-banked. METABANK rationalized to themselves that because the unbanked are a riskier loan for them that they should be able to charge the un-banked/underbanked higher interest rates. Remember that it was METABANK and other banks that operate in a similar manner that created this design that targeted the most economically and financially vulnerable citizens everywhere.
METABANK is really nothing more than a collections agency. Read their publicity closely, they have all the collectors in place, they say. This is one major indication that they expect to use their collectors.
METABANK, once they have the customer’s money in their full control has consistently lied to keep their customer’s own cash money away from their customer. Basically what has happened is that the customer is that they are giving an interest free loan to METABANK which enables METABANK to repeat their scam and even to expand their scam.
METABANK CEO’s credentials do not highlight any kind of customer relationship skills. When METABANK talks about “customer loyalty,” this doesn’t mean that customers come back because the service at METABANK is better, but that the customer is looked in by a contract that promises them reward points. In reality, reward points for the average person who doesn’t spend huge amounts but rational amounts can never be accumulated to make a system based on “REWARD POINTS” to be of any benefit to the average person. The “Reward Points” are geared to make more money for METABANK…. The customer’s needs aren’t actually even considered. In the METABANK publicity, potential customers will be promised the world and this opens the door for how they will be scammed and lied to by METABANK.
Dr Breuning indicates, “When you violate accounting rules or organization rules or relationship rules, you are asking for trouble. Trouble may not find you for long time, so you may conclude that the rules are there to be broken. When trouble finds you, you may blame some immediate trigger instead of your own dishonesty.”
METABANK was doing a major CD Fraud. One of their employee’s was convicted of embezzlement. Pickhinkle indicated that she had been instructed to move money from one CD to another. What amazes me is that if Pickhinkle was embezzling from the CDs being sold by METABANK why hadn’t one of her supervisors discovered that and taken care of it “In-house”? The other thing about the METABANK CD Fraud which they were doing on other banks is that an annual internal audit would have and should have uncovered the problem. No annual internal audit seems to have ever picked up on this METABANK CD Fraud, and I find that to be most puzzling because it should have turned up. Either a supervisor of Pickhinkle or an internal bank audit should have uncovered an embezzlement, but they didn’t. Other banks in dealing with METABANK uncovered the fact that the CDs were worthless.Pickhinkle took all of the blame and METABANK continues to do what they have always done.

Because in the beginning, METABANK got away with scamming the most financially vulnerable in our society, METABANK (and it has to be at the top ranking CEO level) began to try to push the scam off on others.

Because METABANK operates using a partner corporate entity to sell their product, you may be using a METABANK product and not even know it.

METABANK seems to alter their name rather frequently or to create various divisions with varying names…. Trust us, there is a scam in this practice.

METABANK says that no credit check is necessary for a customer to be able to open up an account. However, former customers have reported to me that given the kind of questions that METABANK asks that METABANK is actually doing a credit check. This brings to mind the case, a very sad case of BOESEN. Boesen was given loans by METABANK for which he had no way to repay them. I believe that the Collections Agency side of METABANK was putting serious pressure on BOESEN to pay them back and he was in debt really deep. I believe that basically, BOESEN was encouraged to get more loans to pay off the first loan. Collections Agencies have a very bad reputation in the U.S.A. They are known to harass people, and they are known to lie to people.

METABANK lied to me and to many others who have also complained about METABANK’s abusive treatment of them as their customer. Why lie?????

METABANK said that BOESEN had presented them with falsified documents to get loans. BOESEN’s wife hadn’t also signed for the loans. It appears that BOESEN was basically so harassed by the operational practices of METABANK that he committed suicide. Then I read that METABANK was going after his widow, years later… METABANK CEOs have made huge annual incomes but at the pain of others.

METABANK and Payoneer said they sold prepaid bank cards to 26 people. Those 26 people used the METABANK/PAYONEER PREPAID BANK CARDS to commit an assassination. One man in the world was denied the right to a fair trial. Although PAYONEER (METABANK in Israel) advertises that they have the best equipment in the world to be able to detect falsified documents, they sold 26 prepaid bank cards to 26 assassins….. My prepaid bank card simply wouldn’t allow me to access my own money once METABANK had my CASH MONEY in their possession, but 26 impostors using false identification were able to make the METABANK PREPAID CARDS work so that they could fly to DUBAI where they assassinated someone they didn’t like…. That guy got no trial in a court of law…. METABANK sent a very newly hired employee to talk to the media; she was given a statement to say and then honestly she could say that she had no further information….We have wondered if LISA BINDER was being set up to become the next PICKHINKLE.

Dr. Breuning explains, “Dishonesty has consequences. The animal brain learns from consequences, but it only learns from the immediate moment. When an animal encounters an aversive stimulus, it develops an aversion to whatever is present at the moment, not to underlying causes. If you get sick after eating a certain dish, that dish will always disgust you whether or not it was the cause. Your primitive limbic brain does not look for root causes. It does not project long-term consequences. Your human cortex makes those complex links. Respect for the law requires a big cortex. Respect for abstract principles makes us human.

We found METABANK’s lies to us were extremely bold and blatant. They were obviously lying and talking in circles. WHY????? It was only because they had control of the customer’s money and therefore able to keep their customers from being able to access their own cash money while METABANK was getting what amounts to an interest free loan for themselves. Most customers report that phone calls to try to correct the problem they encountered with METABANK has consistently found that METABANK was pushing all blame off onto the customer.

METABANK began with the most financially vulnerable people in society. These people were not able to fight back because they live from pay check to paycheck and they are in a survival mode. These people had been taken advantage of by how METABANK operates. Once METABANK had practiced and to them, it appeared they had succeeded in scamming the public as they do, METABANK felt that what they are doing is appropriate, and the METABANK CEOs have made huge profits

Because Everyone Else is Doing It

METABANK has taught other banks the tricks of their trade. What METABANK does to their customers is unacceptable!!

Here is the mentality we appear to be dealing with at METABANK:

When Everyone Jumps Off the Brooklyn Bridge

Your brain is skilled at attaching and detaching.
Published on April 30, 2011 by Loretta Graziano Breuning, Ph.D. in Your Neurochemical Self
Loretta Breuning stopped for a bribe

I worked in Africa when I was young, and often got stopped by the police as I zipped around on a United-Nations motorbike. They wouldn’t say why they’d stopped me, and my gaze would settle on their machine gun in the awkward silence. What was up?

“Give them money,” people told me. “Everybody does it.”

I got the same answer no matter who I asked. But I couldn’t do it. Something in me resisted digging into my pocket for Central African francs to grease the palms of gun-toting traffic cops, regardless of what everyone did.

When my mother warned me not to follow everyone off the Brooklyn Bridge, I thought she was ridiculous. Everyone doesn’t jump off bridges, so why did she fuss? But suddenly I felt surrounded by people destined to end up at the bottom of the river.

Bribes were just the tip of the iceberg. I was in Africa to work on a UN economic planning project. The project was at a standstill because the country’s dictator withheld financial data. He ran the national treasury out of his pocket and asking nosy questions could land you in jail or worse. I went to work every day in a building full of economists with no work to do.

What frustrated me most as an eager young grad student was that no one acknowledged the reality of it. To fill my time I visited other aid projects, and learned that many were also at a standstill due to corruption. That’s when I questioned the prevailing view that bribery is a harmless tradition. I could not “respect the culture” as expected, and decided this racket was not for me. I packed up and went home in search of a new career.

But I couldn’t pack up and escape from social pressure to accept corrupt practices. As a college professor, I often stumbled on evidence that my students were cheating. Many professors looked the other way. “Everyone does it” was the unspoken consensus.

Something in me refused to go along. I was being paid to enforce academic standards the way a police officer is paid to enforce traffic rules. Tolerating cheating would be collecting my salary without doing the job. I wasn’t going to be a shirker regardless of what others did. I cracked down on cheating in my own classes instead of waiting for everybody to change.

I did not like being around people who think there’s a “right to cheat” when you’re annoyed with “the system.” Higher principles couldn’t help me because they’re often bent to rationalize cheating. I began exploring lower principles instead- the mammalian neurochemistry that drives our survival behavior.

Mammals evolved from reptiles by learning to live in groups. They didn’t consciously choose that, of course. Individuals who stuck near others simply had higher survival rates, so natural selection created a brain that sought social alliances.

Mammals pay a high price for the security of the group. They submit to dominators to avoid injury. Wild chimpanzees are often missing a finger or an ear lobe due to conflict with a troop-mate. Yet mammals stick with their herd or pack or troop. People tend to cheat when they see others are doing it. Your mammal brain feels safe when it’s with a herd. If the herd starts endangering itself, your human cortex can inhibit your mammalian urge to merge. In fact, that’s why you have all those extra neurons. to end up in the jaws of a predator if they leave. They evolved brains adept at avoiding conflict.

We have inherited the limbic system that all mammals have in common. It releases happy neurochemicals when survival prospects improve, and icky neurochemicals when survival prospects are threatened. Contemplate isolation or conflict and those icky chemicals flow. Remain in secure social alliances and happy chemicals flow.

Your mammal brain is not on speaking terms with your cortex because it doesn’t process language. Your limbic system doesn’t tell you in words why it triggers neurochemical ups and downs. But it is always busy scanning the world for threats and opportunities to help you survive.

Every mammal has a cortex hooked up to its limbic system. The cortex is tiny in sheep and rodents, so their capacity to adjust old impulses to new information is tiny. They follow the herd and submit to avoid conflict because it feels good. Primates, by contrast, have a large cortex. They can inhibit impulses when experience proves it’s in their survival interest. The primate brain is always analyzing new information and deciding whether to dominate or submit, whether to follow or take initiative.

Your cortex is three times as large as a chimpanzee’s. You can bring a lot of information to bear on your social choices. Sometimes you see that honoring the mammalian impulse to avoid conflict and follow the group is your best option. Other times you see reason to go it alone and resist submitting.

Analyzing social dynamics at every moment is stressful. It would be nice have one principle to guide every situation.

But your ancestors evolved extra neurons because social analyzing promotes survival.

You inherited all those neurons to make survival judgements for yourself instead of just doing what everybody does.

When you need to escape a herd that seems bound for harm, it’s good to know your brain evolved for just that challenge!

Getting real with a 200-million-year-old brain
by Loretta Graziano Breuning, Ph.D.

When You Face An Open Palm

Practical tips for handling a shake-down.

In my last blog, I was standing in front of an African police officer and refusing to bribe him. Readers wondered how it worked out, so here’s the full story.

 I naively waited for an explanation of the charges the first few times I was stopped. Nothing was ever said.

Long awkward silences. Then they’d wave me off with a hand. [ METABANK does this but in reverse. METABANK distances themselves from their customer base who must rely on phoning them and then METABANK puts the customer on hold… so METABANK refuses to address customers’ expressed and very real needs…. This is by design.]

That’s how I discovered they’ll just give up if you’re not too quick to brandish cash.

You can help fight corruption by investing a little bit of time.

If you’re not easy prey they eventually move on.

Your time is valuable, but the opportunity to help build system integrity is even more valuable.  [The lesson is right there.]

Dr. Breuning writes, “Truth be told, I bribed once. I was driving a friend’s car rather than my motorbike, so the stakes were higher. Friends had just given me the “everybody does it” speech, so I was primed with the thought of contributing to the police officer’s personal charity. When I was stopped, I did the most uncool thing imaginable- I rolled the window down half an inch and fed a small bill through it. I was shaking while I did it. This is ridiculous, I thought, and never did it again.”

An even higher-stakes encounter confirmed my naive strategy. Mexicana Airlines once refused to check in myself and my daughter because I did not have notarized permission from her Dad to take her out of the country. It was six AM and we had flown through the night from California to Miami to board an 8 AM flight to the Yucatan. My husband had chosen not to join this pyramid-climbing expedition.

I am not blaming the airline- this rule protects children.

No one informed me of the rule when I bought my ticket, but if every rule could be evaded by saying “nobody told me” chaos would rein. Where did that leave me?

[METABANK creates all of the rules for all of their products and retains the right to change those rules without notice… Trust us, the rules will change and not for your benefit.]

“There’s only one thing you can do,” said the ticket agent. “Write a letter saying you’re divorced and have full custody, and get it notarized.”

“Where would I find a notary at this hour?”

“I think there’s one in the basement…Jose, please escort these ladies down there.”

I wandered around the basement of the Miami airport with a little girl who hadn’t slept all night and a Mexicana employee with sweaty palms.

We walked and walked, but no hint of a notary was to be found. Are you surprised?

At 7:50, Jose said something into his walkie-talkie. Then he looked at me and said “Run to the gate.”


“They’re holding the gate for you. The flight’s about to leave. Run.”

Why the sudden change? Obviously, they were expecting a bribe, and when they saw I would let that flight leave before I would grease them there was no point in keeping me.

They may have taken pity on my daughter for having such a clueless mother.

Would I have had the courage to keep my wallet shut if I had known what was going on?

All I can say is that ignoring corruption works for me.

Instead of focusing on who to pay to break the rules, I expect others to be as law-abiding as I am, and trust in the law to resolve problems if they arise.


It’s not perfect, but it’s far better than feeding corrupt expectations.

Many people reach the opposite conclusion. They even pride themselves on their ability to manipulate the system. But they live with the burden of knowing they are part of the problem.

…I have a confession to make here…

I burst out crying in front of an African policeman once. I was alone on a dark road and my motorbike’s headlamp just burned out. I was 23 years old and scared.

He may have been more scared than me when I started crying, for he quickly waved me off.

This incident popped into my mind when I was planning the lecture for my MBA International Business class.

I had to prepare my students to refuse payoff requests because kickbacks trigger serious penalties under the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. I couldn’t tell my students to cry.

I needed to offer a systematic response, and that’s how I came to write Greaseless: How to Thrive without Bribes in Developing Countries.

Perhaps you feel like crying for the African police and the Mexicana ticket agents?

I hear that response a lot.

Perhaps you’ve imagined they needed my bribe to buy medicine to keep their child alive one more night.

I ask you to imagine instead what life would be like if every employee of every organization could use their position to benefit the highest bidder, with no accountability.

My next post will paint a more detailed picture of such law-of-the-jungle thinking.

Perhaps you tell yourself we little guys are entitled to cheat because the Fat Cats are already cheating. My last post, When Everyone Jumps Off the Brooklyn Bridge, explores this imagined “right to cheat.”


These two posts by Dr. Bruening shed light on human nature

We have choices, more choices than we may even realize.

What we do must serve all of humanity and help to prevent others from being scammed the way we were by using a product put out by METABANK

All that we can do is to warn other consumers that METABANK’s practices are not good for customers, nor for our nation, nor for international relations….

You must do what is reasonable and appropriate.


      • There is nothing honorable in the way that METABANK does business.
      • We need the existing laws to be enforced properly.
      • The existing laws may need to be reviewed and corrected.
      • Most of all consumers must speak out against the practices that METABANK is sharing with other banks as if what they do is honorable and worthy of being copied and repeated.
 Don’t hand over money to METABANK or any other unknown entity to keep on your behalf…. you have only heard part of the truth “Your money will be safer and more secure than cash” is nothing but a gimmick and a lie to get you to hand over your money….
METABANK began this practice and as long as we allow them to get away with it, they will keep at it and keep upping the stakes for their own benefit.

Consumers must align to help each other!!!