Say No to Meta Bank; Say No to the Network Branded Prepaid Card Association

CONSUMERS: “Spend Your Hard Earned Money Carefully” ….. Buying Happiness


META BANK and the Network Branded Prepaid Bank Card Association have created a product that will make you miserable. Each of the two entities mentioned above make promises to consumers that these prepaid cards will be safer than using cash. This is true for the bank, but not for consumers. It is a gimmick for the bank to get full control of your “CASH MONEY” so they can get an interest free loan from consumers. When consumers need their money the most they simply can’t get access to their own cash money once it is placed on one of those prepaid cards. META BANK brags that they are the largest provider of prepaid bank cards. META BANK makes consumers extremely unhappy. As consumers you would do yourself a great service by simply not using META BANK. Unfortunately, META BANK operates using a third party to promote their prepaid bank cards and their prepaid bank cards are sold using different names. This means that you may not realize you have opted in to META BANK’s plan, which is by design a scam of their consumers. META BANK simply moves onto the next consumer to scam them relying on a large population that is growing rapidly.

This blog was created by consumers for other consumers. We need to bond together, share the reality of our lived experiences, and serve to protect others who are people who are a lot like us, consumers who are looking for a fair deal and to be treated with respect.

META BANK’s treatment of consumers had become so outrageous that something needed to be done. It has already taken on an international scale and magnitude. META BANK is the rich stealing from the poor so that they can get richer and richer at the pain, misery and expense of the most financially vulnerable people in society.

This is a cautionary and truthful summary of what I experienced using a META BANK prepaid card.

However, we don’t want to leave you without a sense of hope. Michelle Singletary explains some ways to get your money to work for you to bring you happiness and she is spot on. Her October 4, 2013 column appears, copied and pasted below:

Michelle Singletary

Columnist Washington Post

Five ways money can buy you happiness

By Michelle Singletary, Published: October 4

You have probably heard and maybe even embrace the idea that money can’t buy happiness. I’ve said so myself numerous times.

But behavioral scientists and researchers Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton argue this is not exactly true. Money, if you spend it right, can buy happiness.

So what’s the right way?

“Shifting from buying stuff to buying experiences, and from spending on yourself to spending on others, can have a dramatic impact on happiness,” Dunn and Norton write in “Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending” (Simon & Schuster, $25). Dunn is an associate professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia. Norton is an associate professor of marketing at Harvard Business School.

Truthfully, I needed a break from all the dreary talk about the federal government shutdown and concern the country might default. So “Happy Money” is the Color of Money Book Club selection for this month.

I’m always trying to find research that looks at how people can do better with the money they have. I plan to use this book in my financial classes, where folks believe that if they just made more money, their level of happiness would increase. They could afford to buy better stuff, a larger home or cooler car. Yet studies show that more doesn’t increase your long-term happiness.

Dunn and Norton strive to show how to spend money in less typical but more pleasing ways. They offer five principles you can use to buy happiness:

●Buy experiences. As frugal as I am, my husband and I decided many years ago to set aside two weeks a year, every year at the same time, to take a luxury vacation with our children. My oldest has gone off to college, but she still wants to be included on these family vacations. As Dunn and Norton write: “Research shows that experiences provide more happiness than material goods in part because experiences are more likely to make us feel connected to others.” [META BANK has robbed us as consumers of opportunities like this because they withheld our money from us when we needed it the most. META BANK is not a friend to consumers.]

Make it a special treat. Don’t overindulge yourself, the authors say, because “abundance, it turns out, is the enemy of appreciation. This is the sad reality of the human experience: in general, the more we’re exposed to something, the more its impact diminishes.” [Think about this: “Abundance is the enemy of appreciation.”  You don’t need to keep spending money on things to be happier especially if buying things puts you into a state of debt…. “Keeping up with the Joneses” needs to be practiced in reverse. Purposefully down scale, downsize your image from all those Joneses…. Don’t worship the false God of money, greed and materialism. Life is best with less, but you should be in full control, real control of your hard earned cash money. Don’t hand over that right to an anonymous entity like META BANK.   META BANK is motivated by greed and profit increasing at all level regardless of the rest of the genuine needs of humanity]

Buy time. If you can afford it, you might decide you’d rather hire someone to cut your grass than do it yourself. You might spend a little more on an item rather than drive across town to save 10 percent. I’m a reformed bargain shopper. I realized I was wasting a lot of time going from store to store trying to save money. “We too often sacrifice our free time just to save a little money,” the authors write. “Many of us wish we had more free time to do more of what we love.” [Be sure that you get the service you have paid for…. META BANK prepaid card is not a genuine or honorable service. META BANK has scammed consumers over a period of many years. This is their sole purpose and they scam consumers by their own design.]

●Pay now, consume later.

[Please note Singletary is NOT promoting putting your cash money on a prepaid bank card, a gift card or a debit card here…. Please read carefully.]  

“Consuming later provides time for positive expectations to develop,” Dunn and Norton write. Paying for a vacation in advance may help you enjoy it more because by the time you take the trip you won’t be so focused on the cost. At the same time, fight the power of now. This is especially true when it comes to paying with plastic. In one study cited by the authors, 30 people were asked to estimate their credit card expenses before opening their monthly bill. Every participant underestimated how much he or she had spent on credit by an average of almost 30 percent.

●Invest in others. I generally hate spending money. But when I helped a friend’s daughter by buying her books for college, I was elated. I was investing in her education, and that was an awesome feeling. My husband and I often get teased for our frugality, but we counter by telling people we are cheap for a purpose. We like spending money when it makes a difference in someone’s life. Dunn and Norton say their research shows that spending even small amounts of money on others can make a difference in your happiness level. [This means having control over how you spend your own money. Give directly to the person you wish to help.]

I love the five principles of happy money because they aren’t about getting more money but getting more out of the money you have. Let me leave you with this from Dunn and Norton: “Before you spend that $5 as you usually would, stop to ask yourself: Is this happy money? Am I spending this money in the way that will give me the biggest happiness bang for my buck?”

I’ll be hosting a live online discussion about “Happy Money” at noon Eastern on Oct. 31 Dunn and Norton will join me to answer your questions. Every month, I randomly select readers to receive copies of the featured book donated by the publisher. For a chance to win a copy of this month’s selection, send an e-mail with your name and address.

Saving, spending wisely are investments

Saving, spending wisely are investments

[Have banks, lenders and banking systems been helpful or have they been predatory in the way they share information. Misleading consumers is a moral crime.]

By Michelle Singletary, Published: November 5

My pastor recently made a statement that pretty much sums up the financial difficulty many people find themselves in.

“Most people don’t have a money problem,” he said.

“They have a management problem.”  

[Although I am aware of people who must live paycheck to paycheck and who may encounter unforeseen medical expenses. Even under these circumstances, have banking institutions actually stepped in to help or to take advantage of the situation, making it go from bad to desperate for the consumer.] 

Every month, Discover Financial Services takes the pulse of consumer spending. The company polls 500 consumers daily and 8,200 monthly to get snapshots of consumer confidence and spending intentions. In its latest findings, 55 percent of consumers felt that their personal finances were getting worse. That was two points lower than the September survey. Forty-two percent said they would have no money left over after they paid their bills, also down two points from September.

Even accounting for the difficulty that people are having because of a bad economy, many folks would still be having financial trouble because they don’t save or spend wisely. The fact is it takes time, effort and persistence to be financially prudent.

It also takes access to good and unbiased information.

[And this is what consumers need and where they have been mislead by the banking system… yes, Banks like META BANK.]

So for this month’s Color of Money Book Club, I’m recommending “Clark Howard’s Living Large in Lean Times: 250-Plus Ways to Buy Smarter, Spend Smarter and Save Money” (Avery, $18). Howard hosts both a nationally syndicated radio program and a television show on HLN. In 1993, he founded a consumer action center, which is staffed with volunteers who answer consumer questions.

I’ve known Howard for some time and have subbed for him on his radio show.

I admire his passion for educating consumers,                                    

and how he does it 

without making people feel stupid.


I think every household should have                                                          

a book such as the one Howard has written. 

You can read it straight through, but it’s more likely you might just pick it up to find the chapter on whatever financial issue you are facing at the moment.

In the first chapter, to jump-start your savings, Howard provides 25 quick tips to save money.

To seasoned penny-pinchers, many of the tips in this chapter will seem obvious (raise the deductible on your insurance, switch to a cheap no-contract cellphone provider, buy extra copies of a Sunday newspaper to get more coupons). But there are some tips you may not have heard about.

If you don’t want to give up your landline phone but want to get the cheapest rate possible, ask for the no-frills service, where bills typically run between $7 and $18. Howard notes that you’ll have to call and ask for the “state-regulated tariff rate.”

“If the representative you speak to feigns ignorance, ask to be transferred to a supervisor and make your request,” he writes.

Howard tests a lot of consumer products and when he does he buys the item. “I don’t accept any freebies from manufacturers or carriers at all, because I want you to know I’m unbought and unbossed,” he writes.

The book is broken down into 13 chapters covering consumer issues from cars, computers and health care to homes, insurance and travel. Within the book, you’ll also find two features, “Clark’s Greatest Hits” and “A Clark Favorite.” Howard considers the greatest hits the bedrock of his money-saving philosophy. I like his favorites category. These are tips for super cheapskates like me.

“I have always been cheap, which I define as being willing to accept lower quality for a lower price,” Howard writes. “But sometimes, my cheap tendencies have come back to bite me.”

Howard has found a way to make one disposable razor blade last a year. But he’s also willing to admit when his frugality goes awry. Like me, Howard hates to pay for parking. Unlike me, he parks in questionable areas, a money-saving tactic that has resulted in a few smashed car windows.

I found the chapter on “Clark’s Graveyard” interesting. It’s a list of Web sites and services that Howard has featured over the years but that didn’t make it in the marketplace. HM Vehicles Freeway is on the list. The company sold the Freeway, a three-wheeled car that ran on a 12-horsepower Tecumseh engine and got 100 miles to the gallon. It had no reverse gear.

If you’re looking for a good basic guide to help navigate common consumer issues, this book will serve you well.

I’ll be hosting a live online discussion about “Clark Howard’s Living Large in Lean Times” at noon Eastern on Dec. 1 at Howard will be joining me to answer your questions.

Every month, I randomly select readers to receive a copy of the featured book, which is donated by the publisher. For a chance to win a copy of Howard’s book, send an e-mail to with your name and address.


Readers may write to Michelle Singletary c/o The Washington Post, 1150 15th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20071. Or e-mail: Personal responses may not be possible. Please also note comments or questions may be used in a future column, with the writer’s name, unless a specific request to do otherwise is indicated.


Once again, Michelle Singletary has highlighted what I have been telling you for some time, “Saving, spending wisely are investments.”

However, META BANK has promised potential customers that by using their debit card with an attached checking account that has the client’s salary directly deposited will resolve all of their previous debt issues. The likelihood of META BANK’s services for being helpful to anyone in a real way simply doesn’t exist. META BANK needs more and more clients.

Operating using others to promote their card and having cards using different names is part of the scam META BANK perpetrates; only META BANK comes out financially ahead in spite of their glowing promises to consumers.

Consumers must act in ways to protect themselves and others. Michelle Singletary offers solutions for consumers.