Permissiveness of US Laws on Lobbying and Campaign Financing and the Major Problems that go Hand in Hand With That

The Spread of Oligarchy; The Distribution of Assets;

Who Controls Your Money

The ultra-rich are world’s new dictators

Democracy at risk as oligarchy spreads

Oct. 26, 2013 9:26 PM  / ASSOCIATED PRESS

Written by  Christian Caryl

Foreign Policy

Caryl, the editor of Democracy Lab, is a senior fellow at the Legatum Institute and a contributing editor at Foreign Policy. He is also the author of “Strange Rebels: 1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century.”

WASHINGTON — Earlier this month, the investment bank Credit Suisse published its annual survey of global wealth. The bank’s report is filled with illuminating findings, but one in particular caught my eye. It has to do with the distribution of assets in Russia, where, as the report notes, a mere 110 people own a mind-boggling 35 percent of the country’s entire wealth. At the same time, 93.7 percent of Russians are worth $10,000 or less.

As the report notes, this makes Russia the country with the greatest wealth disparities in the world. Americans, who are now increasingly concerned about deepening inequality in their own country, might seek some consolation from this dismal conclusion.

Even under present circumstances, wealth in the United States is still spread a lot more evenly than that.

Things could be worse, right?

Well, maybe. But I see little cause for jubilation. Russia is merely the most extreme case of a worldwide trend that potentially represents one of the greatest threats that democracy faces today: the spread of oligarchy.

The problem isn’t just that some people in today’s world are fabulously rich. It’s that disproportionate wealth increasingly goes along with disproportionate power.

Russia, again, offers a textbook example of the dangers. Back in the 1990s, a handful of politically well-connected business tycoons managed to profit from their close relations with Boris Yeltsin’s Kremlin by taking advantage of the privatization of the country’s industrial jewels — above all its vast oil wealth. Those magnates weren’t shy about exploiting their economic power to political ends. They bankrolled Yeltsin’s re-election as president in 1996, controlled ministerial appointments, and dictated government policy. No wonder these businessmen-cum-politicians were soon dubbed the “oligarchs.”

(”Oligarchy” is Greek for “government of the few.”)

One of them, the recently deceased, arch-Machiavellian Boris Berezovsky, engineered the rise of an ex-KGB officer to the prime ministership. Vladimir Putin ultimately proved less than grateful, though. Once Putin became president in his own stead, he was quick to cut his erstwhile patron down to size, forcing Berezvosky into exile.

Putin curtailed the power of other Yeltsin-era tycoons, too (most notably Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who now marks his 10th year of imprisonment in a labor camp), but in their place he raised up a new group of businessmen — many with ties to the old Soviet security services — who owed their fortunes to him. One of them, another KGB alumnus named Igor Sechin, who heads the country’s largest oil company, is regarded by some as the second-most powerful man after Putin himself.

But this isn’t only Russia’s problem.

As has now become apparent, globalization and the powerful economic forces it has unleashed have awarded unparalleled wealth and power to a tiny new elite. 

Call them what you will: the superclass, the plutocrats, the “global meritocracy.”

What they exemplify is the nexus of wealth and political power. And that’s a problem that is increasingly vexing voters in places from London to Kuala Lumpur.

It’s a challenge that takes different forms.

In China, membership in the ruling Communist Party is often the easy road to wealth. Many of today’s political scandals center on the antics of well-connected “princelings,” the descendants of senior party officials who embody the country’s peculiarly potent blend of Marxist-Leninist crony capitalism. Thanks to some remarkable digging by enterprising journalists in recent years, we’ve learned some astonishing things about the scale of privilege enjoyed by the extended families of notables such as President Xi Jinping and ex-Prime Minister Wen Jiabao.

But this hardly comes as a surprise.

When you consider that the People’s Republic is governed by the seven members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party, you’re talking about a tiny number of families who exercise unchecked control over one of the world’s largest economies. In such a setting, it’s only natural that political and economic power are mutually reinforcing.

The situation in China is, of course, the outcome of an economic liberalization program steered by an autocratic elite.

In the countries of the developed West the situation is rather different. The number of players is larger; wealth and political influence are more widely distributed.

But that is presumably small comfort to, say, the Americans who have emerged as losers from the country’s latest Gilded Age. ( Oh and Americans don’t like losing, in case you hadn’t noticed.)

Economic equality in the United States grew steadily during the first three decades of the period following World War II, but ground to a halt amid the stagflation and increasing international competition of the 1970s.

As economist Joseph Stiglitz notes in a recent editorial:

“Last year, the top 1 percent of Americans took home 22 percent of the nation’s income; the top 0.1 percent, 11 percent. 

Ninety-five percent of all income gains since 2009 have gone to the top 1 percent. 

Recently released census figures show that median income in America hasn’t budged in almost a quarter-century.”

At the same time, the extraordinary permissiveness of U.S. laws on lobbying and campaign financing has allowed wealthy elites to gain immense sway over the political process.

By now, anyone who follows American politics has heard the stories about the vast sums of cash spent by conservative business magnates like the Koch Brothers; less often discussed, perhaps, are the rich Democrats, such as George Soros or Tom Steyer, who are happy to leverage their wealth to shape policy.

But even less visible are the big corporations and industrial associations who can purchase lawmakers and fix legislation to boost their own bottom lines.

One recent academic study calculates that 40 percent of political campaign contributions in 2012 came from one-hundredth of 1 percent of U.S. households. That figure probably reflects the new economic elite’s growing awareness of its own political power — not to mention the apathy among other segments of the population who feel increasingly divorced from meaningful participation.

The erosion of alternative power centers, such as labor unions, undoubtedly contributes to a sense of rising cynicism and disengagement. It all serves to undermine the promise of America’s democratic system. (Given this context, it’s no wonder that the U.S. Supreme Court is once again weighing the question of limits on individual contributions to political campaigns.)

As a result, the United States is now experiencing a remarkable discussion of the causes of the new inequality and its political consequences. Authors from George Packer to Tyler Cowen are stirring impassioned debate about the perceived breakdown of the American social compact. The new book from economist Angus Deaton, “The Great Escape,” includes a memorable quote from the lawyer Louis Brandeis: “If democracy becomes plutocracy, those who are not rich are effectively disenfranchised.”

Can we stop the trend?

  •  Some — like Cowen, who believes that current inequality is largely a function of technological change — are skeptical.
  • Others insist that we can counter the drift towards government by the few with smart policies designed to level the playing field — above all in education, infrastructure and health care.
  • Measures to limit the role of money in politics probably wouldn’t be a bad idea either (presuming we can find some that actually work). For those who still believe in the primacy of the market, the package might also include measures designed to promote genuine competition in the place of today’s corporate welfare for politically plugged-in superfirms.

This certainly doesn’t mean giving up on capitalism.

As development economists point out, globalization has brought relative prosperity to many around the world who couldn’t even dream of it before. (Think, for a start, of all those Chinese peasants who can now afford three meals a day — unthinkable in times past.) Overall health and development indicators have improved dramatically over the past 50 years.

None of this, however, obviates the need to ensure that the extraordinary benefits accruing to the superstars at the top don’t end up disenfranchising the rest of us. Otherwise the future looks dark.


Balance of power, being able to control our own money, having access to clear and accurate information about banking practices so that what we do as individuals allows us to make informed and educated decisions, genuine decisions, about our own assets and lives are reasonable requests. Otherwise the future looks dark.

Our experience using METABANK crossed over into the dark zone. We were lied to. Our own cash money was kept from us. METABANK took our cash money first and then made up some far fetched story that was so easy to see through that it was disgusting. Seeing immoral and criminal acts, being lied to and being taken advantage by a power banker which is how METABANK has been acting, not only in the USA, but on a global scale is so extreme that we must speak up and out against how METABANK operates.

Consumers must align, join forces and work collectively for solutions to the problems created by METABANK and any other entity that wants to use consumer’s money as an interest free loan for themselves. METABANK operates as a usurer, a loan shark, in the greediest and most self-centered sense of that has ever existed.

METABANK began as a “THRIFT BANK” which catered to the poorest and most economically fragile citizens from whom they charged exorbitant interest rates and then moved into “COLLECTIONS” which is really what METABANK is all about, the enforcement of collections. METABANK sets up all the rules by which they operate and also retains the right to change the rules without notices. METABANK operates as a scam of consumers. No safe guards are in place to protect consumers from predators like METABANK. Only you as a consumer can protect yourselves.

If we hadn’t been so badly scammed by METABANK as their former customer, we wouldn’t feel so compelled to write this blog…. The reality is that METABANK abused us as their customer so we feel that all we can do is to alert others to prevent from happening to them what we had foisted upon us as a customer of METABANK. We are trying to put into action the “Golden Rule.” If only METABANK had treated us the way we would have liked to have been treated as customers

#1 We would have been pleased with the service we received from METABANK

#2 We would still be doing business with METABANK

#3 We would be endorsing the kind of product offered by METABANK       ………… BUT WE ARE NOT  !!!!!


CONSUMERS, BE WARNED!!! Don’t become a customer of MetaBank. Unfortunately, Meta Bank operates using many different names and they use a partner company to market their prepaid network branded bank cards.

Because METABANK is the largest processor of the Network Branded Prepaid Bank Cards, it will be difficult for you to know if you are a customer of METABANK or one operating in the same manner as METABANK. METABANK has offered classes to other banking entities in their methods so as to normalize their practices.

We are curious about the placement of METABANK advertisements.

Solving Customer’s Problems Should Be of the Foremost Importance…. METABANK abused us while we were their customer

Customer Service Solves Problems To Create Loyal Clients


Make it easy for frustrated customers to contact you, get problems solved. You’ll create loyal clients.

In the past 30 days, I canceled service with three companies I’ve used for years.

Customer service was the reason. It was that bad.


But I kept my business with another company even though its actual service keeps messing up. That business’ customer service is that good.

Customer-service representatives are everywhere. Anyone with a phone, TV, computer, coffee maker, credit card or insurance; or who buys subscription services or makeup from shady companies advertising on TV has dealings with them.

And let’s not forget about business-to-business customer-service reps. [This is part of how METABANK performs their scam.]

Their numbers are growing by the minute. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the profession will expand 15.5% through 2020.

Call centers alone had almost 23,000 vacant jobs, more than a third listed in the past week, according to CallCenterCrossing, which calls itself the largest collection of call-center jobs. The company cites the health care law, holiday season and general economic expansion as the chief reasons for a rise in call-center hiring.

As long as companies offer things to buy and services to use, folks will need help.

[Customers have over a period of many years now indicated that METABANK and its affiliates, including the Network Branded Bank Card Association, fail when it comes to customer service. We, as former METABANK customers/clients believe, based on our own personal experience using METABANK et al., that METABANK by design treats their customers in an abusive manner. We have been scammed and lied to. We have been treated in an inhumane manner.

METABANK does not offer any kind of model that should be used as a guideline by any other entity…. METABANK relies on numbers and the population is growing rapidly.

METABANK relies on getting partner corporate entities to market their prepaid bank card  a relationship which is in fact one that will increase the rate of decline of that partner company. At first the partner company will experience an initial  spurt that may appear to be great and fabulous; this is the honeymoon, but it is a marriage that is doomed by design. METABANK only wants their partner companies’ list of customers whom METABANK will use for their own financial gain.

In establishing this partnership, METABANK promises to take care of all the collections for their partner. Collections is the dirtiest of dirty work so the partner company is happy to hand over this part of the operation to METABANK. METABANK, as we former customers have found, has an abusive customer service system by design.

When METABANK’s customer serivice representatives basically went through a list of standard lies they had been handed to use for all situation; the lies serve to blame the customer for the problems the customer had encountered using METABANK. However, by design, METABANK created a prepaid bank card which customers load with cash money, and then METABANK limits and controls when and even if a customer will be able to have access to their own money…. This scheme is predatory. It is based upon false and misleading promises.

METABANK is by design immoral. Only consumers can speak up to warn others so that METABANK can be stopped from doing this great scam on the people.]

Companies claim to know how important these front-line jobs are. They say they strive for a “customer-first mindset,” “transparency and accountability,” “positive customer relationships” and “consistent and efficient delivery of superior customer service.”

So why don’t more customer-service reps deliver? Is it the company or the employees?

Likely both.

Workers tell me they want these jobs because they like people. Yet too many companies do everything they can to not let their people talk to us.

Finding contact information can be like a game of hide-and-seek.

Some refuse to talk to you. Take Twitter: [This isn’t a model anyone should follow!!!!!]

My account has had a problem for four months. I’ve obediently followed Twitter’s directions and sent in a dozen requests for help.

I’m still waiting for an answer.

On the other hand, companies such as crowdSPRING help businesses and creative talent find each other and make it easy for customers to communicate with them.

[This concept is an old one that worked. It worked very well. This is what we as consumers expect, but this is not at all what METABANK provides. METABANK uses this concept to catch consumers and their partner companies off guard so that METABANK can get their foot in the door. What META BANK does is an IMMORAL ACT.]

This company posts its phone number on every page of its site. No doubt this springs from the philosophy of co-founder Mike Samson who tells his reps that the spoken word is better than the written word, to say “please” and “thank you” and always end with “much obliged.”


People who get into customer service tell me they love to solve problems.

Yet “I can’t help you with that” are the last words that a lot of people hear from a customer-service rep.

  • Those workers either don’t know how to think like a problem solver or don’t think they have the authority to help.
  • Some customer-service reps are plain mean. The other day I asked a one that I could barely hear if she might speak a little louder.   She snapped, “No, I can’t scream.”
  • When you keep getting bad customer service, you wonder why companies keep sending surveys asking how your customer-service experience went.
  • I also often wonder why companies insist that customer-service reps speak canned faux caring phrases like “Have a nice day” after they’ve been mean and obstructive.

Chief Operating Officer Zach Cusimano of Bizness Apps, which makes mobile apps for companies, says his business doesn’t coach reps to use particular phrases.

Company officials do encourage them to “throw in some love” and foster more interactions by saying, “I’m happy to help,” “Please let me know if you have any other questions,” and “Looking forward to hearing from you again.”

[However, if these statements are nothing but empty words with no real response and no action behind them then they are useless. It is our strong impression as former METABANK customers that the CEOs of METABANK have created all of the guidelines, which include a list of rote excuses for why it is always the customers’ fault for any problems they may have encountered. METABANK creates the problems by which they get rich and then richer; METABANK breaks with every expectation that any person would normally expect.

METABANK creates all the rules and retains the right to change all of the rules without notice. This is bad, but on top of that METABANK takes customer’s money and keeps us/them from having access to their own money while using the NETWORK BRANDED PREPAID BANK CARD.

The NETWORK BRANDED PREPAID BANK CARD amounts to being an interest free loan from customers to a very rich bank. The whole concept has been reversed. Potential customers are mislead into taking on such a card by the partner company who is in effect being used as a “PATSY” in this dynamic triangle of abuse of the consumer.]

I contend that more people would like their customer-service jobs and customers would be happier if they did what Jesse Richardson does.

“We love our customers,” Richardson says. She is conscious community officer for Conscious Box, a subscription service for eco-friendly products.


If you want a satisfying career helping solve problems for people who are frustrated, confused and sometimes angry, care for them no matter what.

Find a great company that values them and you.

In the 25 years I’ve counseled people with their careers, most tell me one thing: I want to be of service to others. Here’s your chance.

[As former customers of METABANK we had expected this kind of treatment, but METABANK and the NETWORK BRANDED PREPAID CARD ASSOCIATION act in a predatory manner so that they abuse their customers, only to move onto the next  person so they can dupe that person. The huge size of our population is how METABANK has been able to get away with this kind of scam for as long as they have. Only you can stop this kind of a scam.]

Career consultant Andrea Kay is the author of This Is How To Get Your Next Job: An Inside Look at What Employers Really Want.

How METABANK ruins the lives of their customers on so many levels… a scientific study to be applied to the way METABANK treats their customers

Killer Stress: A National Geographic Special   

Below you will find the transcript of this National Geographic Special that explains how stress is a killer.

Being a customer os METABANK is stressful. We established this blog to alert others and to allow them to protect themselves.

What many former customers of METABANK have found is that METABANK scammed them and then lied to the customer, and attempted to push the blame for the problem back off onto the customer. Customer after customer has reported that METABANK took control of their money using misleading promises that a prepaid bankcard would be safer and more secure. The prepaid bankcard gives all control of a customer’s money over to METABANK; the prepaid cards bring in lots of money for METABANK. The prepaid bank cards are safer and more secure for METABANK, but not for METABANK customers.

METABANK CEOs make in the range of $700,000.00 annually. METABANK brags that they got started as a “thrift bank” that is as a bank who sought “to serve” the underbanked” and “un-banked” in our society. This meant that METABANK seeks to establish a relationship with their customer base that would allow METABANK CEOs to be the “Alpha” primate while their customer base in general is in a subservient position. METABANK lures in partner companies and customer using false promises; this is a form of aggression against their customer base because of the way that METABANK has designed a product that repeatedly fails to meet customer’s needs.

I was struck by the fact that METABANK was so ready to lie to me about why I couldn’t access my own money and that they worked hardest at trying to push the blame for the problem off onto me as their customer. Of course, online, I would learn that METABANK by design fails customers; this is what makes METABANK’s CEOs so rich.

Those who are abused by METABANK and any system that operates in a similar manner would be well advised not to do business with METABANK. It turns out that there are health consequences for any and all METABANK customers. Please read the following transcript:

Created by PBS2

Aired at 11:00 PM on Monday, Apr 12, 2010 (4/12/2010)



Saplosky: Chronic stress could do something as unsubtle and grotesque as kill some of your brain cells.


Narrator: The impact of stress can be found deep within us, shrinking our brains, adding fat to our bellies, even unraveling our chromosomes.


Blackburn: This is real.


This is not just somebody whining.


[Baboon shrieking] Narrator: Stress– savior, tyrant, plague– its portrait revealed.


This program was made possible by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you.


Thank you.


Narrator: All of us have a personal relationship with stress.


But few of us know how it operates within us or understand how the onslaught of the modern world can stress us to the point of death.


Fewer still know what we can do about it.


But over the last three decades, stanford university neurobiologist robert sapolsky has been advancing our understanding of stress– how it impacts our bodies and how our social standing can make us more or less susceptible.


Most of the time you can find him teaching and researching in the high achieving, high stressed world of brain science.


But that’s only part of his story.


For a few weeks every year or so, sapolsky shifts his lab to a place more than 9,000 miles away, on the plains of the masai mara reserve in kenya, east africa.


Robert sapolsky first came to africa over 30 years ago on a hunch.


He suspected he could find out more about humans, stress and disease by looking at non-humans.


And he knew just the non-humans.


Sapolsky: You live in a place like this, you’re a baboon, and you only have to spend about three hours a day getting your calories.


And if you only have to work three hours a day, you’ve got nine hours of free time every day to devote to making somebody else just miserable.


[Baboons shrieking] they’re not being stressed by lions chasing them all the time, they’re being stressed by each other.


They’re being stressed by social and psychological tumult invented by their own species.


They’re a perfect model for westernized stress-related disease.


Narrator: To determine just what toll stress was taking on their bodies, sapolsky wanted to look inside these wild baboons– at the cellular level for the very first time.




In the most unassuming way.


Sapolsky: Basically is what you’re trying to do is anesthetize a baboon without him knowing it’s coming because you don’t want to have any of this anticipatory stress, so you can’t just, you know, get in your jeep and chase the baboon up and down the field for three hours, and finally, when he’s winded, dart him with an anesthetic.


The big advantages of a blow gun are that it’s pretty much silent and hasn’t a whole lot in the way of moving parts.


But the big drawback is it doesn’t go very far.


So what you spend just a bizarre amount of time doing is trying to figure out how to look nonchalant around a baboon.


[Blows] got him.




Ok, he is wobbling now.


Whoop, there he goes.


Narrator: From each baboon blood sample, robert measured levels of hormones central to the stress response.


Sapolsky: Well, to make sense of what’s happening in your body, you’ve got these two hormones that are the work horses of the whole stress response.


One of them we all know, adrenaline.


American version, epinephrine.


The other is a less known hormone called glucocorticoids.


It comes out of the adrenal gland along with adrenaline.


And these are the two backbones of the stress response.


Narrator: That stress response and those two hormones are critical to our survival.


Sapolsky: Because what stress is about is somebody is very intent on eating you or you are very intent on eating somebody and there’s immediate crisis going on.


Narrator: When you run for your life, basics are all that matter.


Lungs work overtime to pump mammoth quantities of oxygen into the bloodstream.


The heart races to pump that oxygen throughout the body so muscles respond instantly.


Sapolsky: You need your blood pressure up to deliver that energy.


You need to turn off anything that’s not essential.




You know, you’re running for your life.


This is no time to ovulate.


Tissue repair, all that sort of thing.


Do it later if there is a later.


Narrator: When the zebra escapes, its stress response shuts down.


But human beings can’t seem to find their “off” switch.


Sapolsky: We turn on the exact same stress response for purely psychological states.


Thinking about the ozone layer, the taxes coming up, mortality, 30-year mortgages, we turn on the same stress response and the key difference there is we’re not doing it for a real physiological reason and we’re doing it non-stop.


Narrator: By not turning off the stress response when reacting to life’s traffic jams, we wallow in a corrosive bath of hormones.


Even though it’s not life or death, we hyperventilate.


Our hearts pound.


Muscles tense.


Sapolsky: Ironically, after a while, the stress response is more damaging than the stressor itself, because the stressor is some psychological nonsense that you’re falling for.


No zebra on earth, running for its life, would understand why fear of speaking in public would cause you to secrete the same hormones that it’s doing at that point to save its life.


Narrator: Stress is the body’s way of rising to a challenge, whether the challenge is life-threatening, trivial or fun.


Sapolsky: You get the right amount of stress and we call it stimulation.


The goal in life isn’t to get rid of stress.


The goal in life is to have the right type of stress because when it’s the right type, we love it.


[People screaming] we jump out of our seats to experience it, we pay good money to get stressed that way.


It tends to be a moderate stressor, where you’ve got a stressor that’s transient.


It’s not for nothing roller coaster rides are not three weeks long.


And most of all what they’re about is you relinquish a little bit of control in a setting that overall feels safe.


Narrator: But, in real life, for so many of us primates, including robert’s baboons, control is not an option.


Sapolsky: You get some big male who loses a fight, and chases a sub-adult, who bites an adult female, who slaps a juvenile, who knocks an infant out of a tree all in 15 seconds.


Insofar as a huge component of stress is lack of control, lack of predictability, you’re sitting there and you’re just watching the zebra and somebody else is having a bad day and it’s your rear end that’s going to get slashed.


So tremendously psychologically stressful for the folks further down on the hierarchy.


Narrator: One of robert’s early revelations was identifying the link between stress and hierarchy in baboons.


Some baboon troops are over 100 strong.


Like us, they have evolved large brains to navigate the complexities of large societies.


Survival here requires a kind of political savvy– with the most cunning and aggressive males gaining top rank and all the perks– females for the choosing, all the food they can eat, and an endless retinue of willing groomers.


Every male knows where he stands in society– who can torture him; who he can torture; and who, in turn, the torturee can torture.


Sapolsky: Well, this sounds like a terrible thing to confess after 30 years, but I don’t actually like baboons all that much.


I mean, there’s been individual guys over the years who I absolutely love, but they’re these scheming, back-stabbing machiavellian bastards.


They’re awful to each other, so they’re great for my science.


I mean, I’m not out here to commune with them.


They’re perfect for what I study.


Narrator: 22 Years ago at the age of 30 robert sapolsky’s landmark research earned him the MacArthur foundation’s genius fellowship.


His early work– measuring stress hormones from extracted blood– led to two remarkable discoveries.


A baboon’s rank determined the level of stress hormone in his system.


So, if you’re a dominant male, you can expect your stress hormones to be low.


And if you’re submissive, much higher.


But there was an even more astonishing find in sapolsky’s sample: Low rankers–the have-nots– had increased heart rates and higher blood pressure.


This was the first time anyone had linked stress to the deteriorating health of a primate in the wild.


Sapolsky: Basically, if you’re, you know, a stressed, unhealthy baboon in a typical troop, high blood pressure, elevated levels of stress hormones, you have an immune system that doesn’t work as well, your reproductive system is more vulnerable of being knocked out of whack.


Your brain chemistry is one that bears some similarity to what you see in clinically depressed humans.


And all that stuff, those are not predictors of a hale and hearty old age.


Narrator: Could this also be true for that other primate?


As robert sapolsky was monitoring stress in baboons, professor sir michael marmot was leading a study in great britain that tracked the health of more than 28,000 people over the course of 40 years.


It was named for whitehall, citadel of the british civil service, where every job is ranked in a precise hierarchy– the perfect laboratory to determine whether in humans there might be a link between rank and stress.


Man: I mean, that’s the thing about stress.


I think you’ve got to look at it in both acute terms and chronic terms.


And I think I’ve been under chronic stress in this organization simply because I’m a square peg in a round hole.


Narrator: Kevin brooks is a government lawyer.


His rank–level seven– means he has little seniority in his department.


He lives the life of a subordinate.


Brooks: I think what I was most aware of at the time was the workload and how I had most of it under control, but one of my cases wasn’t wholly under control, I’d let it slip, and it was a bit like, you know, being in a car and hitting an ice patch and skidding.


But nonetheless I came in monday morning, and my immediate manager, let’s call him ben– ben wants a word with you.


So we find a room, he shuts the door, then he says, you know what you’ve done, you know what happened while you were away?


We couldn’t find one of your files.


Do you know what that meant?


He just gave me a darn good kicking, you know?


Psychologically, he did me over.


And at the end of it, it was more threats, it was, right, this may be a disciplinary matter.


So I left the room, crossed over the corridor to my own room, and I just burst into tears.


..and wept.


Narrator: Sarah woodhall also works for the government.


Unlike kevin, she is a senior civil servant.


Woodhall: There are about 160 people reporting to me ultimately one way or another within the sector.


I do really enjoy working in civil service.


It’s quite a dynamic environment, it can be quite exciting.


I like working with lots of people, so, yeah, I do really enjoy my job.


Narrator: Such dramatically different reflections dramatize one of the most astounding scientific findings in the whitehall study.


Marmot: Firstly, it showed that the lower you were in the hierarchy, the higher your risk of heart disease and other diseases.


So people second from the top had higher risks than those at the top, people third from the top had a higher risk than those second from the top, and it ran all the way from top to bottom.


We’re dealing with people in stable jobs with no industrial exposures.


And yet your position in the hierarchy intimately related to your risk of disease and length of life.


Woodhall: I’ve been very lucky.


I haven’t ever experienced any problems with my health.


Since I’ve been in the senior civil service I haven’t had a day off with ill health.


So I’ve been very fortunate.


Brooks: In my own situation, I think that my career is pretty much tainted.


It’s pretty much arrested.


Because I’ve had– for instance, out of the last three years at work, I’ve been off sick for probably half that time.


Sapolsky: This particular study is sort of the rosetta stone of the whole field, because it’s the british civil service system.


Everybody’s got the same medical care, everybody’s got the same universal health care system, just like the baboons.


All the baboons eat the same thing, they have the same level of activity.


It’s not this stuff that, oh, if you’re a low-ranking baboon, you smoke too much and you drink too much.


And if you’re a low rank in the british civil service you never go to the doctor, you don’t get preventive vaccines.


Both of these studies rule out all those confounds, and they produce virtually identical findings.


Narrator: On both sides of the primate divide, there are soul-wrenching stories and life-threatening consequences.


For every subordinate, like kevin, living a life of baboon uncertainty, there is an alpha strutting his stuff, glorying in power– over someone else, someone unsuspecting, someone low-ranking.


[Blows] Sapolsky: Got him.




Sapolsky: Do either of you see where the dart is?


Girl: Yeah, I do.


Sapolsky: Ok, guys, who do you think’s higher ranking?


Boy: Our guy.


Sapolsky: Yeah.


Watch carefully, make sure the other guy doesn’t hassle him.


Narrator: This year, robert brought his family to africa.


His wife, neuropsychologist lisa share-sapolsky, has also done extensive research with baboons.


And for the first time, they brought along their kids, benjamin and rachel.


Sapolsky: All the baboons are perfectly willing to get very freaked out by a human coming over and touching one of these guys.


But cover him with the burlap and he doesn’t exist anymore.


Oh, my god– he’s there, he’s there– oop, not there anymore!


Sapolsky: This is not quite like take your kids to work day.


But this is a pretty central feature of who I am by now, and who my wife and I are, and if our kids want to know where we came from, this is pretty fundamental.


Narrator: As in previous seasons robert measures how individuals at every level of the baboon hierarchy react to and recover from stress.


Sapolsky: So what we’re doing, we’re now going to challenge the system with increasing doses of epinephrine.


Narrator: The baboon’s response is immediately picked up in its blood– vital signs that can be deep frozen in perpetuity.


Sapolsky: It’s this storehouse of potential knowledge, and I got 30 years of those blood samples frozen away at this point because you never know when some new hormone or some new something or other pops up.


And that’s the thing to look at and start pulling out those samples back to when, you know, jimmy carter was president.




Narrator: Anticipating the long reach of stress is a recent idea, for when robert was rachel’s age, scientists believed stress was the cause of only one major problem.


Film narrator: This is a picture of a major american personnel problem– an ugly sore that doctors call a peptic ulcer, eating away at the wall of a man’s stomach.


[Dramatic music playing] those stomach pains that you talk about– the gnawing, the burning– those are obvious symptoms of gastric ulcers.


Sapolsky: 30 Years ago what’s the disease that comes to everybody’s mind when you mention stress?


stress and ulcers, stress and ulcers.


This was the first stress-related disease discovered, in fact, 70 years ago.


What I want you to do is to work on your attitude.


My attitude?


That’s right.


Ulcers breed on the wrong kind of feelings.


You’ve got to be honest with yourself about the way you feel about things.


Finding a new doctor sounds like a better answer to me.


Narrator: The connection between stress and ulcers was mainstream medical gospel until the late 1980s.


Then australian researchers identified a bacteria as the major cause of ulcers.


Sapolsky: And this overthrew the entire field.


This was it’s got nothing to do with stress.


It’s a bacterial disorder.


And I’m willing to bet half the gastroenterologists on earth, when they heard about this, went out and celebrated that night.


This was like the greatest news.


Never again were they going to have to sit down their patients and make eye contact and ask them how’s it going, so anything stressful?


It’s got nothing to do with stress, it’s a bacterial disorder.


Narrator: So no longer would the solution be stress management.


Now it could be something as simple as a pill.


It was a major breakthrough.


Stress didn’t cause ulcers.


Case closed.


But a few years later the research took a new twist.


Scientists discovered that this ulcer-causing bacteria wasn’t unique.


In fact, as much as two thirds of the world’s population has it.


So why do only a fraction of these people develop ulcers?


Research revealed that when stressed the body begins shutting down all non-essential systems, including the immune system.


And it became clear that if you shut down the immune system, stomach bacteria can run amok.


Sapolsky: Because what the stress does is wipe out the ability of your body to begin to repair your stomach walls when they start rotting away from this bacteria.


Narrator: So stress can cause ulcers– by disrupting our body’s ability to heal itself.


If stress can undermine the immune system, what other havoc can it wreak?


One answer comes from a colony of captive macaque monkeys near winston-salem, north carolina.


Shively: People think of stress as something that keeps them up at night or something that makes them yell at their kids.


But when you ask me what is stress, I say, “look at it, it’s this huge plaque in this artery, ” Narrator: carol shively has been studying the arteries of macaques.


Like baboons and british civil servants, these primates organize themselves into distinctly hierarchical groups and subject each other to social stress.


Stress hormones can trigger an intense negative cardiovascular response– a pounding heart and increased blood pressure.


So if stress follows rank, would the cardiovascular system of a high-ranking macaque– call him a primate ceo– be different from his subordinate?


When shively looked at the arteries of a dominant monkey– one with little history of stress– its arteries were clean.


But a subordinate monkey’s arteries told a grim tale.


Shively: A subordinate artery has lots more atherosclerosis built up inside it than a dominant artery has.


Narrator: Stress and the resulting flood of hormones had increased blood pressure, damaging artery walls, making them repositories for plaque.


Shively: So now when you feel threatened, your arteries don’t expand and your heart muscle doesn’t get more blood and that can lead to a heart attack.


This is not an abstract concept, it’s not something that maybe someday you should do something about.


You need to attend to it today because it’s affecting the way your body functions, and stress today will affect your health tomorrow and for years to come.


Narrator: Social and psychological stress– whether macaque, human or baboon– can clog our arteries, restrict blood flow, jeopardize the health of our heart.


And that’s just the beginning of stress’ deadly curse.


Robert’s early research demonstrated that stress works on us in an even more frightening way.


Sapolsky: Well, back when I was starting in this business, what I wound up focusing on was what seemed an utterly implausible idea at the time, which was chronic stress and chronic exposure to glucocorticoids could do something as unsubtle and grotesque as kill some of your brain cells.


Narrator: As a phd candidate at rockefeller university IN THE EARLY 1980s, Sapolsky collaborated with his mentor, dr.


bruce McEwen, to follow the path of stress into the brain.


They subjected lab rats to chronic stress and then examined their brain cells.


The team made an astonishing find: They found that while the cells of normal rat brains have extensive branches, stressed rats’ brain cells were dramatically smaller.


Sapolsky: And what was most interesting in many ways was the part of the brain where this was happening, hippocampus.


You take intro neurobiology any time for the last 5,000 years, and what you learn is hippocampus is learning and memory.


Narrator: Stress in these rats shrank the part of their brain responsible for memory.


McEwen: Stress affects memory in two ways.


Chronic stress can actually change brain circuits so that we lose the capacity to remember things as we need to.


Very severe, acute stress can have another effect which is often we refer to as “stress makes you stupid,” which is making it impossible for you, over short periods of time, to remember things you know perfectly well.


Sapolsky: We all know that phenomenon, we all know that one from back when we stressed ourselves by not getting any sleep at all, 00 we couldn’t remember a single thing for that final exam.


You take a human and stress them big time, long time, and you’re going to have a hippocampus that pays the price as well.


Narrator: So, in addition to undermining our health, stress can make us feel plain miserable.


Carol shively set out to find out why.


She began not with misery but with pleasure.


Shively suspected that there was a link between stress, pleasure, and where we stand on the social hierarchy.


Just like stress, pleasure is linked to the chemistry of the brain.


When a neurotransmitter called dopamine is released in the brain, it binds to receptors, signaling pleasure.


scanner to explore this process first by looking into the brain of a non-stressed primate, ” Shively: What we see is that the brains of dominant monkeys light up bright with lots of dopamine binding in this area that’s so important to reward and feeling pleasure about life.


Narrator: Shively then looked at the subordinate’s brain.


Shively: What we discovered is that the brains of the subordinate monkeys are very, very dull because there’s much less receptor binding going on in this area.


Why is that?


What is it about this area of the brain?


When you have less dopamine, everything around you that you would normally take pleasure in is less pleasurable, so the sun doesn’t shine so bright, the grass is not so green, food doesn’t taste as good.


It’s because of the way your brain is functioning that you’re doing that, and your brain is functioning that way because you’re low on the social status hierarchy.


Sapolsky: One feature of low rank is being low-ranking, the reality.


An even stronger feature, by the time you get to humans, is not just being low ranking or poor, it’s feeling low ranking or poor.


And one of the best ways for society to make you feel like one of the have-nots is to rub your nose over and over and over again with what you don’t have.


Narrator: Richmond, california– a town where society’s extremes can be spotted right from your car.


This is cardiologist jeffrey ritterman’s regular commute.


Ritterman: You can learn a lot about the stress and health outcome just from the neighborhoods you visit.


In this neighborhood, the life expectancy is quite good and most of the people are pretty healthy.


And as we reach the top of the hill, it gets to be a little bit less privileged.


And as we make this transition, the social status begins to drop, and correspondingly, in those areas, the health outcome is much worse.


And these people are not going to have the same life expectancy as the people in the middle class area we started in.


People are on guard, people are vigilant, they’re living a more stressful life.


This is a community that produces high stress hormones in people, and over time it takes its toll.


Narrator: ritterman’s patients is 65-year-old emanuel johnson.


guidance counselor in one of america’s most dangerous neighborhoods.


Johnson: Last year I think we had 47 homicides, you know.


In the last 4 days, we had 11 shootings, 3 deaths.


And I just know, nine times out of ten, it’s going to be a relative or someone that the kids know.


Narrator: For emanuel johnson, there is a price for chronic exposure to this stress.


Johnson: Five years ago I had a heart attack.


I’m a diabetic, too.


I have to work on it constantly.


I’ve been in this business 20 years.


So it’s just–it’s stressful just working the job, so over the years, you know, the cholesterol, the blood pressure, the sugar came on later, but the stress was always there, long before they came on.


Narrator: Emanuel johnson’s body may be telling yet another story of stress.


The whitehall study in england found an incredible link between stress, your position in the social hierarchy and how you put on weight.


Marmot: So it may not be just putting on weight, but also the distribution of that weight.


And the distribution of that weight– putting it on round the center– is related to position in the hierarchy, and that in turn may be related to chronic stress pathways.


Shively: So we said, does that happen in monkeys because they organize themselves in a hierarchy, too.


And it turns out that it does.


Subordinate monkeys are more likely to have fat in their abdomen than are dominant monkeys.


I think the most amazing observation that I’ve made in my lab is this idea that stress could actually change the way you deposit fat on your body.


To me, that was a bizarre idea that you could actually alter the way fat is distributed.


Narrator: Sapolsky, shively and others think stress could be a critical factor in the global obesity epidemic.


Even worse, fat brought on by stress is dangerous fat.


Shively: We know that fat carried on the trunk or actually inside the abdomen is much worse for you than fat carried elsewhere on the body.


It behaves differently, it’s– it is, um, it produces different kinds of hormones and chemicals and has different effects on your health.


Whatever it is that works for an individual, they need to value stress reduction.


I think the problem in our society is that we don’t value stress reduction, we, in fact, value the opposite.


We admire the person who not only multitasks and does two things at once, but does five things at once.


We kind of admire that person, how they manage that, you know, well, that’s–it’s– that’s an incredibly stressful way to live.


We have to change our values and value people who understand a balanced and serene life.


Narrator: One heartbreaking moment in history reveals that stress may, in fact, damage us long before we are even aware.


Holland, late 1944.


A brutal winter and a merciless army of occupation conspire to starve a nation.


It is known as the dutch hunger winter.


For those who survive today, these are haunting memories.


[Speaking dutch] Narrator: Dutch researcher tessa roseboom had heard many of those tragic memories.


She and her team wanted to know if there were any lingering effects.


Roseboom knew that our bodies respond to famine in much the same way they respond to other stressors, so she set out to see if the fetuses of women pregnant during these arduous days could possibly be affected by stress.


Because of meticulous record keeping by the dutch, roseboom was able to identify over 2,400 people who could have been impacted.


She and her team analyzed the data from those born during and after the famine and came to a surprising conclusion.


Roseboom: I think that you could say that these babies were exposed to stress in fetal life and they are still suffering the consequences of that now, 60 years later.


Narrator: Most of the dutch hunger winter children live today, all in their sixties.


Many still bear the scars of war.


Roseboom: We found that babies who were conceived during the famine have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.


They have more hypercholesterolemia, they are more responsive to stress and they generally are in poorer health than people who were born before the famine or conceived after it.


Narrator: Researchers think that stress hormones in a mother’s blood triggered a change in the nervous system of the fetus as it struggled with starvation.


This was the fetus’ first encounter with stress.


Six decades later, the bodies of these dutch hunger winter children still haven’t forgotten.


Sapolsky: What we now know is it’s not just your fat cell storage that winds up being vulnerable to events like this.


It’s your brain chemistry.


It’s your capacity to learn as an adult.


It’s your capacity to respond to stress adaptively rather than maladaptively.


How readily you fall into depression, how vulnerable you are to psychiatric disorders– yet another realm in which early experience and early stress can leave a very bad footprint.


Woman: If I had had an option, I would not have opted to be bipolar, but now that I am bipolar, I’ll have to live with it.


[Speaking dutch] Sapolsky: What the dutch hunger winter phenomenon is about is experience, environment starts long before birth.


An adverse, stressful environment can leave imprints, can leave scars lasting a whole lifetime.


Rachel: We’re just taking fingerprints ’cause no baboon has the same fingerprint as another one.


So we just took honey bear’s, and I’m hoping to go over to riff and get his.


Narrator: During this year’s multi-generational research, robert, who has spent his career documenting stress’ effects on the individual and on the cell, tracks the trail of stress even deeper into our bodies.


Sapolsky: One of the most interesting new directions of stress research is taking the effects of stress down to a nuts and bolts level of how cells work, how genes work that half a dozen years ago, nobody could have imagined.


Narrator: The once unimaginable– genetic structures called telomeres, which protect the ends of our chromosomes from fraying.


As we age, our telomeres shorten.


Sapolsky: What’s interesting is stress, by way of stress hormones, can accelerate the shortening of telomeres.


So the assumption is for the exact same aged guys, if you’re a low-ranking guy who’s just marinating in stress hormones, your telomeres are going to be shorter.


Narrator: So how does this formidable finding apply to us?


San rafael, california.


Once a week janet lawson keeps a very important appointment.


She joins other mothers who share circumstances that produce chronic, unremitting stress.


Woman: But she loses her balance, and that’s the scary part.


So we just went out, actually last night, and bought a new helmet, storun Woman: We found that as she’s getting older and wanting more independence, it’s getting harder.


Narrator: Each of these women is mother to a disabled child.


Woman: As my son’s only 8 and there’s enough I can handle and I don’t allow myself to go too much out, I can’t.


Woman: I had a friend recently who said to me, you know, I think you really should consider putting lexie in a home.


And that was really stressful in and of itself ..




Don’t be sorry, hon.


So I was like, wow, how can you even say that?


She’s, you know, a little girlfriend.


She’s, um, even though she can’t really communicate, ..


She loves. she loves.


Narrator: These remarkable women came to the attention of biologist dr. elizabeth blackburn.


Blackburn: I don’t directly know the individuals, but I know the stories.


I’m a mother myself.


And so when I heard about this cohort, I really thought it was worthwhile finding out what really is happening at the heart of the cells in these mothers who are doing such a difficult thing for such a long time.


Narrator: blackburn is a leader in the field of telomere research.


Blackburn: We have 46 chromosomes and they’re capped off at each end by telomeres.


Nobody knew in humans whether telomeres and their fraying down over life would be affected by chronic stress.


And so we decided we would look at this cohort of chronically stressed mothers, and we decided to ask what’s happening to their telomeres and to the maintenance of their telomeres.


What we found was the length of the telomeres directly relates to the amount of stress somebody is under and the number of years that they’ve been under the stress.


Narrator: Such stressed mothers became the focus of a study blackburn’s colleague, psychologist elissa eppel.


Eppel: Mothers of young children are a highly stressed group.


They’re often balancing competing demands like work and child rearing and often don’t have time to take care of themselves.


So if you add on top of that the extra burden of caring for a child with special needs, it can be overwhelming.


It can tax the very reserves that sustain people, and if they’re stressed, if they report stress, they tend to die earlier.


Sapolsky: These women have shortened telomeres– decreased activity of this enzyme, and very, very rough number– for every year you were taking care of a chronically ill child, you got roughly six years’ worth of aging.


Blackburn: This is real.


This is not just somebody whining.


This is real medically serious aging going on, and we can see that it’s actually caused by the chronic stress.


Narrator: But there is hope.


blackburn co-discovered an enzyme, telomerase, that can repair the damage.


Woman: It’s what I always call the threat of hope.


[Laughter] Narrator: Preliminary data suggests that a meeting of minds such as this may actually have a health benefit, by stimulating the healing effects of telomerase.


Woman: If you don’t laugh, forget it, you can’t handle it.




There’s a certain level of black humor that we have about our kids that only we appreciate, we are the only ones who get the jokes, in a way we’re the only ones ..


Eppel: One of the questions in the stress field is what are the active ingredients that reduce stress and that promote longevity?


And compassion and caring for others may be one of those most important ingredients.


So those may be the factors that promote longevity and increase telomerase and keep our cells rejuvenating and regenerating.


Narrator: So perhaps connecting with and helping others can help us to mend ourselves and maybe even live longer, healthier lives.


20 Years ago sapolsky got a shocking preview of this idea.


The first troop he ever studied– the baboons he felt closest to and had written books about– suffered a calamity.


It would have a profound effect on his research.


Sapolsky: The keekorok troop is the one I started with 30 years ago.


And they were your basic old baboon troop at the time, which means males were aggressive and society was highly stratified, and females took a lot of grief, and your basic off-the-rack baboon troop.


And then about– by now almost 20 years ago, something horrific and scientifically very interesting happened to that troop.


Narrator: The keekorok troop took to foraging for food in the garbage dump of a popular tourist lodge.


It was a fatal move.


The trash included meat tainted with tuberculosis.


The result was that over half the males in the troop died.


Sapolsky: Not unreasonably, I got depressed as hell and pretty damn angry about what happened.


You know, you’re 30 years old, you can afford to expend a lot of emotion on a baboon troop, and there was a lot of emotion there.


Narrator: For robert, a decade of research appeared to have been lost.


But then he made a curious observation about who had died and who had survived.


Sapolsky: It wasn’t random who died.


In that troop, if you were aggressive and if you were not particularly socially connected, socially affiliative, you didn’t spend your time grooming and hanging out, if you were that kind of male, you died.


Narrator: Every alpha male was gone.


The keekorok troop had been transformed Sapolsky: And what you were left with was twice as many females as males, and the males who were remaining were, you know, just to use scientific jargon, they were good guys.


They were not aggressive jerks.


They were nice to the females.


They were very socially affiliative.


It completely transformed the atmosphere in the troop.


Narrator: When male baboons reach adolescence, they typically leave their home troop and roam, eventually finding a new troop.


Sapolsky: And when the new adolescent males would join the troop, they’d come in just as jerky as any adolescent males elsewhere on this planet, and it would take ’em about six months to learn, “we’re not like that in this troop.


We don’t do stuff like that.


We’re not that aggressive.


We spend more time grooming each other.


Males are calmer with each other.


You cannot dump on a female if you’re in ” and it takes these new guys about six months, and they assimilate this style.


And you have baboon culture, and this particular troop has a culture of very low levels of aggression and high levels of social affiliation, and they’re doing that 20 years later.


Narrator: And so the tragedy had provided robert with a fundamental lesson– not just about cells, but how the absence of stress could impact society.


Sapolsky: Do these guys have the same problems with high blood pressure? nope.


Do these guys have the same problems with brain chemistry related to anxiety, stress hormone levels?


Not at all.


It’s not just your rank, it’s what your rank means in your society.


Narrator: And the same is true for humans, with only a slight variation.


Sapolsky: We belong to multiple hierarchies, and you may have the worst job in your corporation and no autonomy and control and predictability, but you’re the captain of the company softball team that year and you’d better bet you are going to have all sorts of psychological means to decide it’s just a job, nine to five, that’s not what the world is about.


What the world’s about is softball.


I’m the head of my team, people look up to me, and you come out of that deciding you are on top of the hierarchy that matters to you.


Sapolsky: Well, that worked.


And lots of baboon poop.


Which under the right circumstances with the right season’s experiment is a goldmine.


Unfortunately this time around it’s just a cage to have to clean now.


I’m studying stress for 30 years now, and I even tell people how they should live differently, so presumably I should incorporate all this and the reality is, like, I’m unbelievably stressed and type “a” and poorly coping, and why else would I study this stuff 80 hours a week?


No doubt everything I advise is going to lose all its credibility if I keel over dead from a heart attack IN MY EARLY 50s.


I’m not good at dealing with stress.


One thing that works to my advantage is I love my work, I love every aspect of it, so that’s good.


Nonetheless this is pretty clearly a different place than the savannah in east africa.


You can do science here that’s very different and more interesting in some ways.


You can have hot showers on a more regular basis.


It’s a more interesting, varied world in lots of ways.


But there’s a lot out there that you sure miss.


It is a pretty miraculous place, where every meal tastes good and you’re 10 times more aware of every sensation.


This is a hard place to come to year after year without getting, I think, a very different metabolism and temperament.




More happy.


This is a hard place not to be happy.


Narrator: So one antidote to stress may be finding a place where we have control.


But how do we reckon with all the time we spend at work?


Marmot: I would say what we’ve learned from the whitehall study and the study of the non-human primates is the conditions in which people live and work are absolutely vital for their health.


Narrator: Senior civil servant sarah woodhall enjoys the benefits of control.


Woodhall: I don’t think I suffer from stress.


I don’t work a hundred hours a week.


I control the amount of work that I do to make sure that I can continue to deliver long term.


Marmot: Control, the amount of control is intimately related to where you are in the occupational hierarchy.


And what we have found is in general when people report to us that things have got worse, that the amount of work stress has gone up, their illness rates go up.


When people report to us that they’ve got more control and they’re being treated more fairly at work and there’s more justice in their amount of treatment, so things are getting better, the amount of illness goes down.


Woodhall: I’ve been very lucky.


I haven’t ever experienced any problems with my health.


Narrator: But not everyone is so lucky.


So is there a prescription for the vast majority of us who aren’t at the top?


Marmot: Give people more involvement in the work, give them more say in what they’re doing, give them more reward for the amount of effort they put out, and it might well be you’ll have not just a healthier workplace, but a more productive workplace as well.


Brooks: I’ve managed to achieve a degree of control.


At the moment, I’m in a really good position.


This is the first time where I feel I’ve had a boss who appreciates me.


He doesn’t dominate team meetings, he sits back.


He invites people to contribute.


He lets other people chair.


He’s a real manager, and he– from the start, when I returned after my latest sick leave, just six months ago, he was so positive.


I think I feel sufficiently empowered.


Narrator: Who would have imagined that robert’s baboons, roaming the cruel plains of africa, would point us humans toward a stress-free utopia?


Marmot: This may sound a little fanciful, but I think what we’re trying to create is a better society.


The implications, both of the baboons and of the british civil servants, is how can we create a society that has the conditions that will allow people to flourish?


And that’s where this is heading– to create a better society that promotes human flourishing.


Sapolsky: So what do baboons teach the average person in there?


Don’t bite somebody because you’re having a bad day.


Don’t displace on them in any sort of matter.


Social affiliation is a remarkably powerful thing.


And that said by somebody who lives in a world where ambition and drive and type-“a”-ness and all of that sort of thing dominates.


Those things are real important and one of the greatest forms of sociality is giving rather than receiving, and all those things make for a better world.


Another one of the things that baboons teach us is if they’re able to, in one generation, transform what are supposed to be textbook social systems sort of engraved in stone, we don’t have an excuse when we say there’s certain inevitabilities about human social systems.


Narrator: And so the haunting question that endures from robert’s life work– are we brave enough to learn from a baboon?


The keekorok troop didn’t just survive without stress, they thrived.


Can we?


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Word Map

baboons know right Shively live brain guys disease humans When Woman health baboon society blood This telomeresstressed rank Sapolsky work response people pretty stress came going life social long research firstgood time amount civil make Narrator later heart years stressful hormones hierarchy troop place chronic

META BANK Lies to customers and pushes all blame for problems off onto customers when every indication is that METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC has designed their product to take advantage of consumers

The topic of the following article talks about Pathological Liars in the Workplace.

It makes the assumption that there may be only one pathological liar in the workplace. As customers of METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC  we have been so brazenly lied to and had the blame pushed off onto us and away from the real source which is METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC  itself.

Because METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC  has failed to address customer complaints over a period of years and because customers complain about the same problems with the METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC  product and service, we must believe that the design of their product is sick and that the mindset behind that sick product is the source of the real problem.

For that reason we must consider the probably that Pathological Lying is the source of the real problem within METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC 

How to Deal With a Pathological Liar in the Workplace

by Kate McFarlin, Demand Media

Dealing with a pathological liar is never an enjoyable task, particularly when the situation is at work.

The situation may not reveal itself fully until some time has passed and the person who appeared to be the ideal employee turns about to be anything but.

Based on the publicity for METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC products, they may be perceived by  customers to be sound.

It is only after experiencing awful customer treatment, being lied to and having blame pushed off on us without getting any kind of satisfaction from METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC  at the point that they have full control of our hard earned money, that customers may become first aware of how awful METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC really is. Then customers are already stuck in a cesspool of lies and in appropriate blaming practices that fail to address their concerns. 

METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC  only want to get control of customers money, and to keep you from accessing your own money. This has happened over and over again.

METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC  uses customers to get interest free loans for themselves. METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC  never intended to provide you with any real customer service; it is all about how METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC  get more and more money for themselves.

Learning how to deal with a pathological liar in the workplace is not an easy task and removing them from your employment may not be easy either. In order to protect your company legally as well as publicly, specific steps should be taken.

In the case of METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC , the pathological liar seems to be within their design plans so therefore among the CEOs themselves who are making huge amounts of money for themselves… at customers’ expense and great dissatifaction.

Step 1

Determine how severe the problem actually is. Some pathological liars confine their lies to small things that are not important to the function of the company as a whole. However, if the lying is severe and is impacting the company, then it will need to be dealt with as swiftly as possible.

The problem is severe because it is within the entire design of the product produced by METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC 

Step 2

Confront the person privately. Calling out an employee publicly for lying is never a good idea, and is a particularly bad idea when dealing a pathological liar who will twist all the facts and in essence, turn the argument against you. All confrontation should be done in private and if possible, ask the employee for their permission to record the meeting. This will help protect you legally if you decide to dismiss the employee. Let them know that honesty is your company’s only policy and that they cannot continue with their behavior if they want to stay employed with your company.

Employees have been trained to lie for METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC . All customer complaints indicate this is a pattern… Customers can’t benefit from being a customer of METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC 

Step 3

Document all instances of lying or poor performance. These notes should go into the employee’s personnel file and should detail exactly what transpires. Any complaints received from other employees should also be documented and placed in the file. Make sure to include the employee’s name, the exact date and time of the infraction and detail what happened in an impassive way.

Online, scores and scores of consumers have complained over the years about encountering the exact same design problems and awful  customer service at METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC 

Step 4

Remove the employee if necessary. Once you have documented the issues and determined that the employee’s lies were affecting the company negatively, it may be in the best interests of all involved for that person to seek employment elsewhere. If they attempt to “get even” you will have your documentation and reports available to keep your company in the clear.

There may be an aspect of “getting even” that factors in to why METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC fails to address customers real needs and why they keep in business. Perhaps they have some control over some people… It just doesn’t make sense why or how METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC  can stay in business using this same old scam over and over again.

Step 5

Clear up any confusion their coworkers may have. A pathological liar can twist around their coworkers and they may be confused as to what is actually going on.

METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC  may have twisted the facts so much that many may believe their publicity in spite of the many on-going customer complaints against METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC ‘s practices… All that we can do is to alert other consumers that the products offered by METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC  are harmful to consumers.

Please do the right thing and share your experiences with others so they won’t have happen to them what happened to us. This may be the only way to get the changes that are so desperately needed.

If you have dismissed the employee, you may want to consider holding a group meeting with their coworkers to clear up any misconceptions.

While you cannot legally go into detail about the circumstances surrounding their firing, you can set the record straight and let your employees know that the person has been let go.

Please help to prevent others from being scammed the way you and I were by METABANK, META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS; META FINANCIAL GROUP,INC 

The Corporate Psychopath: I found them at META BANK when I was one of their prepaid bank card customers

Consumers, Your help is needed to get the proper regulations in place that will actually protect you and all of us from Bank Scams

I established this blog after I had been scammed by META BANK when using their prepaid bank card.

META BANK Lied to me and I had wondered why.

Then I went online and saw that META BANK had been doing this to many other people. It was always the same scam but using different PREPAID BANK CARD names.

The scam is “To keep customer’s money from them” and “To get a free interest loan for META BANK.” That is the part that is consistent and which happens regularly with META BANK.

META BANK has created all of the rules in the fine print on their bank contract. The rules can be changed at any time and with out notice to their customer base.

META BANK began with the underbanked and used that experience to build up their repertoire for what came to be their scam pattern that they would seek to push off onto the general public. The underbanked would be the most economically vulnerable people in our society.

META BANK promises to help them to improve their credit rating by getting one of META BANK’s PREPAID CARDS and by having their payroll salary check or government check directly deposited into an associated checking account. By doing this, META BANK gets full control of all of the assets of the most financially vulnerable people in our society. Then META BANK wreaks havoc on the lives of these people who have been enticed by false and misleading promises.

Oh, it was bad enough that META BANK had scammed me, but the fact that META BANK had done this to so many people really irritated me, and that they had done this to the most vulnerable among us really upset me… so much so that I had to speak-out on their behalf in an effort to protect others from being scammed by META BANK as I had viewed was happening to so many people already.

      • Potential Corporate Partners needed to be warned about the damage that META BANK would cause them when all the while lying to those corporate partners.
      • Consumers needed to be made aware so they could protect themselves.

I don’t want what had happened to me to happen to another person and yet META BANK had actually done much worse to others. I needed consumers to speak up and to act in ways that would serve to protect them and others. We are all in this together in one great fraternity of consumers/customers of a banking system. We must help each other  because banks like META BANK have shown us that they cannot or will not serve us as they should . Given the fact that META BANK has hired lobbyists (RUPLI and Associates) to promote the PREPAID BANK CARD, we can see that META BANK has the means to serve the public, but that their interests are only in creating greater and greater wealth for their CEO’s.

Because META BANK doesn’t understand the real purpose and role in what customer service should be, as consumers/customers, we must demand bank reforms that actually protect us from Banking Practices such as those currently practiced by META BANK.

The Corporate Psychopath

By Paul Babiak, Ph.D., and Mary Ellen O’Toole, Ph.D.


Psychopathy is one of the most studied personality disorders. It consists of variations of 20 well-documented characteristics that form a unique human personality syndrome—the psychopath.

Many of these traits are visible to those who interact with the psychopath who possess some or all of these characteristics. For some, superficial charm and grandiose sense of self make them likable on first meeting.

Their ability to impress others with entertaining and captivating stories about their lives and accomplishments can result in instant rapport.

They often make favorable, long-lasting first impressions.

This personality disorder is a continuous variable, not a classification or distinct category, which means that not all corporate psychopaths exhibit the same behaviors.

Beneath the cleverly formed façade—typically created by psychopaths to influence their targets—is a darker side, which people eventually may suspect. ( META BANK’s advertisements were designed to address my needs as a customer, but the product really wasn’t designed to meet my needs. Then META BANK Lied to me. Is META BANK only hiring people who don’t mind lying? Certainly, after a while those people who must do the dirty work for META BANK by lying to their customer base will come to realize that they are only salaried employees and that  the CEO’s are making a real fortune from this scam. I saw the dark side of the PREPAID BANK CARDS very clearly and in a very negative way… I want to protect others.)

They can be pathological liars who con, manipulate, and deceive others for selfish means.( Wow! That is what META BANK does!!!) Some corporate psychopaths thrive on thrill seeking, bore easily, seek stimulation, and play mind games with a strong desire to win. ( MIND GAMES with a strong desire to win… That is exactly how I was treated by META BANK as their customer and why I feel so compelled to speak out to warn other consumers.)

Unlike professional athletes moved by a desire to improve performance and surpass their personal best, psychopaths are driven by what they perceive as their victims’ vulnerabilities. ( As a former META BANK customer/victim, I have observed that META BANK targets their publicity to customer’s self noted vulnerable areas… Often times, META BANK uses the customer’s desire to protect their financial welfare, promises them that security and then scams that same customer once they have possession and control of that Customer’s cash money. META BANK hasn’t improved their product to meet customer’s real needs; META BANK only changes the wording in their publicity to move the same product using a new name, but it is the same old scam all over again.)  

Little research exists on their inner psychological experiences; however, they seem to get perverted pleasure from hurting and abusing their victims. ( I believe that META BANK seeks out customer’s by making false promises and giving those potential customers misleading information to hook them in. META BANK changes their name and then does the same scam over and over again…. Of course, META BANK enjoys this scam and is indifferent to the people they scam. META BANK was indifferent to my needs as a customer and lied to me…. It was when they so boldly lied to me about many things and kept expanding the list of lies that I began to question what was really  going on within META BANK…. Then I read about Boesen and Pickhinkle, both of whom I felt got royally scammed by META BANK and then after Boesen committed suicide META BANK went after his estate. Years later META BANK was still trying to drain more assets out of the widow Boesen had left behind… I see META BANK/META FINANCIAL SYSTEMS as  a major con of our times.)

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) research indicates that psychopaths are incapable of experiencing basic human emotions and feelings of guilt, remorse, or empathy.1  ( This is most likely the case for META BANK because once they have scammed one customer, they simply move on to the next. META BANK doesn’t learn from their mistakes so they can improve their services for their customers. OH NO!!! META BANK is inspired by their own success at lying to only lie more and to continue. The average person would feel remorse and any problems relayed to them by customers would be addressed, but META BANK only keeps doing the same scam over and over again.)

This emotional poverty often is visible in their shallow sentiment. ( Wow that described my experience with META BANK? META PAYMENT SYSTEMS which is after all really nothing but a collections agency. It had become obvious to me that to get the partner corporate entity to buy into promoting their product that META BANK had wined and dined that entity just so they could sweet talk them into scamming all of their customer base. This partnership gave META BANK full access to all of the customers with whom the partner  had been building a rapport for many years… I could no longer trust that corporate partner, and I severed all ties with them after many years as their customer… sad really… META BANK indicates that they have all of the collection aspects of the relationship in place as part of the publicity to that corporate partner… I never would have become a customer of META BANK if a trusted local partner hadn’t been the one selling me the PREPAID CARD….. META BANK had also lied to that corporate partner who initially sold me the prepaid card, but the scam was being pushed off onto me… That corporate partner wouldn’t believe that META BA NK could abuse me in such a way because the card had worked so well for them… Well, that was just apart of the bigger scam, and META BANK is a scam operation.)  

They display emotions only to manipulate individuals around them. They mimic other people’s emotional responses. Some lack realistic long-term goals, although they can describe grandiose plans. The impulsive and irresponsible psychopath lives a parasitic and predatory lifestyle, seeking out and using other people, perhaps, for money, food, shelter, sex, power, and influence.

Psychopathy is a personality disorder traditionally assessed with the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R).2 Often used interchangeably with psychopathy, the term sociopathy is obsolete and was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) in 1968. Currently, there is no formal diagnosis of psychopathy in the DSM-Fourth Edition-Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR); however, it is being considered for the 2013 DSM-V list of personality disorders.


It is fascinating that psychopaths can survive and thrive in a corporate environment. Day-to-day interactions with coworkers, coupled with business policies and procedures, should make unmasking them easy, but this does not always hold true. Large companies’ command-and-control functions ought to make dealing with them simple and direct; however, this may not be the case. ( META BANK’s customer relations are convoluted. Their publicity is basically a lie. META BANK Makes money for their CEO’s who are incredibly rich!!!)

Psychopathic manipulation usually begins by creating a mask, known as psychopathic fiction, in the minds of those targeted.

( Because of the way that METABANK representatives lied to me and tried to push blame on me for their actions , which I believe were intentional that allowed META BANK to hold my $5,000.00 and to keep me from having access to my own money… I believe that there is Pschopathic manipulation present in META BANK.)

In interpersonal situations, this façade shows the psychopath as the ideal friend, lover, and partner. ( How else would such a person get by and be kept by META BANK? Also I believe that this person or group of people may actually be rather high ranking at META BANK)

These individuals excel at sizing up their prey. ( META BANK is best at studying the needs of the American Consumer and perhaps consumer’s in general and they market the identical product using many new names designed to meet the real needs of their targeted customer, but META BANK really has only one kind of prepaid bank card and META BANK retains the right to change all of the rules whenever they see fit and as often as they see fit without notice to their customers…. What kind of a real relationship is this? … The design relies on publicity targeted and crafted to appear to meet consumer’s real needs, but that is part of the scam.)

They appear to fulfill their victims’ psychological needs, much like the grooming behavior of molesters. ( META BANK says in their publicity that by using their PREPAID BANK CARDS that this is safer for customers; it isn’t safe at all for customers given how META BANK takes over and fully controls a customer’s money and keeps the customer from being able to access their own cash money while META BANK has free use of the customer’s money; in this way the PREPAID BANK CARD works like an interest free loan to META BANK while doing nothing at all to protect consumers…. META BANK gets corporate partners to market their card for them, most likely with promises of increased revenue, but that partner corporation will lose their former customer base who will find that META BANK is impossible to deal with. META BANK has obviously courted those corporate partners. Their employees are issued gift cards, and then asked to push the prepaid cards to their customer base. For the employees they can honestly say that the cards work quite well because for them they do. So they can sell the cards with a straight face and with great sincerity. The customers who are issued prepaid cards that may look like those that the employees have are actually issued prepaid cards with a different numbers and the contact phone number on the back will bring each to their designated customer service representative. The customers will find great difficulty using the cards and in dealing with META BANK who has told customers that they haven’t used the card correctly… this has been repeated over and over again per customer’s online complaints to that effect.)

Although they sometimes appear too good to be true, this persona typically is too grand to resist. They play into people’s basic desire to meet the right person—someone who values them for themselves, wants to have a close relationship, and is different from others who have disappointed them. ( Wow!!! This is even how META BANK’s PREPAID CARD Publicity reads… Customers are studied and then marketed to based on those customer’s most vulnerable areas what ever they are because META BANK has a card for all of those vulnerable areas. Actually the card is the same; the publicity for the card is modified to appear to meet the needs of the customer. It has always been the same prepaid card that META BANK has offered just with a new name.)

Belief in the realism of this personality can lead the individual to form a psychopathic bond with the perpetrator on intellectual, emotional, and physical levels. At this point, the target is hooked and now has become a psychopathic victim.

Corporate psychopaths use the ability to hide their true selves in plain sight and display desirable personality traits to the business world. To do this, they maintain multiple masks at length. (I had wondered how this worked, but it would seem that the people who are behind the scam by which META BANK operates may convey a very congenial face to the world or they send a newly hired employee to speak to the public… that new employee doesn’t even know that what they have been given to say is a con and that they have been given only partial information… SEE: LISA BINDER who spoke to the press about the Dubai Assassination Using a  META BANK PREPAID CARD. )

The façade they establish with coworkers and management is that of the ideal employee and future leader. This can prove effective, particularly in organizations experiencing turmoil and seeking a “knight in shining armor” to fix the company. ( This knight in shining armor must exude confidence that draws people to them… I feel so sorry for the employees of META BANK… Pickhinkle is in prison for bank fraud/embezzlement or CD fraud, but what were her supervisors doing while she did this scam? I think that she was as much a victim as the enactor of the crime… just my opinion from the outside looking in. She indicated at her trial that she was following directions… I believe her.)


How is it possible for psychopaths to fool business-savvy executives and employers?

They often use conning skills during interviews to convince their hiring managers that they have the potential for promotion and the knowledge, skills, and abilities to do an outstanding job. ( It may be in the very higher/higher eschelon of META BANK where the con actually began, but the way META BANK’s operates is a scam of their customer base through the use of misleading information, publicity that has little basis in facts and by lying to their customer base, per my own experience.)

Using their lying skills, they may create phony resumes and fictitious work experience to further their claims. They may manipulate others to act as references. Credentials, such as diplomas, performance awards, and trophies, often are fabricated.

“Psychopathic manipulation usually begins by creating a mask,known as a psychopathic fiction, in the minds of those targeted.”

Once inside the organization, corporate psychopaths capitalize on others’ expectations of a commendable employee.

( I believe that META BANK does this through employee reward systems)

Coworkers and managers may misread superficial charm as charisma, a desirable leadership trait. A psychopath’s grandiose talk can resemble self-confidence, while subtle conning and manipulation often suggest influence and persuasion skills.

Sometimes psychopaths’ thrill-seeking behavior and impulsivity are mistaken for high energy and enthusiasm, action orientation, and the ability to multitask. ( Meta Bank advertises for employees who can work in a fast changing and fast paced work environment…. no mention is made of honesty, integrity or the ability to work well with their customer base…. META BANK’s value system is skewed.)

To the organization, these individuals’ irresponsibility may give the appearance of a risk-taking and entrepreneurial spirit—highly prized in today’s fast-paced business environment. Lack of realistic goal setting combined with grandiose statements can be misinterpreted as visionary and strategic thinking ability; both are rare and sought after by senior management. An inability to feel emotions may be disguised as the capability to make tough decisions and stay calm in the heat of battle.


Evidence suggests that when participating in teams, corporate psychopaths’ behaviors can wreak havoc.

In departments managed by psychopaths, their conduct decreases productivity and morale. These issues can have a severe impact on a company’s business performance. ( I had felt that the reason that METABANK employees lied to me, bold and brazenly lied to me as their customer originated in the higher ranks among their CEO’s. The mind set is a really sick one at META BANK that would permit them to lie to their customer in such a brazen way…. Had they never seen that they were lying? META BANK had mailed me a check at my home address and then said that I ( pleased note that META BANK was pushing the blame off on the consumer/customer base) had never given them my address. META BANK had a canceled check with my correct mailing address on it… Why did META BANK feel the need to lie? I saw through the lie, but once META BANK has your money, you have lost all control and even complete accessibility to your own money.)

There also is the risk for economic crimes to be committed. For the corporate executive and the criminal justice professional, the issue is the possibility of fraud. ( It was clear to me that META BANK had designed the prepaid bank card as a way to keep money from consumers. The way that the idea was put in place was to scam their customer base rather than to serve them… META BANK’s mindset is really sick.)

Today’s corporate psychopath may be highly educated—several with Ph.D., M.D., and J.D. degrees have been studied—and capable of circumventing financial controls and successfully passing corporate audits.( META BANK’s corporate pyschopath may actually have a law degree and be dedicated exclusively to pushing META BANK’s agenda.)


Investigators should familiarize themselves with the typical traits and characteristics of psychopaths. They must understand the manipulation techniques used to create and manage the psychopathic bonds established with victim organizations. ( I can assure you as a former META BANK customer that there is something very wrong with the way that META BANK does business. The red flag for me was META BANK’s desire to push the blame off on me and to boldly lie to me… there is something very sick in the dynamics and internal practices at META BANK.)

Their reputations, as judged by those in power with whom they have bonded, known as patrons, often provide added protection from closer investigation.

As a result, the investigator may need to build a case with management for the use and broad application of more sophisticated techniques.

Psychopaths can be expert liars often immune to traditional deception-revealing techniques. Some practice avoiding detection in anticipation of being caught and interrogated. Therefore, investigators independently should corroborate any information provided by these individuals.3

Psychopaths often compartmentalize their behavior, enabling them to present themselves differently to various people. ( META BANK obviously wined and dined their partner corporations in order to get those partner corporations to push their META BANK PREPAID CARD. As a META BANK PREPAID CARD HOLDER, I was taken advantage of and misused.Because of this, I feel compelled to speak out  to try to protect other consumers.)

This can help them hide their manipulation and control over victims.(META BANK wanted and wants full control of customer’s money. It is an interest free loan to META BANK. META BANK has offered classes to other banks to show them how to do this same scam. Then if they are all doing it and basically they all need to do it in order to be able to survive, it may appear that the underlying principles of the META BANK CARD are usual and normal, but in reality it is only an expansion of the same scam. This time, since “Everybody is doing it” there is an added sense of legitimacy to the original scam.)

Coworkers may have knowledge or suspicions about the psychopath’s actions that can be useful to the investigator. However, they either may fear repercussions or fall under the influence of the psychopathic bond. (I don’t know what the deal is at META BANK internally, but from what I have observed, there is a major problem. META BANK needs for others to imitate their practices when in fact these practices are very harmful to the general public.)  

If investigators establish rapport and trust with coworkers, information that will make their work easier may be forthcoming. The difficulty comes when these associates are persons of interest. Fortunately, some companies have hotlines for employees to report coworker fraud and other complaints. This information provides an invaluable source of leads.

Corporate psychopaths with exceptional verbal skills make crafty interviewees.( I have felt that META BANK is very skilled at creating publicity on line… it is just too good to be true that any entity could actually meet a customer’s real needs. META BANK has customers self identify according to their own perception of their most vulnerable places. Then META BANK sells the same prepaid bank card using a new name but the same old prepaid bank card after hooking the customer.)  

This ability provides an opportunity embraced by many of them to fool law enforcement officers. In these cases, investigators should proceed with caution.4 Specific interview strategies should focus on exposing psychopaths’ vulnerabilities. Possession of a sense of superiority and lack of empathy can enable them to boast about the brilliance of their latest fraud scheme. They often believe that only someone equal in intelligence to them could understand their actions. Strategies specifically designed to elicit such boasting can result in a wealth of information for the investigator.

Corporate psychopaths are successful because they single out and isolate their targets.(META BANK’s customers are often sought out online and never come face to face with META BANK employees. Frequently META BANK customers must pay extra to phone META BANK . I was handed from one person to the next after having been put on hold. The scale of META BANK’s scam, by using many different names, is great and therefore a serious problem.)

They sometimes manipulate several victims at the same time. Investigators never should assume they are immune to a psychopath’s approach. One conversation may be enough for the bond to be established. Investigators must know themselves so that psychopaths’ attempts at bonding fail. It is valuable for investigators to allow psychopaths to believe they have established rapport with someone inside law enforcement.

psychopaths use the ability to hide their
true selves in plain
sight and display
desirable personality
traits to the
business world.”

Investigators must work as a team, communicate openly, and take all observations seriously. This is necessary for personal self-defense, proficient investigative work, and successful prosecution.

Officers must take heed to avoid being impressed with a suspect’s credentials and success. ( I think that META BANK has given large amounts of cash to re-election campaigns in Iowa to buy some credibility.)

Occasionally, when psychopathic white-collar offenders are identified, they seek out the media and give interviews. They may believe their skills of persuasion are effective enough to convince the public that they have done nothing wrong and are being targeted unjustly by law enforcement. To prevent serious problems with the investigation and prosecution, investigators must remain prepared for all possibilities.


Psychopathy, one of the most studied personality disorders, can cause numerous problems for investigators. Therefore, law enforcement officers must become familiar with psychopaths’ traits and characteristics, prevent psychopathic bonds from forming, corroborate information, and take all observations seriously. Investigators must know themselves, work together, communicate with one another openly, and be prepared to deal with the corporate psychopath.


1 Functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) registers blood flow to functioning areas of the brain.

2 Hare’s Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) is an assessment tool. Psychopathy, as determined by the PCL-R, is indicated by an overall score of 30 or above out of a possible 40. Many point configurations could result in the overall score, determined by adding up the total points for each of the 20 individually listed traits.

3 Research on psychopathy and lie-detection equipment has yielded conflicting results and remains inconclusive.

4 Once established that a perpetrator truly is a psychopath, reviewing the videotaped interrogation can be a lesson in their subtle, yet sophisticated manipulation techniques. This is the same method used by psychopathy researchers.

Additional Resources
P. Babiak, “When Psychopaths Go to Work,” Applied Psychology: An International Review 44, no. 2 (1995): 171-188
P. Babiak, “Psychopathic Manipulation at Work,” in ed., C.B. Gacono, The Clinical and Forensic Assessment of Psychopathy: A Practitioner’s Guide (Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2000): 287–311
P. Babiak and R.D. Hare, Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work (New York, NY: Harper/Collins, 2006)
P. Babiak, “From Darkness into the Light: Psychopathy in Industrial and Organization Psychology,” in ed., H. Hervé and J. Yuille, The Psychopath: Theory, Research, and
Practice (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates, 2007)
P. Babiak, C.S. Neumann, and R.D. Hare, “Corporate Psychopathy: Talking the Walk,” Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 28, no. 2 (2010): 174-193
H. Cleckley, The Mask of Sanity (St Louis, MO: Mosby, 1982)
J. Coid, M. Freestone, S. Ullrich, “Subtypes of Psychopathy in the British Household Population: Findings from the National Household Survey of Psychiatric Morbidity,”
Soc Psychiatry Psychiatra Epidemiol 47, no. 6 (2012): 879-891
R.D. Hare, Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us (New York, NY: Guilford Press, 1999)
R.D. Hare, Hare Psychopathy Checklist Revised, 2nd ed. (Toronto, ON:
Multi-Health Systems, 2003)
M.E. O’Toole, “Psychopathy as a Behavior Classification System for Violent and
Serial Crime Scenes,” in ed., H. Hervé and J. Yuille, The Psychopath: Theory, Research, and Practice (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates, 2007): 301-325