When your boss asks you to do work that you perceive to be immoral…..

Exploring the Self-Esteem Related to “Having a Job” any job…. an immoral job may backfire

We have wondered how the METABANK employees who answer the phones as customer service representatives actually feel about what they do.


Certainly they must know they are lying to people, ordinary people who are just like them.


Statistics show that bank tellers in Storm Lake Iowa earn salaries that place them below poverty level.  How desperate can these phone representatives be? Have they been so mislead that they believe in what they are doing?

If they are ignorant of what they are doing, what will it take for them to realize that they are the ones who are making METABANK’s CEOS super rich while they still live below the poverty level?

Could they understand that by lying to the customers that this is dishonest? For how long can these customer representatives going on perpetuating this lie that makes their CEOs so rich? Certainly there must be something in it for these people to lie to other people who are so much like them at the other end of the phone? What kind of “UNTRUTHS” have these METABANK phone representatives been fed so that they carry out the dirtiest job on behalf of the METABANK CEOs?

At Work: Job, self-esteem tied tightly together

Andrea Kay, Gannett12:57 p.m. EDT August 31, 2013

Feedback on the job can be a buffer against depression.

Work means so much to us Americans that without it some people don’t want to get out of bed in the morning.

That is likely one reason unemployed adults and those not working as much as they would like are twice as likely to be depressed as Americans employed full time. [Feeling stuck in a dead-end job such as being a phone representative for METABANK…. This has got to be a pathetic and hopeless situation for those who are being required to do the dirty work that makes the METABANK CEOs rich and then richer yet.]

STORY: Who’s feeling stressed? Young adults
COLUMN: Workers’ happiness rubs off on profits [ Think about this!!!!!!]

That’s the conclusion of a Jan. 1-July 25 survey of more than 100,000 Americans conducted by the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. It says 16.6% of unemployed Americans are depressed compared to 5.6% of those who work full time.

“Self-esteem and self-worth are closely aligned with working,” says psychotherapist Charles Allen, who estimates about 10% of his clients are out of work or worried about losing their job.

When you have a job, you have a continuous source of feedback that you are a contributing member of society, he says. That’s not to say you go to work thinking, “Hey, I’m a valued member of society.” The idea is largely subconscious.

[But what if you are asked to harm innocent people who are just like you whom you only encounter at the other end of the phone??? That can’t feel hopeful in anyway.]

“You feel it in the depths of your brain,” he says.

Being employed helps you feel wanted and that you’re contributing to your finances, says psychotherapist Elizabeth Lombardo. It also gives you social support — “a buffer against depression.”

In his practice, psychotherapist Jonathan Alpert sees a lot of unemployed people who are depressed.

He describes them as usually feeling hopeless and helpless, their sense of identity greatly diminished.

“Employment provides a sense of purpose, … of belongingness,” he says. “Those who are unemployed lack that purpose.”

Some unemployed workers also lack structure, which leads to unhealthy habits like staying up until 3 a.m. then getting up late the next day. That “makes them feel even more different than the employed,” Alpert says.

Being depressed also can affect your ability to seek and keep a job.

Allen’s depressed clients who are unemployed “typically have tremendous difficulty in finding work because they lack energy and drive to engage in a job hunt,” he says. Their pessimism and feelings of worthlessness also contribute to the idea that they won’t find work.

When motivation plummets, you withdraw and “why bother?” prevails, Lombardo says.

A depressed person may not do well in interviews.

“Who wants to hire ‘Debbie Downer?’ ” she asks.

Some people who are depressed can have a tough time keeping a job: They take too much time off, have a lack of drive, don’t concentrate well and sometimes simply don’t care, Alpert says.

[ The term “SIMPLY DON’T CARE” highlights that some people may take a job as a phone representative at METABANK just to have a job. They may understand that what they are doing is immoral, but perceive that there aren’t many other options. This has got to be a sad state of affairs for these employees. If they could see a positive way forward, internally they may be able to ask for the right to treat others fairly…. This situation is predatory on so many levels…. Shame on METABANK CEOs who created this abhorent and offensive scenario.]

They also “often have a poor self-image and lack confidence, two factors that strongly impact job retention and performance,” he says.

Alpert says he also sees a lot of another type of depression — in people who are employed.

It “usually stems from high stress and feeling disenchanted with their job or simply unhappy with the direction their career has taken them,” he says.

Feeling stuck in a position “can bring about a sense you have no control over your situation,” Lombardo says. “Feeling powerless can cause depression. And depression can lead to getting demoted.”

Depression among those with jobs costs U.S. employers $23 billion annually in lost productivity, according to Gallup.

The survey found that depression decreases as income rises. It showed that Americans who earn less than $36,000 annually are nearly three times more likely to be depressed than those who earn more than $90,000 annually.

Depression takes a toll on a person — employed or jobless — as well as the economy.

[We find it impossible to believe that the METABANK Phone representatives who lie to customers can do this in the long term without having some feelings of remorse. We have, of course, made the assumption that they are human beings. How desperate are they that they can continue to lie to people who are a lot like them at the other end of the phone?]

It may be depressing to talk about depression. But the more we know about it and discuss it, the more likely the stigma associated with it will be reduced.  [We believe that America is a sick society at this time. It is imperative that as ordinary people that we insist on humane treatment of each other… this treatment goes both ways, you know… It is the “Golden Rule.”]

And perhaps the people who need help the most will get it.

Career consultant Andrea Kay is the author of This Is How To Get Your Next Job: An Inside Look at What Employers Really Want.


Note:  Please notice carefully where METABANK and any other Prepaid Bank Card offered places their advertisements 

Unscrupulous Banking Practices in the U.S.A. – 2013

I was suggested this website by my cousin.


I am not sure whether this post is written by him as nobody else know such detailed about my difficulty.


You’re amazing! Thanks!


We are just consumers who have been scammed by META BANK and the non-profit Network Branded Prepaid Card Association which mainly was created by META BANK.

In 2009, META BANK which is the largest provider of Prepaid Bank Cards and the NBPCA paid the most to Rupli Lobbyists in Washington, D.C. to advocate for getting all sorts of prepaid cards out on the market. If you contact your elected officials, if they ever go back to work in D.C., you must ask for better bank regulations, clarity between what is publicity and what are actually policies governing any bank product.

Once money is put on the card, it is charged fees to activate or it has hidden fees.

The problem is that cash money must be paid upfront before any services are rendered. Once META BANK and any bank following the same banking practices has their customers’ money, META BANK has full control of that customer’s money and the customer has no control of their own cash money.

The problem is that many people have been scammed in the same way by Meta Bank and then Meta Bank lies to their customer. META BANK is really a collections agency that operates in unscrupulous ways. As consumers, we have been misled by confusing and overwhelming publicity scams created by META BANK.

META BANK actually only offers the exact same scam but using different names and different publicity tactics targeted at specific customer’s achilles’ tendons, their weaknesses or their soft hearted spots just as a gimmick to get those customers to opt in to the exact same scam. The names on the cards sound like they are a different product, but they aren’t. META BANK keeps re-cycling the same old scam they perfected by beginning as a “Thrift Bank” serving the under-banked and the un-bank which translates into seeking out the most financially vulnerable people in society. The scam is to take from the poor and give to the rich CEOs of META BANK so that they can get richer and richer.

The misery that META BANK creates is immoral.

Consumers must share their experiences, expose each and every new name that Meta Bank operates with, and encourage other consumer’s to protect themselves. Our own lack of clear information, our own isolation and our own decision to opt in to products, like prepaid cards, albeit due to misleading advertising by banks like Meta Bank and by Meta Bank..

Meta Bank is really nothing more than a collections agency with very creative, overly creative, marketing practices. Meta Bank must win no matter what; you as the customer simply don’t matter. You are just a tool for Meta Bank and not another human being; Meta Bank prefers to keep that internet distance between them and their customer base so they can more easily scam you. You are not a person to Meta Bank.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, we need you to continue to speak out against the way consumers are being abused by Meta Bank and banks like Meta Bank.

Pay Power is METABANK and METABANK’s practices fail consumers repeatedly

Had METABANK not taken advantage of us, made us very vulnerable, and lied to us and to the Better Business Bureau of Des Moines, this blog would never have been created.

But the fact remains that METABANK lied to us, the partner company that sold us their product and to the BBB of Des Moines, IA. METABANK took our money, our cash money because that is the only way that a card can be loaded/re-loaded, and then kept us from having access to our own money when we needed it the most. This action made us even more vulnerable than if we had been paying directly using cash. The prepaid card only is a money making gimmick that serves to make the METABANK CEOs outrageously rich… This is not a sustainable pattern for the US Economy.

Why you don’t want a PAYPOWER VISA DEBIT issued by METABANK tm

#1 Pay Power is a METABANK product.

#2 The gimmick of attaching a direct deposit that will give you the added bonus of a $20 credit isn’t enough of an incentive given the fact that you will actually be giving complete and full control of all of your assets over to METABANK, an unknown and anonymous entity that you found online.

#3  The concept of a direct deposit is okay, but it has been so abused by METABANK that in their hands it becomes like a weapon against METABANK’s own customer base.

#4 Many customers, that is former customers of METABANK, have complained for years now that METABANK keeps them from being able to access their own money when they need it the most. METABANK’s customer representatives have lied to customers repeatedly for the reasons that the customers aren’t able to access their own money. The control that METABANK wields over their customers’ accounts has gone far beyond what can be considered normal and appropriate. METABANK’s customers are a huge cash cow for METABANK and create a “living hell” for customers who must give METABANK cash money.

#5 METABANK promises to provide safety and security, but this isn’t for their customers. METABANK is working to get safety and security for themselves. Once METABANK has control of all of your assets, your cash money, then you will discover that you can’t access your own cash money. You have been taken in by false promises.

# 6 METABANK is really a collections agency and not a bank in the sense that we have always thought of banks. METABANK relies on the consumers’ previously held impression of banks as being the safest place to keep  their money. METABANK is a Member of FDIC and that statement may lull customers into thinking that METABANK will be in a fiduciary position to protect their customers’ assets…. METABANK is not and has never been able to deliver a quality product for protecting their customer base.

#7  METABANK relies on partner companies and internet ads to get  new customers so they can keep doing the same old scam to a new batch of consumers. METABANK relies on getting a new batch of customers of whom they will then begin to take advantage for their own personal gain and at the expense and misery of the METABANK customer.

#8 Marketing strategies of METABANK involve the creation of new names for the same scam on consumers. This is one way that METABANK endeavors to get around the law… METABANK “is always one step ahead of the law.”

#9 METABANK creates all the rules governing their services or as it turns out for consumers ” a lack of real service accompanied by abuses.”

#10 METABANK helped to create the “Non-Profit” NPBCA to advocate for PREPAID CARDS in DC by using Rupli and Associates. It is a way for METABANK to make themselves appear to be legitimate…. What METABANK does with the prepaid cards is to abuse consumers. The cards are designed so that METABANK has control of your cash money. Customer Fees are attached to opening up the cards while METABANK is getting an interest Free Loan from those who can least afford to give out loans.

#11 METABANK is a “thrift bank”… This term is used to indicate the lowest level of customer service and the highest level of fees for the consumer.

#12 METABANK indicates that “No Credit Check” is required, but consumers have indicated that META BANK does a credit check anyway, but without your knowledge. METABANK is consciously looking for the more vulnerable people to give them loans at a very high interest rate.

#13 By creating a direct deposit from your salary/payroll check or government check that is affiliated with a METABANK debit card, you are becoming an economic slave for METABANK. As a consumer, you must understand that you are establishing a state of economic servitude for yourself by entering into a contract with METABANK.

#14 METABANK/NBPCA is like a Cancer: they are offering training sessions around the USA. Just look at their schedule of up-coming events. You may believe that you are not going to be affected by METABANK, but it may be that you already are one of their customers. The training sessions serve the purpose of normalizing the type of actions and the way that METABANK has scammed their customer base for a period of years now.

#15 METABANK created an organization that purportedly examines customer service and that organization gave METABANK a best customer service award…. While customers continue to complain about how they were abused and taken advantage of by METABANK.

#16  METABANK never accepts responsibility for the problems they have created for others, their own customer base. By design this cannot be a sustainable way to do business, but  in the meantime, as consumers, we don’t want to become METABANK’s next victim as their system comes to a head and fails. METABANK is using a get rich quick scheme. It is not a long term solution for any bank or their customer base.

#17 METABANK has as its parent company META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS and META FINANCIAL GROUP INC… METABANK really isn’t at its core a bank in the conventional sense that will protect their customer base’s assets in a mutually beneficial arrangement. Empty promises are used to lure in customers; METABANBK has no intention of providing those services. Years of consumer complaints have proven this to be true. METABANK advertises for employees who are willing to work in a fast paced, ever changing scenario and who can deal with angry customers. METABANK expects “angry customers” because at the heart of what they are doing, even METABANK knows what they do is a fraud and an abuse of their own customers for their own get rich quick scheme.

All that we can do is to try to warn others about this problem:

METABANK relies on the internet and partner companies to push their prepaid card.

METABANK makes promises and implies services they have no intention of ever giving their customer base.

METABANK relies on keeping their customer base at a distance. Customers have been charged for phoning METABANK. Many customers say that they get the run around from METABANK when they phone. It appears to consumers that the METABANK phone representatives have been given a list of reasons for why consumers can’t access their own money. The underlying message is always that IT IS THE CUSTOMERS’ FAULT FOR WHY THE METABANK PREPAID CARD DOESN’T WORK

METABANK has never shown any kind of real and genuine response to their customers’ complaints. The customers complain about the identical mistreatment and METABANK has never ever actually addressed their customers’ input nor their real needs. METABANK’s publicity says one thing, but the actual customer service will be totally different and horrible.

Please be advised to ” DO NOT BUSINESS WITH METABANK” or with any other bank or partner trained by METABANK

The old saying that your parents used to tell you that “just because everybody else is doing something, it doesn’t make it right”…. METABANK and the NBPCA may provide training events to promote and to normalize what they are doing, but what METABANK does and how METABANK operates is immoral and an abuse against society and humanity in general for their own personal gain… Consumers are being warned to no do business with METABANK or any entity that has been influenced by METABANK.

METABANK Promotes Concept to Other Banks “Because Everyone Else is Doing It”

A Question For METABANK and Banks Operating Like It:

Do you say “creative” when you mean dishonest?

Are you proud of getting away with things?

creative accounting…creative test-taking…creative legal solutions…
creative communication…creative financing…creative relationships…

When you are dishonest, do you admit it to yourself?

“We like the protection of the law until it stands in our way. Then, people sometimes push it conveniently out of mind.
People often use “creative” methods to reach their goals.
“I probably won’t get caught,” they think, “and if I do I’ll worry about it then.” If they get away with something once, they might feel proud of their “skill.”
If they get away with it twice, they may feel they have a “right” to keep doing it with impunity. When they finally get punished, they’re mad, as if they are the injured party.
Any injury they’ve done to others is not on their radar.”
said Loretta Graziano Breuning, Ph.D. in “Your Neurochemical Self”

What Dr. Breuning stated above struck a chord with us. These are our observations of how METABANK treats their customer base:

How METABANK Operates:

The experience that many, very many customers complain about after using METABANK
indicate that
METABANK has created all of the rules governing their product while retaining the right and privilege to change the rules without notice at any time… The rules when changed only benefit METABANK or whatever name they may be using at any given time to market their same product to customers.
It is just METABANK doing what it has always done but portraying it as a new service through their misleading publicity. METABANK is masterful at doing publicity for themselves. Important details get left out though and customers are lulled into a false sense of security. METABANK has absolutely no intention of treating their customers fairly; METABANK has created a situation where they must gain huge amounts of money, but at the pain and expense of their customers.
METABANK seems oblivious to the real needs of their customer base. METABANK simply intends to move onto the next person to do the same scam and the world is filled with the largest population in history.
METABANK began by serving ( we would all call this by abusing) the underbanked or un-banked. METABANK rationalized to themselves that because the unbanked are a riskier loan for them that they should be able to charge the un-banked/underbanked higher interest rates. Remember that it was METABANK and other banks that operate in a similar manner that created this design that targeted the most economically and financially vulnerable citizens everywhere.
METABANK is really nothing more than a collections agency. Read their publicity closely, they have all the collectors in place, they say. This is one major indication that they expect to use their collectors.
METABANK, once they have the customer’s money in their full control has consistently lied to keep their customer’s own cash money away from their customer. Basically what has happened is that the customer is that they are giving an interest free loan to METABANK which enables METABANK to repeat their scam and even to expand their scam.
METABANK CEO’s credentials do not highlight any kind of customer relationship skills. When METABANK talks about “customer loyalty,” this doesn’t mean that customers come back because the service at METABANK is better, but that the customer is looked in by a contract that promises them reward points. In reality, reward points for the average person who doesn’t spend huge amounts but rational amounts can never be accumulated to make a system based on “REWARD POINTS” to be of any benefit to the average person. The “Reward Points” are geared to make more money for METABANK…. The customer’s needs aren’t actually even considered. In the METABANK publicity, potential customers will be promised the world and this opens the door for how they will be scammed and lied to by METABANK.
Dr Breuning indicates, “When you violate accounting rules or organization rules or relationship rules, you are asking for trouble. Trouble may not find you for long time, so you may conclude that the rules are there to be broken. When trouble finds you, you may blame some immediate trigger instead of your own dishonesty.”
METABANK was doing a major CD Fraud. One of their employee’s was convicted of embezzlement. Pickhinkle indicated that she had been instructed to move money from one CD to another. What amazes me is that if Pickhinkle was embezzling from the CDs being sold by METABANK why hadn’t one of her supervisors discovered that and taken care of it “In-house”? The other thing about the METABANK CD Fraud which they were doing on other banks is that an annual internal audit would have and should have uncovered the problem. No annual internal audit seems to have ever picked up on this METABANK CD Fraud, and I find that to be most puzzling because it should have turned up. Either a supervisor of Pickhinkle or an internal bank audit should have uncovered an embezzlement, but they didn’t. Other banks in dealing with METABANK uncovered the fact that the CDs were worthless.Pickhinkle took all of the blame and METABANK continues to do what they have always done.

Because in the beginning, METABANK got away with scamming the most financially vulnerable in our society, METABANK (and it has to be at the top ranking CEO level) began to try to push the scam off on others.

Because METABANK operates using a partner corporate entity to sell their product, you may be using a METABANK product and not even know it.

METABANK seems to alter their name rather frequently or to create various divisions with varying names…. Trust us, there is a scam in this practice.

METABANK says that no credit check is necessary for a customer to be able to open up an account. However, former customers have reported to me that given the kind of questions that METABANK asks that METABANK is actually doing a credit check. This brings to mind the case, a very sad case of BOESEN. Boesen was given loans by METABANK for which he had no way to repay them. I believe that the Collections Agency side of METABANK was putting serious pressure on BOESEN to pay them back and he was in debt really deep. I believe that basically, BOESEN was encouraged to get more loans to pay off the first loan. Collections Agencies have a very bad reputation in the U.S.A. They are known to harass people, and they are known to lie to people.

METABANK lied to me and to many others who have also complained about METABANK’s abusive treatment of them as their customer. Why lie?????

METABANK said that BOESEN had presented them with falsified documents to get loans. BOESEN’s wife hadn’t also signed for the loans. It appears that BOESEN was basically so harassed by the operational practices of METABANK that he committed suicide. Then I read that METABANK was going after his widow, years later… METABANK CEOs have made huge annual incomes but at the pain of others.

METABANK and Payoneer said they sold prepaid bank cards to 26 people. Those 26 people used the METABANK/PAYONEER PREPAID BANK CARDS to commit an assassination. One man in the world was denied the right to a fair trial. Although PAYONEER (METABANK in Israel) advertises that they have the best equipment in the world to be able to detect falsified documents, they sold 26 prepaid bank cards to 26 assassins….. My prepaid bank card simply wouldn’t allow me to access my own money once METABANK had my CASH MONEY in their possession, but 26 impostors using false identification were able to make the METABANK PREPAID CARDS work so that they could fly to DUBAI where they assassinated someone they didn’t like…. That guy got no trial in a court of law…. METABANK sent a very newly hired employee to talk to the media; she was given a statement to say and then honestly she could say that she had no further information….We have wondered if LISA BINDER was being set up to become the next PICKHINKLE.

Dr. Breuning explains, “Dishonesty has consequences. The animal brain learns from consequences, but it only learns from the immediate moment. When an animal encounters an aversive stimulus, it develops an aversion to whatever is present at the moment, not to underlying causes. If you get sick after eating a certain dish, that dish will always disgust you whether or not it was the cause. Your primitive limbic brain does not look for root causes. It does not project long-term consequences. Your human cortex makes those complex links. Respect for the law requires a big cortex. Respect for abstract principles makes us human.

We found METABANK’s lies to us were extremely bold and blatant. They were obviously lying and talking in circles. WHY????? It was only because they had control of the customer’s money and therefore able to keep their customers from being able to access their own cash money while METABANK was getting what amounts to an interest free loan for themselves. Most customers report that phone calls to try to correct the problem they encountered with METABANK has consistently found that METABANK was pushing all blame off onto the customer.

METABANK began with the most financially vulnerable people in society. These people were not able to fight back because they live from pay check to paycheck and they are in a survival mode. These people had been taken advantage of by how METABANK operates. Once METABANK had practiced and to them, it appeared they had succeeded in scamming the public as they do, METABANK felt that what they are doing is appropriate, and the METABANK CEOs have made huge profits

Because Everyone Else is Doing It

METABANK has taught other banks the tricks of their trade. What METABANK does to their customers is unacceptable!!

Here is the mentality we appear to be dealing with at METABANK:

When Everyone Jumps Off the Brooklyn Bridge

Your brain is skilled at attaching and detaching.
Published on April 30, 2011 by Loretta Graziano Breuning, Ph.D. in Your Neurochemical Self
Loretta Breuning stopped for a bribe

I worked in Africa when I was young, and often got stopped by the police as I zipped around on a United-Nations motorbike. They wouldn’t say why they’d stopped me, and my gaze would settle on their machine gun in the awkward silence. What was up?

“Give them money,” people told me. “Everybody does it.”

I got the same answer no matter who I asked. But I couldn’t do it. Something in me resisted digging into my pocket for Central African francs to grease the palms of gun-toting traffic cops, regardless of what everyone did.

When my mother warned me not to follow everyone off the Brooklyn Bridge, I thought she was ridiculous. Everyone doesn’t jump off bridges, so why did she fuss? But suddenly I felt surrounded by people destined to end up at the bottom of the river.

Bribes were just the tip of the iceberg. I was in Africa to work on a UN economic planning project. The project was at a standstill because the country’s dictator withheld financial data. He ran the national treasury out of his pocket and asking nosy questions could land you in jail or worse. I went to work every day in a building full of economists with no work to do.

What frustrated me most as an eager young grad student was that no one acknowledged the reality of it. To fill my time I visited other aid projects, and learned that many were also at a standstill due to corruption. That’s when I questioned the prevailing view that bribery is a harmless tradition. I could not “respect the culture” as expected, and decided this racket was not for me. I packed up and went home in search of a new career.

But I couldn’t pack up and escape from social pressure to accept corrupt practices. As a college professor, I often stumbled on evidence that my students were cheating. Many professors looked the other way. “Everyone does it” was the unspoken consensus.

Something in me refused to go along. I was being paid to enforce academic standards the way a police officer is paid to enforce traffic rules. Tolerating cheating would be collecting my salary without doing the job. I wasn’t going to be a shirker regardless of what others did. I cracked down on cheating in my own classes instead of waiting for everybody to change.

I did not like being around people who think there’s a “right to cheat” when you’re annoyed with “the system.” Higher principles couldn’t help me because they’re often bent to rationalize cheating. I began exploring lower principles instead- the mammalian neurochemistry that drives our survival behavior.

Mammals evolved from reptiles by learning to live in groups. They didn’t consciously choose that, of course. Individuals who stuck near others simply had higher survival rates, so natural selection created a brain that sought social alliances.

Mammals pay a high price for the security of the group. They submit to dominators to avoid injury. Wild chimpanzees are often missing a finger or an ear lobe due to conflict with a troop-mate. Yet mammals stick with their herd or pack or troop. People tend to cheat when they see others are doing it. Your mammal brain feels safe when it’s with a herd. If the herd starts endangering itself, your human cortex can inhibit your mammalian urge to merge. In fact, that’s why you have all those extra neurons. to end up in the jaws of a predator if they leave. They evolved brains adept at avoiding conflict.

We have inherited the limbic system that all mammals have in common. It releases happy neurochemicals when survival prospects improve, and icky neurochemicals when survival prospects are threatened. Contemplate isolation or conflict and those icky chemicals flow. Remain in secure social alliances and happy chemicals flow.

Your mammal brain is not on speaking terms with your cortex because it doesn’t process language. Your limbic system doesn’t tell you in words why it triggers neurochemical ups and downs. But it is always busy scanning the world for threats and opportunities to help you survive.

Every mammal has a cortex hooked up to its limbic system. The cortex is tiny in sheep and rodents, so their capacity to adjust old impulses to new information is tiny. They follow the herd and submit to avoid conflict because it feels good. Primates, by contrast, have a large cortex. They can inhibit impulses when experience proves it’s in their survival interest. The primate brain is always analyzing new information and deciding whether to dominate or submit, whether to follow or take initiative.

Your cortex is three times as large as a chimpanzee’s. You can bring a lot of information to bear on your social choices. Sometimes you see that honoring the mammalian impulse to avoid conflict and follow the group is your best option. Other times you see reason to go it alone and resist submitting.

Analyzing social dynamics at every moment is stressful. It would be nice have one principle to guide every situation.

But your ancestors evolved extra neurons because social analyzing promotes survival.

You inherited all those neurons to make survival judgements for yourself instead of just doing what everybody does.

When you need to escape a herd that seems bound for harm, it’s good to know your brain evolved for just that challenge!

Getting real with a 200-million-year-old brain
by Loretta Graziano Breuning, Ph.D.

When You Face An Open Palm

Practical tips for handling a shake-down.

In my last blog, I was standing in front of an African police officer and refusing to bribe him. Readers wondered how it worked out, so here’s the full story.

 I naively waited for an explanation of the charges the first few times I was stopped. Nothing was ever said.

Long awkward silences. Then they’d wave me off with a hand. [ METABANK does this but in reverse. METABANK distances themselves from their customer base who must rely on phoning them and then METABANK puts the customer on hold… so METABANK refuses to address customers’ expressed and very real needs…. This is by design.]

That’s how I discovered they’ll just give up if you’re not too quick to brandish cash.

You can help fight corruption by investing a little bit of time.

If you’re not easy prey they eventually move on.

Your time is valuable, but the opportunity to help build system integrity is even more valuable.  [The lesson is right there.]

Dr. Breuning writes, “Truth be told, I bribed once. I was driving a friend’s car rather than my motorbike, so the stakes were higher. Friends had just given me the “everybody does it” speech, so I was primed with the thought of contributing to the police officer’s personal charity. When I was stopped, I did the most uncool thing imaginable- I rolled the window down half an inch and fed a small bill through it. I was shaking while I did it. This is ridiculous, I thought, and never did it again.”

An even higher-stakes encounter confirmed my naive strategy. Mexicana Airlines once refused to check in myself and my daughter because I did not have notarized permission from her Dad to take her out of the country. It was six AM and we had flown through the night from California to Miami to board an 8 AM flight to the Yucatan. My husband had chosen not to join this pyramid-climbing expedition.

I am not blaming the airline- this rule protects children.

No one informed me of the rule when I bought my ticket, but if every rule could be evaded by saying “nobody told me” chaos would rein. Where did that leave me?

[METABANK creates all of the rules for all of their products and retains the right to change those rules without notice… Trust us, the rules will change and not for your benefit.]

“There’s only one thing you can do,” said the ticket agent. “Write a letter saying you’re divorced and have full custody, and get it notarized.”

“Where would I find a notary at this hour?”

“I think there’s one in the basement…Jose, please escort these ladies down there.”

I wandered around the basement of the Miami airport with a little girl who hadn’t slept all night and a Mexicana employee with sweaty palms.

We walked and walked, but no hint of a notary was to be found. Are you surprised?

At 7:50, Jose said something into his walkie-talkie. Then he looked at me and said “Run to the gate.”


“They’re holding the gate for you. The flight’s about to leave. Run.”

Why the sudden change? Obviously, they were expecting a bribe, and when they saw I would let that flight leave before I would grease them there was no point in keeping me.

They may have taken pity on my daughter for having such a clueless mother.

Would I have had the courage to keep my wallet shut if I had known what was going on?

All I can say is that ignoring corruption works for me.

Instead of focusing on who to pay to break the rules, I expect others to be as law-abiding as I am, and trust in the law to resolve problems if they arise.


It’s not perfect, but it’s far better than feeding corrupt expectations.

Many people reach the opposite conclusion. They even pride themselves on their ability to manipulate the system. But they live with the burden of knowing they are part of the problem.

…I have a confession to make here…

I burst out crying in front of an African policeman once. I was alone on a dark road and my motorbike’s headlamp just burned out. I was 23 years old and scared.

He may have been more scared than me when I started crying, for he quickly waved me off.

This incident popped into my mind when I was planning the lecture for my MBA International Business class.

I had to prepare my students to refuse payoff requests because kickbacks trigger serious penalties under the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. I couldn’t tell my students to cry.

I needed to offer a systematic response, and that’s how I came to write Greaseless: How to Thrive without Bribes in Developing Countries.

Perhaps you feel like crying for the African police and the Mexicana ticket agents?

I hear that response a lot.

Perhaps you’ve imagined they needed my bribe to buy medicine to keep their child alive one more night.

I ask you to imagine instead what life would be like if every employee of every organization could use their position to benefit the highest bidder, with no accountability.

My next post will paint a more detailed picture of such law-of-the-jungle thinking.

Perhaps you tell yourself we little guys are entitled to cheat because the Fat Cats are already cheating. My last post, When Everyone Jumps Off the Brooklyn Bridge, explores this imagined “right to cheat.”


These two posts by Dr. Bruening shed light on human nature

We have choices, more choices than we may even realize.

What we do must serve all of humanity and help to prevent others from being scammed the way we were by using a product put out by METABANK

All that we can do is to warn other consumers that METABANK’s practices are not good for customers, nor for our nation, nor for international relations….

You must do what is reasonable and appropriate.


      • There is nothing honorable in the way that METABANK does business.
      • We need the existing laws to be enforced properly.
      • The existing laws may need to be reviewed and corrected.
      • Most of all consumers must speak out against the practices that METABANK is sharing with other banks as if what they do is honorable and worthy of being copied and repeated.
 Don’t hand over money to METABANK or any other unknown entity to keep on your behalf…. you have only heard part of the truth “Your money will be safer and more secure than cash” is nothing but a gimmick and a lie to get you to hand over your money….
METABANK began this practice and as long as we allow them to get away with it, they will keep at it and keep upping the stakes for their own benefit.

Consumers must align to help each other!!!