Permissiveness of US Laws on Lobbying and Campaign Financing and the Major Problems that go Hand in Hand With That

The Spread of Oligarchy; The Distribution of Assets;

Who Controls Your Money

The ultra-rich are world’s new dictators

Democracy at risk as oligarchy spreads

Oct. 26, 2013 9:26 PM  / ASSOCIATED PRESS

Written by  Christian Caryl

Foreign Policy

Caryl, the editor of Democracy Lab, is a senior fellow at the Legatum Institute and a contributing editor at Foreign Policy. He is also the author of “Strange Rebels: 1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century.”

WASHINGTON — Earlier this month, the investment bank Credit Suisse published its annual survey of global wealth. The bank’s report is filled with illuminating findings, but one in particular caught my eye. It has to do with the distribution of assets in Russia, where, as the report notes, a mere 110 people own a mind-boggling 35 percent of the country’s entire wealth. At the same time, 93.7 percent of Russians are worth $10,000 or less.

As the report notes, this makes Russia the country with the greatest wealth disparities in the world. Americans, who are now increasingly concerned about deepening inequality in their own country, might seek some consolation from this dismal conclusion.

Even under present circumstances, wealth in the United States is still spread a lot more evenly than that.

Things could be worse, right?

Well, maybe. But I see little cause for jubilation. Russia is merely the most extreme case of a worldwide trend that potentially represents one of the greatest threats that democracy faces today: the spread of oligarchy.

The problem isn’t just that some people in today’s world are fabulously rich. It’s that disproportionate wealth increasingly goes along with disproportionate power.

Russia, again, offers a textbook example of the dangers. Back in the 1990s, a handful of politically well-connected business tycoons managed to profit from their close relations with Boris Yeltsin’s Kremlin by taking advantage of the privatization of the country’s industrial jewels — above all its vast oil wealth. Those magnates weren’t shy about exploiting their economic power to political ends. They bankrolled Yeltsin’s re-election as president in 1996, controlled ministerial appointments, and dictated government policy. No wonder these businessmen-cum-politicians were soon dubbed the “oligarchs.”

(”Oligarchy” is Greek for “government of the few.”)

One of them, the recently deceased, arch-Machiavellian Boris Berezovsky, engineered the rise of an ex-KGB officer to the prime ministership. Vladimir Putin ultimately proved less than grateful, though. Once Putin became president in his own stead, he was quick to cut his erstwhile patron down to size, forcing Berezvosky into exile.

Putin curtailed the power of other Yeltsin-era tycoons, too (most notably Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who now marks his 10th year of imprisonment in a labor camp), but in their place he raised up a new group of businessmen — many with ties to the old Soviet security services — who owed their fortunes to him. One of them, another KGB alumnus named Igor Sechin, who heads the country’s largest oil company, is regarded by some as the second-most powerful man after Putin himself.

But this isn’t only Russia’s problem.

As has now become apparent, globalization and the powerful economic forces it has unleashed have awarded unparalleled wealth and power to a tiny new elite. 

Call them what you will: the superclass, the plutocrats, the “global meritocracy.”

What they exemplify is the nexus of wealth and political power. And that’s a problem that is increasingly vexing voters in places from London to Kuala Lumpur.

It’s a challenge that takes different forms.

In China, membership in the ruling Communist Party is often the easy road to wealth. Many of today’s political scandals center on the antics of well-connected “princelings,” the descendants of senior party officials who embody the country’s peculiarly potent blend of Marxist-Leninist crony capitalism. Thanks to some remarkable digging by enterprising journalists in recent years, we’ve learned some astonishing things about the scale of privilege enjoyed by the extended families of notables such as President Xi Jinping and ex-Prime Minister Wen Jiabao.

But this hardly comes as a surprise.

When you consider that the People’s Republic is governed by the seven members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party, you’re talking about a tiny number of families who exercise unchecked control over one of the world’s largest economies. In such a setting, it’s only natural that political and economic power are mutually reinforcing.

The situation in China is, of course, the outcome of an economic liberalization program steered by an autocratic elite.

In the countries of the developed West the situation is rather different. The number of players is larger; wealth and political influence are more widely distributed.

But that is presumably small comfort to, say, the Americans who have emerged as losers from the country’s latest Gilded Age. ( Oh and Americans don’t like losing, in case you hadn’t noticed.)

Economic equality in the United States grew steadily during the first three decades of the period following World War II, but ground to a halt amid the stagflation and increasing international competition of the 1970s.

As economist Joseph Stiglitz notes in a recent editorial:

“Last year, the top 1 percent of Americans took home 22 percent of the nation’s income; the top 0.1 percent, 11 percent. 

Ninety-five percent of all income gains since 2009 have gone to the top 1 percent. 

Recently released census figures show that median income in America hasn’t budged in almost a quarter-century.”

At the same time, the extraordinary permissiveness of U.S. laws on lobbying and campaign financing has allowed wealthy elites to gain immense sway over the political process.

By now, anyone who follows American politics has heard the stories about the vast sums of cash spent by conservative business magnates like the Koch Brothers; less often discussed, perhaps, are the rich Democrats, such as George Soros or Tom Steyer, who are happy to leverage their wealth to shape policy.

But even less visible are the big corporations and industrial associations who can purchase lawmakers and fix legislation to boost their own bottom lines.

One recent academic study calculates that 40 percent of political campaign contributions in 2012 came from one-hundredth of 1 percent of U.S. households. That figure probably reflects the new economic elite’s growing awareness of its own political power — not to mention the apathy among other segments of the population who feel increasingly divorced from meaningful participation.

The erosion of alternative power centers, such as labor unions, undoubtedly contributes to a sense of rising cynicism and disengagement. It all serves to undermine the promise of America’s democratic system. (Given this context, it’s no wonder that the U.S. Supreme Court is once again weighing the question of limits on individual contributions to political campaigns.)

As a result, the United States is now experiencing a remarkable discussion of the causes of the new inequality and its political consequences. Authors from George Packer to Tyler Cowen are stirring impassioned debate about the perceived breakdown of the American social compact. The new book from economist Angus Deaton, “The Great Escape,” includes a memorable quote from the lawyer Louis Brandeis: “If democracy becomes plutocracy, those who are not rich are effectively disenfranchised.”

Can we stop the trend?

  •  Some — like Cowen, who believes that current inequality is largely a function of technological change — are skeptical.
  • Others insist that we can counter the drift towards government by the few with smart policies designed to level the playing field — above all in education, infrastructure and health care.
  • Measures to limit the role of money in politics probably wouldn’t be a bad idea either (presuming we can find some that actually work). For those who still believe in the primacy of the market, the package might also include measures designed to promote genuine competition in the place of today’s corporate welfare for politically plugged-in superfirms.

This certainly doesn’t mean giving up on capitalism.

As development economists point out, globalization has brought relative prosperity to many around the world who couldn’t even dream of it before. (Think, for a start, of all those Chinese peasants who can now afford three meals a day — unthinkable in times past.) Overall health and development indicators have improved dramatically over the past 50 years.

None of this, however, obviates the need to ensure that the extraordinary benefits accruing to the superstars at the top don’t end up disenfranchising the rest of us. Otherwise the future looks dark.


Balance of power, being able to control our own money, having access to clear and accurate information about banking practices so that what we do as individuals allows us to make informed and educated decisions, genuine decisions, about our own assets and lives are reasonable requests. Otherwise the future looks dark.

Our experience using METABANK crossed over into the dark zone. We were lied to. Our own cash money was kept from us. METABANK took our cash money first and then made up some far fetched story that was so easy to see through that it was disgusting. Seeing immoral and criminal acts, being lied to and being taken advantage by a power banker which is how METABANK has been acting, not only in the USA, but on a global scale is so extreme that we must speak up and out against how METABANK operates.

Consumers must align, join forces and work collectively for solutions to the problems created by METABANK and any other entity that wants to use consumer’s money as an interest free loan for themselves. METABANK operates as a usurer, a loan shark, in the greediest and most self-centered sense of that has ever existed.

METABANK began as a “THRIFT BANK” which catered to the poorest and most economically fragile citizens from whom they charged exorbitant interest rates and then moved into “COLLECTIONS” which is really what METABANK is all about, the enforcement of collections. METABANK sets up all the rules by which they operate and also retains the right to change the rules without notices. METABANK operates as a scam of consumers. No safe guards are in place to protect consumers from predators like METABANK. Only you as a consumer can protect yourselves.

If we hadn’t been so badly scammed by METABANK as their former customer, we wouldn’t feel so compelled to write this blog…. The reality is that METABANK abused us as their customer so we feel that all we can do is to alert others to prevent from happening to them what we had foisted upon us as a customer of METABANK. We are trying to put into action the “Golden Rule.” If only METABANK had treated us the way we would have liked to have been treated as customers

#1 We would have been pleased with the service we received from METABANK

#2 We would still be doing business with METABANK

#3 We would be endorsing the kind of product offered by METABANK       ………… BUT WE ARE NOT  !!!!!


CONSUMERS, BE WARNED!!! Don’t become a customer of MetaBank. Unfortunately, Meta Bank operates using many different names and they use a partner company to market their prepaid network branded bank cards.

Because METABANK is the largest processor of the Network Branded Prepaid Bank Cards, it will be difficult for you to know if you are a customer of METABANK or one operating in the same manner as METABANK. METABANK has offered classes to other banking entities in their methods so as to normalize their practices.

We are curious about the placement of METABANK advertisements.

When your boss asks you to do work that you perceive to be immoral…..

Exploring the Self-Esteem Related to “Having a Job” any job…. an immoral job may backfire

We have wondered how the METABANK employees who answer the phones as customer service representatives actually feel about what they do.


Certainly they must know they are lying to people, ordinary people who are just like them.


Statistics show that bank tellers in Storm Lake Iowa earn salaries that place them below poverty level.  How desperate can these phone representatives be? Have they been so mislead that they believe in what they are doing?

If they are ignorant of what they are doing, what will it take for them to realize that they are the ones who are making METABANK’s CEOS super rich while they still live below the poverty level?

Could they understand that by lying to the customers that this is dishonest? For how long can these customer representatives going on perpetuating this lie that makes their CEOs so rich? Certainly there must be something in it for these people to lie to other people who are so much like them at the other end of the phone? What kind of “UNTRUTHS” have these METABANK phone representatives been fed so that they carry out the dirtiest job on behalf of the METABANK CEOs?

At Work: Job, self-esteem tied tightly together

Andrea Kay, Gannett12:57 p.m. EDT August 31, 2013

Feedback on the job can be a buffer against depression.

Work means so much to us Americans that without it some people don’t want to get out of bed in the morning.

That is likely one reason unemployed adults and those not working as much as they would like are twice as likely to be depressed as Americans employed full time. [Feeling stuck in a dead-end job such as being a phone representative for METABANK…. This has got to be a pathetic and hopeless situation for those who are being required to do the dirty work that makes the METABANK CEOs rich and then richer yet.]

STORY: Who’s feeling stressed? Young adults
COLUMN: Workers’ happiness rubs off on profits [ Think about this!!!!!!]

That’s the conclusion of a Jan. 1-July 25 survey of more than 100,000 Americans conducted by the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. It says 16.6% of unemployed Americans are depressed compared to 5.6% of those who work full time.

“Self-esteem and self-worth are closely aligned with working,” says psychotherapist Charles Allen, who estimates about 10% of his clients are out of work or worried about losing their job.

When you have a job, you have a continuous source of feedback that you are a contributing member of society, he says. That’s not to say you go to work thinking, “Hey, I’m a valued member of society.” The idea is largely subconscious.

[But what if you are asked to harm innocent people who are just like you whom you only encounter at the other end of the phone??? That can’t feel hopeful in anyway.]

“You feel it in the depths of your brain,” he says.

Being employed helps you feel wanted and that you’re contributing to your finances, says psychotherapist Elizabeth Lombardo. It also gives you social support — “a buffer against depression.”

In his practice, psychotherapist Jonathan Alpert sees a lot of unemployed people who are depressed.

He describes them as usually feeling hopeless and helpless, their sense of identity greatly diminished.

“Employment provides a sense of purpose, … of belongingness,” he says. “Those who are unemployed lack that purpose.”

Some unemployed workers also lack structure, which leads to unhealthy habits like staying up until 3 a.m. then getting up late the next day. That “makes them feel even more different than the employed,” Alpert says.

Being depressed also can affect your ability to seek and keep a job.

Allen’s depressed clients who are unemployed “typically have tremendous difficulty in finding work because they lack energy and drive to engage in a job hunt,” he says. Their pessimism and feelings of worthlessness also contribute to the idea that they won’t find work.

When motivation plummets, you withdraw and “why bother?” prevails, Lombardo says.

A depressed person may not do well in interviews.

“Who wants to hire ‘Debbie Downer?’ ” she asks.

Some people who are depressed can have a tough time keeping a job: They take too much time off, have a lack of drive, don’t concentrate well and sometimes simply don’t care, Alpert says.

[ The term “SIMPLY DON’T CARE” highlights that some people may take a job as a phone representative at METABANK just to have a job. They may understand that what they are doing is immoral, but perceive that there aren’t many other options. This has got to be a sad state of affairs for these employees. If they could see a positive way forward, internally they may be able to ask for the right to treat others fairly…. This situation is predatory on so many levels…. Shame on METABANK CEOs who created this abhorent and offensive scenario.]

They also “often have a poor self-image and lack confidence, two factors that strongly impact job retention and performance,” he says.

Alpert says he also sees a lot of another type of depression — in people who are employed.

It “usually stems from high stress and feeling disenchanted with their job or simply unhappy with the direction their career has taken them,” he says.

Feeling stuck in a position “can bring about a sense you have no control over your situation,” Lombardo says. “Feeling powerless can cause depression. And depression can lead to getting demoted.”

Depression among those with jobs costs U.S. employers $23 billion annually in lost productivity, according to Gallup.

The survey found that depression decreases as income rises. It showed that Americans who earn less than $36,000 annually are nearly three times more likely to be depressed than those who earn more than $90,000 annually.

Depression takes a toll on a person — employed or jobless — as well as the economy.

[We find it impossible to believe that the METABANK Phone representatives who lie to customers can do this in the long term without having some feelings of remorse. We have, of course, made the assumption that they are human beings. How desperate are they that they can continue to lie to people who are a lot like them at the other end of the phone?]

It may be depressing to talk about depression. But the more we know about it and discuss it, the more likely the stigma associated with it will be reduced.  [We believe that America is a sick society at this time. It is imperative that as ordinary people that we insist on humane treatment of each other… this treatment goes both ways, you know… It is the “Golden Rule.”]

And perhaps the people who need help the most will get it.

Career consultant Andrea Kay is the author of This Is How To Get Your Next Job: An Inside Look at What Employers Really Want.


Note:  Please notice carefully where METABANK and any other Prepaid Bank Card offered places their advertisements 

Pay Power is METABANK and METABANK’s practices fail consumers repeatedly

Had METABANK not taken advantage of us, made us very vulnerable, and lied to us and to the Better Business Bureau of Des Moines, this blog would never have been created.

But the fact remains that METABANK lied to us, the partner company that sold us their product and to the BBB of Des Moines, IA. METABANK took our money, our cash money because that is the only way that a card can be loaded/re-loaded, and then kept us from having access to our own money when we needed it the most. This action made us even more vulnerable than if we had been paying directly using cash. The prepaid card only is a money making gimmick that serves to make the METABANK CEOs outrageously rich… This is not a sustainable pattern for the US Economy.

Why you don’t want a PAYPOWER VISA DEBIT issued by METABANK tm

#1 Pay Power is a METABANK product.

#2 The gimmick of attaching a direct deposit that will give you the added bonus of a $20 credit isn’t enough of an incentive given the fact that you will actually be giving complete and full control of all of your assets over to METABANK, an unknown and anonymous entity that you found online.

#3  The concept of a direct deposit is okay, but it has been so abused by METABANK that in their hands it becomes like a weapon against METABANK’s own customer base.

#4 Many customers, that is former customers of METABANK, have complained for years now that METABANK keeps them from being able to access their own money when they need it the most. METABANK’s customer representatives have lied to customers repeatedly for the reasons that the customers aren’t able to access their own money. The control that METABANK wields over their customers’ accounts has gone far beyond what can be considered normal and appropriate. METABANK’s customers are a huge cash cow for METABANK and create a “living hell” for customers who must give METABANK cash money.

#5 METABANK promises to provide safety and security, but this isn’t for their customers. METABANK is working to get safety and security for themselves. Once METABANK has control of all of your assets, your cash money, then you will discover that you can’t access your own cash money. You have been taken in by false promises.

# 6 METABANK is really a collections agency and not a bank in the sense that we have always thought of banks. METABANK relies on the consumers’ previously held impression of banks as being the safest place to keep  their money. METABANK is a Member of FDIC and that statement may lull customers into thinking that METABANK will be in a fiduciary position to protect their customers’ assets…. METABANK is not and has never been able to deliver a quality product for protecting their customer base.

#7  METABANK relies on partner companies and internet ads to get  new customers so they can keep doing the same old scam to a new batch of consumers. METABANK relies on getting a new batch of customers of whom they will then begin to take advantage for their own personal gain and at the expense and misery of the METABANK customer.

#8 Marketing strategies of METABANK involve the creation of new names for the same scam on consumers. This is one way that METABANK endeavors to get around the law… METABANK “is always one step ahead of the law.”

#9 METABANK creates all the rules governing their services or as it turns out for consumers ” a lack of real service accompanied by abuses.”

#10 METABANK helped to create the “Non-Profit” NPBCA to advocate for PREPAID CARDS in DC by using Rupli and Associates. It is a way for METABANK to make themselves appear to be legitimate…. What METABANK does with the prepaid cards is to abuse consumers. The cards are designed so that METABANK has control of your cash money. Customer Fees are attached to opening up the cards while METABANK is getting an interest Free Loan from those who can least afford to give out loans.

#11 METABANK is a “thrift bank”… This term is used to indicate the lowest level of customer service and the highest level of fees for the consumer.

#12 METABANK indicates that “No Credit Check” is required, but consumers have indicated that META BANK does a credit check anyway, but without your knowledge. METABANK is consciously looking for the more vulnerable people to give them loans at a very high interest rate.

#13 By creating a direct deposit from your salary/payroll check or government check that is affiliated with a METABANK debit card, you are becoming an economic slave for METABANK. As a consumer, you must understand that you are establishing a state of economic servitude for yourself by entering into a contract with METABANK.

#14 METABANK/NBPCA is like a Cancer: they are offering training sessions around the USA. Just look at their schedule of up-coming events. You may believe that you are not going to be affected by METABANK, but it may be that you already are one of their customers. The training sessions serve the purpose of normalizing the type of actions and the way that METABANK has scammed their customer base for a period of years now.

#15 METABANK created an organization that purportedly examines customer service and that organization gave METABANK a best customer service award…. While customers continue to complain about how they were abused and taken advantage of by METABANK.

#16  METABANK never accepts responsibility for the problems they have created for others, their own customer base. By design this cannot be a sustainable way to do business, but  in the meantime, as consumers, we don’t want to become METABANK’s next victim as their system comes to a head and fails. METABANK is using a get rich quick scheme. It is not a long term solution for any bank or their customer base.

#17 METABANK has as its parent company META PAYMENT SOLUTIONS and META FINANCIAL GROUP INC… METABANK really isn’t at its core a bank in the conventional sense that will protect their customer base’s assets in a mutually beneficial arrangement. Empty promises are used to lure in customers; METABANBK has no intention of providing those services. Years of consumer complaints have proven this to be true. METABANK advertises for employees who are willing to work in a fast paced, ever changing scenario and who can deal with angry customers. METABANK expects “angry customers” because at the heart of what they are doing, even METABANK knows what they do is a fraud and an abuse of their own customers for their own get rich quick scheme.

All that we can do is to try to warn others about this problem:

METABANK relies on the internet and partner companies to push their prepaid card.

METABANK makes promises and implies services they have no intention of ever giving their customer base.

METABANK relies on keeping their customer base at a distance. Customers have been charged for phoning METABANK. Many customers say that they get the run around from METABANK when they phone. It appears to consumers that the METABANK phone representatives have been given a list of reasons for why consumers can’t access their own money. The underlying message is always that IT IS THE CUSTOMERS’ FAULT FOR WHY THE METABANK PREPAID CARD DOESN’T WORK

METABANK has never shown any kind of real and genuine response to their customers’ complaints. The customers complain about the identical mistreatment and METABANK has never ever actually addressed their customers’ input nor their real needs. METABANK’s publicity says one thing, but the actual customer service will be totally different and horrible.

Please be advised to ” DO NOT BUSINESS WITH METABANK” or with any other bank or partner trained by METABANK

The old saying that your parents used to tell you that “just because everybody else is doing something, it doesn’t make it right”…. METABANK and the NBPCA may provide training events to promote and to normalize what they are doing, but what METABANK does and how METABANK operates is immoral and an abuse against society and humanity in general for their own personal gain… Consumers are being warned to no do business with METABANK or any entity that has been influenced by METABANK.

METABANK Scams their customers over and over again

youre not aloneyou’re not alone

Nov 14, 2009



I purchased an Only1 prepaid debit card for gasoline purchases to avoid using my bank checkcard and to pay at the pumps. The card I purchased was a $100.00 card.

The total cost was $106.00 at the register.

The following morning I tried to use the card at the pumps only to discover the card was only good for in store purchases.

I prepaid for $20.00 worth of gas and left with the intention of spending the balance immediately and eliminating the card.

Imagine my surprise when 30 minutes later I discovered the balance on the card was $5. Thats right!!! I paid $106.00 for a card with a purchase value of $25.00

Please complain to everyone , everywhere until we get the proper customer service we need as consumers….METABANK hasn’t provided proper customer service and they apparently don’t have any intention of giving proper customer service…. As consumers we must speak up for our rights!!!!!

METABANK: fast-paced, progressive, innovative culture



Here’s your opportunity to put your talents to work in the quickly changing financial industry.

Quickly changing!!!?? So fast that the rules given to the customers when they open an account will never be applied to their account. This is based on our own experience having used METABANK and found their customer service to be unacceptable.  Quickly changing??? Why? To keep one step ahead of the law? It sure  looks that way to consumers.
MetaBank and Meta Payment Systems (a division of MetaBank) are seeking talented, self-motivated technology, information systems and business professionals to become a part of our fast-growing team.
Fast-growing team…. what does this mean? Technology and information systems skills seem appropriate, but our experience using METABANK found their operation to be anything but appropriate. 

If you enjoy a challenge and thrive in a fast-paced, progressive, innovative culture with a company who is on the leading edge of the financial industry, we’d like to talk to you about joining our team.


You must decide if this is really the right path!!!



The term “Progressive” is a

Part of Speech: adjective
METABANK’s Definition for the way

they do business is being “PROGRESSIVE::



Here are some of the Synonyms

for PROGRESSIVE, a.k.a. liberal; growing:





















left of center,














Here are some

“Antonyms” for the way

that METABANK describes how they do business:



Personally, I would rather have a conservative and moderate bank holding my money on my behalf.           METABANK is the opposite of what I expect and need from a bank. METABANK indicates that what they do will be radical. How radical and will what METABANK offers suit your needs as a consumer as a radical banking service…. Sorry, customers, I know that what you received from METABANK was anything but service.

Ok, so, METABANK is one huge ‘pain in the neck’ for consumers. So many consumers have complained about how poorly they were treated by METABANK over now a period of many years, far too many years. It is almost that METABANK perceives the number of complaints they get from their customers as one of the signs of their standard and/or guidelines for what constitutes success.

We would prefer to use a bank that is conservative and moderate in the way they are handling our cash money for us on our behalf.

The only thing that METABANK is on the leading edge of is taking the US over the edge…

… The way that METABANK does business is not acceptable!!!

Simply don’t use a METABANK PRODUCT? Not as easy as it may seem!!! 

Inspired by their early success in scamming the underbanked, METABANK never could be satiated and moved out to seek other targets to scam. You could be holding a METABANK card now and not even know it. METABANK gets a partner company…. METABANK wines and dines, i.e. carefully courts the CEOs of partner companies to get them to market the METABANK PREPAID CARD for them, and you may not know that you have been sold a METABANK PREPAID CARD…

… METABANK has found a get rich quick scheme that works for them. METABANK fails in the area of proper and appropriate customer service in spite of some organizations solely created for the single purpose of giving out customer service awards to METABANK. METABANK, itself, created the organization that gives METABANK the award for outstanding customer service.

It is part of the scam by METABANK CEOs who have a greedy and narcissistic view of the world. METABANK doesn’t care at all about quality customer service. If they did, customers wouldn’t be complaining over and over again about them.

Intensifying applies to how METABANK ramps up their scam through the way they do publicity. Escalating also describes how the METABANK scam of consumers has affected our economy in general.

METABANK’s definition of success is inappropriate, greedy, self-centered and contrived to stack the cards in their favor and to the great disadvantage of anyone who is unfortunate enough to have become their customer. The rules change in METABANK’s “FAST PACED MIND SET” of success.

innovative culture

The adjective ‘innovative’ is defined as creative
Synonyms for           innovative  include: 




breaking new ground,








just out,








As consumers, we must ask ourselves if these attributes listed above are what we really want from the bank where we choose to bank.

‘Device’ means an explosive contrivance; a bomb.

Synonyms for ‘device’ are appliance, gadget, contrivance, apparatus, gear.

Deviceful means ‘Full of devices’ – Consumers have complained that they feel tricked by METABANK and that they would never have agreed to the terms of the agreement in the way that they are and have been applied repeatedly to newly attained customers. However, as customers of METABANK we feel used and abused. Our faith in banks has been destroyed.

Deviceful and innovative are therefore negative attributes that we have found to be consistently present in the way that METABANK operates.


Antonyms: customary, habitual, old, traditional, uncreative,unimaginative

Within the antonyms for INNOVATIVE, we find included: customary, and traditional. Old is there too. Old isn’t a negative; Old can be the tried and true ways of doing things. In a bank, as their customer base, we want security, but we haven’t found it through our experience using METABANK.

METABANK may perceive themselves as being at the cutting-edge. Cutting-edge is a noun that refers to the ‘edge of a tools’ blade.’

When  ’cutting-edge’ is used as an adjective it may mean “At the latest or most advanced stage of development; innovative or pioneering.” The synonyms given for ‘cutting-edge’ are: edge, blade.

As former customers of METABANK, we were taken advantage of and abused by the way that METABANK does business. METABANK is off on the edge, but not in any kind of positive or fruitful way for humanity. As a blade, METABANK mows down their customers and then just moves onto the next targeted sucker to make them a METABANK customer.

Innovative Culture as far as METABANK is concerned only refers to being ‘way out there’ and not being in touch with their customers real and expressed needs. METABANK lies to their customers and treats them/us like dirt once they have the customers money and full control of that customer’s cash money.

Why does METABANK feel the need to lie to their customers while they have scammed them?

Why does METABANK create awards for their customer service given the number of customer complaints that are readily available online?

METABANK is some ‘newfangled’ use of the term bank. METABANK really is nothing more than a collections agency. To get customers to opt into selecting the services of a collections agency, METABANK uses lies in their skillfully written publicity. Unfortunately what is written in their publicity isn’t accurate in the way it describes how customers will be treated once they opt in; METABANK simply needs to get as many people to opt in as possible.

Newfangled is an adjective meaning “Different from what one is used to; objectionably new.” This is how consumers found the METABANK product …METABANK’s PREPAID CARD/DEBIT CARD is objectionable and METABANK doesn’t care that their product doesn’t actually provide a genuine service for customers. They just need more and more people as customers so they can scam them and get even richer. It is a disgusting trait for a business to have. The new technology has allowed METABANK to flourish using this scam. It is a scam of scale; that is the only way that METABANK is innovative in the sense that most of us would consider the term.

Why should a bank be fast-paced????

METABANK prides itself on having a fast-paced work environment.

METABANK seeks out multi-taskers, but research has shown that multi-tasking isn’t a desirable quality. Texting and driving are the clearest example we have been given. As customers of any entity, we want to be treated in a fair and just manner. We want the full attention and full focus of those we have contracted to serve us.

METABANK has this concept backwards and views their approach as some big deal approach. Time and time again we have told METABANK that they have failed to serve us.

METABANK wasn’t established to serve us as consumers/customers. NO, NO, NO, customers are only considered to be a tool by which METABANK gets rich and then richer. Well, their CEOs get rich. Those hirelings who have been instructed to lie to the customers barely make a living wage and many bank employees in Storm Lake, IOWA make below a living wage.

As consumers, we need well thought out services that actually meet our needs and that help us to achieve our goals. METABANK presents customers with a preconceived contract that from the start is abusive. It is all in the fine print, and it is a contract. Customers are mislead into believing that they will be receiving a real service in return. The truth is that METABANK is all over the place; METABANK changes the name they operate using to market the same piece of crap over and over again to new targeted customers and the scam begins anew.

“Fast paced” instead of well thought out traditional and conservative drives METABANK and fails to provide consumers with an acceptable product.

There is a reaction to this “Fast-paced” mindset coming about at this time. Americans no longer want to feel so driven. “Fast-paced” is a gimmick created by employers who thought they could get their employees to work harder and longer for less money. We are all beginning to see the light. METABANK has failed to listen to their customers time and time again. We want to receive a real service and not be lied to repeatedly. We see the scam that is METABANK….. All that we can do is to caution others so they don’t have to experience what we did by being a METABANK customer

The Slow Movement

For fast acting relief, try slowing down.
~ Lily Tomlin, Comedienne

Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly.

                                                ~ Mae West, Actress


We are living the fast life, instead of the good life.

                                        ~ Carl Honoré, author of In Praise of Slowness

The Slow Movement is a term describing a wide range of efforts taking place around the world that seek to connect us more meaningfully with others, with place, and with ourselves. It emerged as an effort to counteract the fast–paced, commodity–focused, unbalanced, and impersonal nature of much of modern human culture.


The main tenant of the Slow Movement is that by taking the appropriate amount of time to experience the various activities of our lives, we are able to get in touch with what is deeply satisfying and fulfilling.

The origins of the Slow Movement are with Slow Food which began in 1986 in Italy as a reaction to “fast food.”

Carlo Petrini founded the Slow Food movement to promote the use of fresh local foods, grown with sustainable farming techniques, prepared with love, and consumed in a leisurely manner in the company of good friends and family. He and others soon realized that food was just one aspect of life that benefitted from this type of attention and nurturing.

“Slow” eventually became shorthand for a philosophy and way of life that is now applied to many activities and aspects of life, or generally as Slow Living.
Carl Honoré has written and spoken extensively about the Slow Movement, most notably in his book In Praise of Slowness. He describes how slow has been adopted and adapted around the world. Here are some of the branches of the Slow Movement:

  • Slow Relationships – taking time to savor, deepen, and invigorate the important relationships in your life.
  • Slow Sex – read above again!
  • Slow Exercise – combining working out with time in nature or time with friends.
  • Slow Hobbies – doing something that feeds your soul and helps the planet at the same time.
  • Slow Work – being a craftsman at what you do, and doing it in service to others.
  • Slow Travel – enjoying the journey, experiencing regional flavor, and restoring your mind and body, and traveling closer to home.
  • Slow Clothing – creatively reusing clothing as well as making your own.
  • Slow Parenting & Slow Families – finding ways for your children to experience the joys of free time, creativity, and deep engagement with life.
  • Slow Education – learning new skills that help you be more connected to your daily life: cooking, sewing, music, repairs, etc. and that help you to stretch and grow.
  • Slow Money – using your money wisely and toward the things that really matter and that support the well–being of yourself, others, and the planet.

The list keeps growing and includes such things as Slow Bicycles, Slow Cinema, and some of our favorites:

Slow Living,

Slow Homes,

Slow Design,

and Slow Cities.
It is important to note that the Slow Movement is not about doing things slowly.

It is about finding the right speed with which to do something in a way that values quality over quantity, long term benefits over short term gains, and well–being of the many over the few.

That is worth noting. This is what needs to happen in the world now.

In the long run, many Slow Movement proponents would argue that slow can ultimately be faster, and certainly better, as we make decisions and act in ways that are more thoughtful and considerate than purely efficiency driven processes. 

One thing that isn’t slow about the movement is its growth. The time for slow has arrived as people around the world look for ways to focus on the more rewarding intrinsic values of their lives that are often and otherwise overwhelmed by technology, complexity, and a 24/7 world. We invite you to jump into the world of slow and discover how you would like to slow up and enjoy the good life.


Slow Money

What happens when we apply the principles of Slow Living to personal finance? Slow Money, of course!

This means making sure that our economic activity—earning, spending, investing, and general resource use—promotes the well being of not only ourselves, but other people and the planet as well.

METABANK’s whole philosophy and manner of doing business is contrary to this concept.

The roots of Slow Money are numerous and varied, and have been most recently expressed in terms of sustainable and green economics.

Some of this rethinking was inspired by Natural Capitalism (1989) which laid out the argument that natural resources and the services they provide have considerable value for human culture.

These include the water we drink, the air we breathe, the pollination that helps grow our food, and so on. Our well being is very dependent on the health of these natural systems, and we suffer the consequences if we fail to maintain them.

When it comes to human well being, the Fair Trade, cooperative, and micro–lending movements, among others, have sought out approaches to production, distribution, and investment that truly enhance the quality of life for those involved. As globalization has separated producers from consumers, and the human and environmental impacts have become diffuse, these efforts have created economic systems that ensure people are compensated fairly for their work and minimize any environmental damage.
In his 2008 book Inquiries into the Nature of Slow Money—Investing as if Food, Farms and Fertility Mattered, author Woody Tasch put forward the term Slow Money to indicate the environmental and human benefits of shifting investments into local food systems.

As it evolves, Slow Money is expanding beyond our connection with food to other aspects of Slow Living.

Ultimately, it invites us to consider the life-affirming opportunities for connection, meaning, equity, etc., that are possible as we go about the task of getting what we need and want.

METABANK’s practices are not life-affirming

We can buy food, and we can grow food. We can hire a service, and we can trade and share with friends and others in our community. We can go to the store to buy what we need, and we can borrow, barter, or turn to Craig’s List, Freecycle, garage sales, and the church bazaar. More and more creative alternatives are emerging all the time. Increasingly many of them make use of technology, the internet, and social networking as well as new types of real time organizations that value sharing, trading and cooperating for mutual benefit.

Other ways to practice Slow Money include the following:

  • Finding non-monetary ways to meet your needs that deepen connection and develop creativity—DIY, barter, share, trade, gift, etc.—with friends, family and neighbors.
  • Spending your money as an expression of your values. Buying local products and services from local businesses to enhance the economy where you live.
  • Supporting Fair Trade and other ethically and environmentally based businesses.
  • Banking at a local bank or credit union.
  • Investing in people and businesses you believe in. Volunteering for and donating to organizations doing good work in local communities.
  • Investing in healthy food systems: planting fruit and nut trees, growing a vegetable garden, creating fertile soil, infiltrating water into the ground, buying from farmers’ markets, supporting school gardens, starting a community garden, and buying local organic products.

Working to free yourself from any psychological issues you may have about money that drain you of life energy.

METABANK, the way METABANK operates is life-draining

Organizing your personal finances, and spending well within your means to grow a financial cushion for the future.

For our part, we are one of the growing number of businesses that is interested in offering services as part of a gift economy. We offer our clients the option of paying–it–forward such that each client is offering a gift to the next. This allows us to work with our clients according to their need, and not based on financial standing.

Like all aspects of the Slow Movement, Slow Money is a work in progress that draws upon many ideas from sustainability. The goal, as always, is to apply our creativity and develop life–affirming practices for the benefit of ourselves, our communities, and where we live.


May this serve as a cautionary treatise that elaborates for the general public that METABANK only perceives themselves to be out in the forefront of innovative banking practices. METABANK’s perception of reality and the way that things should be is limited by a self-serving and self-centered view of how the world should be. We do not share the same goals as METABANK.

METABANK doesn’t create nor build community in a positive and nurturing way. Quite the opposite, METABANK is a destructive force for all that we as a community of humanity need to become sustainable. METABANK is out to beat out the competition and to destroy the customer base; METABANK relies on a scale of numbers. Population numbers provide METABANBK with more and more people to scam every day.

Please be forewarned and stay far away from doing any kind of business with METABANK!!!!